What are you doing right now? Part II

Well my plan is to mine in Alaska in the near future. I’ve got one connection. He’s been up there for close to 30 years now. :D
Nice. I have cousins in Alaska. They own and run a pet boarding facility that has everything including horses, etc. They have horses of their own as well. Juneau. They seem happy up there.
I have a deaf friend that lives in Alaska, he says he loves it there. Must be a beautiful place to be? :)
I am eating supper :)
Do they let you have your cell phones while waiting?
When I went yes. They allow people to bring electronic devices while you sit the big waiting room. The minute you are called into the actual court room all devices off.
Makes sense. I’ve never done jury duty before. Got called some 20 years ago or so, but then it was cancelled.
Yes, things have changed. In the past , people brought books, magazines or start conversations with a stranger lol

I went early this year and got excused. I was out by noon . I got lucky .
I was called for jury duty one time, I told them I was deaf and they didnt want to deal with that, so off jury duty for me :p haha eating me some pizza and salad!
Our court doesn't let you bring you phone into the building, as I recall. It's been a few years since I was called for jury duty
Our court doesn't let you bring you phone into the building, as I recall. It's been a few years since I was called for jury duty

Ah that's interesting... few months ago when I was on jury duty. They are allowed to have phone in the building but the sound/ringer must be turned off in the courtroom while in session. :)

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