I'm glad you guys still enjoyed them
did you like seafood when you were a child? I know it's one of those things that some people like more as adults. We had the Ashkenazi stuff....herring and gefilte fish and sometimes smoked salmon, cream cheese, bagels, horseradish etc, when I was a kid and it was just part of our heritage.
But I remember one time my mom had some toast and over-easy eggs and she'd got the yolk all over the toast and was eating happily. I was appalled she'd ruin perfectly good toast

I was maybe 8 - I said yuck! - when I saw she'd smothered runny egg yolk all over toast. Then I said something like - I think that's gross! or something, and she said, something like - you won't think so when you're older
Don't know what's for dinner yet tonight; hub went to store and I'm staying home to watch my girl who had the surgery.