CI Moments

I had a great CI moment yesterday. A childhood friend of mine found me on myspace and I have not spoken to in over 10 years. She calls me yesterday and I had very little trouble understanding her. I was driving and I walked into the store and back out all keeping with the conversation. She told me my speech sounds so much better, that its not as deep.

That felt amazing to be talk to her like we just spoke yesterday!
It's always great to get feedback from people you haven't seen for a while. They notice the differences that people close-by don't see.. certainly after 10 years....

Bet she didn't recognize you from those glamor-pictures :)
It's always great to get feedback from people you haven't seen for a while. They notice the differences that people close-by don't see.. certainly after 10 years....

Bet she didn't recognize you from those glamor-pictures :)

LOL! Cloggy, you are absolutely right! She didn't recognize me at all. Last time she saw me I was this 16 year old overweight pimple faced buck tooth girl :)

Talking to an old friend has got to be one of the best feelings in the world.
I got CI moment today
I was working at my job in guitar pick factory as pick printer I know its not the most glamour job but I need the money and job experience so I work there, anyways its in factory so its naturally loud with hundreds of the machines running at once and i was working in small section of the factory and the owner of the company came in to check if im doing alright and i guess he could tell that i was stressed and he caught me redhanded (literally cuz the laser were red and i put my hand under the laser haha) and he touched my arm and speak to me said 'can you hear me?" I shook my head so he told me to follow him and we went out of the section to little quieter place but still hear machine noise, and said "can you hear me now?" I nodded and he was teling me not to put my hand under the laser that counts the pick in the box to turn on green light to let the stamper thingy to print the pick know its a go to print anyways told me not to put hand under there, and to relax and do my best and if I missed it let it go and finish filling it up at next turn and showed me tips on how to do it better and I didnt realized till I sat down and resume working and I realized "hey i understood him... over all this noise? wow awesome" haha
I notice that I can't understand at all but maybe one word by lipreading if I'm lucky or very common word like thank you without my CI while I lost it for while. with my back up Mini BTE activated and have maps in it yesterday so now I can understand people sooooo much better its amazing how much difference this made for me in communication!
especially in noisy place wow! Never thought this will ever happen to me that I can understand person in noisy evironment!
LOL! Cloggy, you are absolutely right! She didn't recognize me at all. Last time she saw me I was this 16 year old overweight pimple faced buck tooth girl :)

Talking to an old friend has got to be one of the best feelings in the world.

I bet it feels really good to be hearing again Skullchick - you must have sooo missed your CI. :)
My first entry! :)

Today I heard the first sentence since implant without lip-reading and not expecting. A co-worker asked me "What time do you get off work today?" and I was looking at my shoes but I heard it. Maybe because she has asked me this question in the past?
You get "used" to the way a person speaks, so the fact you had heard her say it in the past might have made it easier! Congrats - the thrill of understanding w/o looking at somebody never really goes away, even years later!
the thrill of understanding w/o looking at somebody never really goes away, even years later!

This is one of the neatest things that happens to me with my implant - even 18 years post-implantation. I was actually just thinking about that the other day - my wife called "do you want gravy on your mashed potatoes" unexpectedly from in the kitchen, and I completely got what she said without any repeats or confusion. One of life's little pleasures...

Oh, and I get a little tickle too when I catch the captions and spoken words on a TV show/movie being different. Though sometimes the captioning is just bad and it's more like being upset at the stvip d cappt ionEER WHO cnt tipe attt al.

That said, I really enjoy the great improvements in captioning over the past several years - it's come a long way from the set-top-box CC decoder I used to have! It also helps that TV's old enough not to have caption decoders are getting obsolete :D
Oh I get a kick out of catching what the captions don't say. I hadn't realized until I got my CI that in many cases the captions are a "condensed" version of what is really being said! This is particularly true when they decide to caption old movies.
Oh I get a kick out of catching what the captions don't say. I hadn't realized until I got my CI that in many cases the captions are a "condensed" version of what is really being said! This is particularly true when they decide to caption old movies.
Even as a hearing person I can relate to that.
In The Netherlands, foreign movies are captioned. So, we learn our English from very young age by reading the subtitles... at some point I stopped reading the subtitles since the translation was often wrong, or changed. Especially with funny stuff (Monty Python, Spitting Image e.g. ) it was more fun to listen to the language than reading the translation..

