Hello everyone! My name is Megan and I just turned 24! I have a 1 &1/2 year old son named Gavin, who is totally amazing!
I am not deaf, and my son isn't either. In fact, I don't know anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing. I have such a huge interest to hopefully properly learn one day. I think the launguage is so beautiful and I have such admiration for those who who are so natural and fluent in it! i live in an extremely small city, and there are no support groups or sign language classes. I've just been learning from apps and YouTube for now. Again I am extremely new to it. I don't wish to offend anyone, I was just looking for some support because I'm trying to learn a new language and everyone I'm surrounded by is very ignorant to it. The only person I practice signing to is my son because I know some other people won't understand why I want to learn. I would also sign to my mom because she also knows a little bit. She works in a daycare and they had a few deaf children over the years. I know deep down this is something I want to learn, even if it takes me until I'm 40