Do you accept your co-worker's Facebook friend request?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2005
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I do not accept any of my co-workers FB request, and of course I told them my reason in a person and most of my co-workers disappointed and called me weird because they are friends with other co-workers on FB except me. I do have boundary limits.

What about you?
Do you add or accept your coworker's fb request?

I gave up fb account six months ago.i read inane twaddle requesting friendship from people I don't know..i don't want world seeing pics of my grandson and people get what deserve when insult the got go out in world talk face to face.this something I feel strongly about
I would add them if they had a vehicle or 2 with turbocharged engine. I would love to read their timeline. Some people brag about their turbocharged engine daily. That's the kind of friend you need.
I would add them if they had a vehicle or 2 with turbocharged engine. I would love to read their timeline. Some people brag about their turbocharged engine daily. That's the kind of friend you need.

How about your co worker (some do tattle) or supervisor found out that you called in sick and actually you were too busy installing turbocharger in your car. Next day your boss asked you to stop by at office and have to sign the termination letter. :shock:
Your co-workers should resected your boundary limits and I personally feel your co-workers are acting immature calling you names . That is kids do in grade school , they try to shame another kid into doing something they do not want to do. I agree with you it's best to made friends outside of work , it can get messy trying to be friends with co workers on line and outside of work. No , I would accept friend with some I worked with.
Depends. I'd have to base it on how I feel about them off line. Some people ARE good people... some aren't.

99% of the time I'm never sent a friend request anyway (I tend to be a loner and am an introvert). I do have 2 from a former job listed on my LinkedIn but not Facebook.

If I did have any current co-workers on my FB, I'd be sticking them on a restricted list where they can't see ANYTHING on my time line.
Your co-workers should resected your boundary limits and I personally feel your co-workers are acting immature calling you names . That is kids do in grade school , they try to shame another kid into doing something they do not want to do. I agree with you it's best to made friends outside of work , it can get messy trying to be friends with co workers on line and outside of work. No , I would accept friend with some I worked with.

I do one very sad thing I watch Jeremy Kyle just so I can get cross he has lowest common denominatorer on the show ten kids different dads never worked covered in tats only words they know are swear words but they all have fb and they tell the man he going be dad that sort of thing.It just don't occur to them to use the face and forget the book...Sad thing most of them over thirty..
I seen people on who been drunk and regret what posted to late...wdys the days are gone when we had conversation or debates it all sound bites:(
I'm retired, but yes I do have a few "old" friends on my FB that I worked with for a very long time...then to, I'm selective about it. For a long time, I dropped out of FB...went back for awhile now...

Seems people are so concerned about how many friends they have...I've received requests from my boy's friends...:roll:...Even received requests from FB for 2 people I knew, but are deceased....and their profiles are still there....:hmm:...(no wonder they never answered my messages)...:giggle:
I read about youngster who commit suicide bc only had a thousand friends,i even read post of youngster on here very upset bc defriended...I yet to know what a poking was about
I have a co worker on my dog's IG just one bec she's cool and likes Bulldogs . FB no co-workers. The other terp I work with is a complete rude snob forget it no way!
Facebook sucks now. Ever since they did away with showing timeline in chronological order. I only use it occasionally on my computer via the website that still supports chronological view. If they stop that I'm writing it all together (one I backup all my pics

Using default our mobile app you are probably missing 75% of your friends posts that FB doesn't get paid to show you or doesn't think is a top story on your timeline
Copy and paste this link into your browser will adore timeline in chronological view
I never joined FB but my family (wife, son and daughter) did. They hated it so they no longer use it. In the back of my mind, FB is all about money. That's how the FB owner got rich and sold it to Google, I believe.
I have actually been living Facebook free for the last year and a half and just recently logged back on to get a hold of someone. When I was on Facebook, I was friends with some of my co-workers because we became friends and would go out after work a couple times a week for drinks or dinner...I actually ended up working with one of my best friends since elementary school last year, so obviously she was my friend long before we became co-workers.
Facebook sucks now. Ever since they did away with showing timeline in chronological order. I only use it occasionally on my computer via the website that still supports chronological view. If they stop that I'm writing it all together (one I backup all my pics

Using default our mobile app you are probably missing 75% of your friends posts that FB doesn't get paid to show you or doesn't think is a top story on your timeline
Copy and paste this link into your browser will adore timeline in chronological view
There is an add-on (for Firefox at least- I think there is one for Chrome...not sure) that is pretty awesome- allows for customization of colors (yay no more white background) as well as forces the newsfeed to stay in chronological order, hides a lot of junk one may not want to see, among other things. I don't know if it will work on mobile- I need to re read the FAQ again on that.

I don't bother doing FB on either my phone or iPad... too hard for me to see even though I can zoom in a bit if I use the browser to view on either device.
i don't accept the co worker to be friend in 'Facebook due of
favorism. i found my boss and a co worker are in the hot water... (thanks god i don't accept their request.)