Recent content by Alex

  1. Alex

    New here

    Hello and welcome aboard! :wave:
  2. Alex

    Mr Deaf SEO

    Hi and welcome, MrDeafSEO! How do you communicate with your hearing clients?
  3. Alex

    just some confused thing.....

    I think as long as the hearing individual knows sign language to communicate effectively with their deaf/hoh partner, then a healthy marriage is possible. :yesway:
  4. Alex

    The Decline of Hearing Tracker

    Hey there! Sorry to hear about your experience at HT. Why don't you try out our sister forum at
  5. Alex

    How to find classes for sign language

    Hi there. Have you tried searching on Google? Try a search phrase like "asl classes near me" or "sign language classes near me"
  6. Alex

    Back on Alldeaf! Hello everyone!

    No, I haven't seen Jiro nor talked to him a while. Think he's on FB though.
  7. Alex

    Back on Alldeaf! Hello everyone!

    Hey there, welcome back! I'm still around after all these years. Curious what made you come check us out again. Did you just remembered the site, or did you see a post on social media, or maybe during a search query on a search engine?
  8. Alex

    Converting English text to ASL gloss

    It should be the second "Your animal favorite what?"
  9. Alex

    New member here Alex

    Hi Alex, welcome to AllDeaf! :)
  10. Alex

    New here!

    Hi there, welcome aboard! :) What made you want to learn ASL in the first place? Good luck with your studies.
  11. Alex

    Cochlear implant

    Hey there, welcome aboard! How do you like your CI so far? :)
  12. Alex

    Looking for Deaf/Hoh friends near me!

    Hi and welcome! Are you looking for friends to meet in-person, or virtual, or both?
  13. Alex

    Deaf / ASL Content Writer Needed

    We're looking to hire someone who can write about deaf people, their culture, and/or American Sign Language. If you have amazing writing skills, then this job is for you. We will pay you on a per-article basis. You will go the extra mile to deliver high-quality writing, and back it up with...
  14. Alex

    Peers suck

    Hi there, you're not alone. I think many of us go through the same thing, including myself. It can be frustrating and sometimes it hurts. The only advice I can give you is to learn to ignore them. It will take some getting used to, but once you learn how and when to do it, you'll forget about it...
  15. Alex

    Site Redesign & Enhancements Coming Soon

    Not yet. I'm working on setting one up for folks like you who need something not-so-bright. I'll keep you updated.