So glad we never had dubbed movies like in other European countries...
I had a funny CI moment couple of months ago lol.
i had ran out of dryer sheets and had to go without and the clothes were full of static. They actually make sounds!!! I never knew that and no one never told me, I just couldn't believe it! lol then again they were shocked that I never knew lol.
have a good day!
I have a couple of moments. We have our first official word or words. Ashley has been repeating animal sounds and doing lots of singing(her version any way). Yesterday she slipped and I said uh ooh and she said it back to me. It caught me off so I did it again and she repeated it. I changed it up a bit to make sure it was intentional and she consistently would tell me uh ooh. She is at the stage that she like to have her implants on all the time. She even will not fall asleep with out them on. I pull them off once she is out good. The other night not thinking I sneezed and she jumped. It is so wonderful to see her noticing so many new sounds. Things she never even would pay attention to she stops and listens to them now.
I have a couple of moments. We have our first official word or words. Ashley has been repeating animal sounds and doing lots of singing(her version any way). Yesterday she slipped and I said uh ooh and she said it back to me. It caught me off so I did it again and she repeated it. I changed it up a bit to make sure it was intentional and she consistently would tell me uh ooh. She is at the stage that she like to have her implants on all the time. She even will not fall asleep with out them on. I pull them off once she is out good. The other night not thinking I sneezed and she jumped. It is so wonderful to see her noticing so many new sounds. Things she never even would pay attention to she stops and listens to them now.

I have a couple of moments. We have our first official word or words. Ashley has been repeating animal sounds and doing lots of singing(her version any way). Yesterday she slipped and I said uh ooh and she said it back to me. It caught me off so I did it again and she repeated it. I changed it up a bit to make sure it was intentional and she consistently would tell me uh ooh. She is at the stage that she like to have her implants on all the time. She even will not fall asleep with out them on. I pull them off once she is out good. The other night not thinking I sneezed and she jumped. It is so wonderful to see her noticing so many new sounds. Things she never even would pay attention to she stops and listens to them now.

Lovely moment!
Interesting stories. :giggle:

I had a few chuckles from here and there. Thanks for sharing, keep them coming. :thumb:
I had a kind of "CI" moment yesterday. I went to a new hair salon to get my hair cut. Of course I have to remove my CI, and I realized that I could not, for the life of me, lipread one WORD from my hairdresser. She did NOT move her lips at all. She might as well have had her hand over her mouth, for all I could understand. WITH the CI on though, I understood her perfectly, so she'd stop to ask me a question and have me put the CI on, then I'd take it back off. Was a bit cumbersome, but she was *very* understanding! I'll be going back to her.
I was sitting at the computer typing away and kept hearing this sound. I thought the oven was on or the microwave. I could not place the sound. It took over an hour to figure out it was the clock on the wall. I don't think I have ever heard that before.

I just might have to take all the batteries out of my clocks like Abbie did. The interesting thing is that even when it is a "quiet night" no tv, no music nothing it is still so noise.
I'm really enjoying reading everyone's CI moments! I had an interesting CI moment of my own today! While sitting outside listening to my radio I kept hearing this repetitive sound but couldn't identify what it was. After I turned down the volume of my radio, it finally dawned on me that the sound I was hearing was the "hoot" of an owl. I don't think I could readily recognize the sound because it has been over 10 years since I heard it last with hearing aids.
I had to set up for a special event in the gym yesterday. There was a static sound from the lights. I turned to a teacher and said - what is that sound? She said the lights it is some static. Then I ask, how long has it been making that sound. With a straight face, she said Oh you heard it today, but it been the same for the last 14 years you have been here. We both laughed. New sounds each day, I have been in the gym many times since activation and yesterday was the first time I heard it.

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