God = Alien?

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What are we doing here? Let's set up a committee and make a movie! Let's make sure that the aliens are deaf.... made hearing people. You know hearing people always start wars, starting the killing, kills more people in traffic than deaf do.. etc etc. heh. Hearing people started slavery... we deaf people didnt make perfect hearing people... now have to have a flood to erase all the defective hearing people and make new hearing people....
It would be hard to use microwave cauz there was no electricity for the amazing MW! Utterly useless product....
And yet the guys in Back to the Future III had no problem powering up a car to send them into the future.

When there's a will, there's a way. Oh heck, just bring the portable batteries, or a generator. Worried about running out of juice? Doesn't matter as it won't be long before one gets impaled and crucified by the locals anyway.
If he's the Creator, who created the Creator?
The Creator doesn't get created. The Creator is the source, not the product.

I'm pretty sure your next response will be "you just don't get the concept of an eternal God".
Sorry, your telepathy is out of tune. That's not what I would say next.

To get around that, you must prove that God exists. And of course this falls outside the scope of this thread, so with that said so I shall withdraw from this branch of argument.
OK. :)
Epoch: evoultion, on SCI-FI channel is pretty interesting and pretty much reflects the concept of God being Alien. I see the God squad has already abducted this thread with religious hype.
As strictly English meaning of "Alien", yes it's true that God IS Alien.

Alien means foreginer according to my dictionary. Oddly, immgrants finds "Alien" offensive.
ahhhh...WHO CREATED GOD????

See the first answer in Reba's post # 23 above. There's your answer. Didn't you see it? (The Creator)

That goes for you, too, Puyo.

Read and remember because it takes too much energy to repeat the same thing over and over again.
See the first answer in Reba's post # 23 above. There's your answer. Didn't you see it? (The Creator)

That goes for you, too, Puyo.

Read and remember because it takes too much energy to repeat the same thing over and over again.

Ohh I overlooked it.. But still, those are just the words. We still need some proof. :(
The Creator doesn't get created. The Creator is the source, not the product.
If the creator is the source, who created the source? A creator cannot create itself. Realize that you do not have evidence that the creator created itself.

Weren't some of you claiming that something cannot come out of nothingness?
It's not a 4 star movie but Tony Amendola from StarGate SG1 plays Marduk in that movie. (Tony played as Bra'Tac in SG1). It's a Made for TV movie (aired on Sci-Fi)
Never mind.

Blockbuster doesn't have it. :(
So there's an infinite line of aliens? Aliens have no beginning?

If aliens can just "appear", why can't God?

If there are aliens, God created them and their universe. :)
Then that would make God an alien.

If God just happened to appear, then there are other Gods as well.

Therefore, we have gods... not one god. :)
Interest story here.

DNA from apes to create us? If they are really some kind of alien sciencists in white coat then they must be human beings too so how do they create human being in first place if they create apes then led men to believe we all come from apes. Apes do not create human beings. Human beings created everything here. God created us and is still creating universe. Universe never stop growing and expanding. as far as I know of earth is dying and one day earth will be expired billions years from now. Then who knows we travel to other blue planet and root there to live? just alike they did here long time ago?

As far as I know of God is not alien for one He is everywhere.
If God made us, who made God?
I ask questions to myself thousands of times.

Who created a God?

Without Scientists, there´re no bible interpretation, no electricital techonlogy, houses, cars, guns, phone, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Right?

Did the bible mention electricital techonology, houses, cars, etc. etc. etc.?

Did the bible mention Religion?

Who focus more proofs then we have everything here?

How do you know which biblical interpretation correct?

How do you know that your bible is correct and other bibles are not correct?

All what I want to say is the bible is only a faith book and Scientists focus the reality, that´s why we have everything here.

Without Scientists, we would be not here in AllDeaf forum, Right? :)
I ask questions to myself thousands of times.

Who created a God?

Without Scientists, there´re no bible interpretation, no electricital techonlogy, houses, cars, guns, phone, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Right?

Did the bible mention electricital techonology, houses, cars, etc. etc. etc.?

Did the bible mention Religion?

Who focus more proofs then we have everything here?

How do you know which biblical interpretation correct?

How do you know that your bible is correct and other bibles are not correct?

All what I want to say is the bible is only a faith book and Scientists focus the reality, that´s why we have everything here.

Without Scientists, we would be not here in AllDeaf forum, Right? :)

I feel the same way.
And to add what Liebling wrote, it was computer scientists that pioneered and invented the internet, enabling this very debate to be possible.

all hail science!
If God made us, who made God?

God is infinitely. No one created God. He was, is and will always be here.

Think about something, I had hard time with this concept when I was younger, how it was created in beginning if there was no one there at the beginning then how do we were created in first place I mean universe. Some one created big bang theroy but still not enough to prove me how it was created from big bang. It was only way for me to understand right now, there was never beginning nor it will be ending. We are here always.
I ask questions to myself thousands of times.

Who created a God?

Without Scientists, there´re no bible interpretation, no electricital techonlogy, houses, cars, guns, phone, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Right?

Did the bible mention electricital techonology, houses, cars, etc. etc. etc.?

Did the bible mention Religion?

Who focus more proofs then we have everything here?

How do you know which biblical interpretation correct?

How do you know that your bible is correct and other bibles are not correct?

All what I want to say is the bible is only a faith book and Scientists focus the reality, that´s why we have everything here.

Without Scientists, we would be not here in AllDeaf forum, Right? :)

God put those seeds into us and we invented them. Without God, we would never invient them. Hail to God for all wonderful tools He gave it to us. Sciencists, Writers, Mechanics, Farmers, Teachers, Doctors, Philposhers, Lawmakers, and so on ......
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