Fashion Disasters

Hipster girls who wear leggings with the galaxy print on them. No. Stop.

Also, maybe it's just me.... but I can't stand flower crowns as a hair accessory. It's a popular trend that has been going around for quite some time, I think it's just looks ridiculous and not cute at all. :roll:
Thank you Jess. It has become some kind of fashion up here in the summer. I think the implants make it so they do not see the bulgeover and all mirrors lie to their owners and somehow they don't realize the carpal tunnel injuries are from trying to get their pants zipped and buttoned.

I also agree with Jiro, skinny pants for us guys, wtf? Same with boxer shorts with candy canes and checkers and so on. And hey what about the price tags on those name brand jeans? We all know they pay the workers squat in countries that have horrible labor conditions. The markup is what 5,000% ? Stealing from us.

simple - don't buy it. the companies are not forcing you to pay up.
I know a lot of people like it... But i dislike animal print very much. Especially if you combine them all somehow...
I hate "rapper" hat style. it's annoying and silly.

I know a lot of people like it... But i dislike animal print very much. Especially if you combine them all somehow...

This. Sometimes mixing prints is okay but you'd have to be pretty serious about fashion and know what you're doing.

When I was in high school (10 years ago), we called skinny jeans "sausage casing".

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This... this is so mean... but I can't help but laugh too... :laugh2:

Hey now, I have a nose ring, they don't all look bad!

nose piercing in one side of the nose look very nice on some people but when a woman weight over 200 lbs. and has her nose pierce like bull and has
her in hair in two pony tails poking off the side of their head ,I can't help but want to say Moooo. Their first I saw the woman I only saw her back and ponytails where she turned around I was like :shock: . I really think she is trying to look a bull . Of course I would never Mooo to her. She certainly
is getting a lot attention .
shoulder pads should be gone back in 1980s to 1990s. I felt like I was a football player when I wore them! :lol:

I do love the shirt short or tight shirt short with abs showing but I hate them when they wears shirt short with abs shows inside the building or houses. Me wierd!!
I cut shoulder pads out,i was never into power dressing....they say 80's selfish generation and reflected in fashion,i not sure how
simple - don't buy it. the companies are not forcing you to pay up.

I don't. The gig is at those prices the companies would have made a nice profit and made the clothing here in the US using US Union Labor, paying out pensions to retirees and health care to workers. Contributing directly to our society.
It is a rip off of America on the most fundamental level. We buy that clothing we are celebrating the destruction of the American economy.
I'm utterly convinced that some people have magic, enchanted mirrors.

The clothing stores have mirrors like that. They made you look thinner and some companies will use more fabric in their clothing so people will feel
'thinner' and want to more of the same brand.
simple - don't buy it. the companies are not forcing you to pay up.

That is easy to say when you're a man. The next time to go shopping walk by the bras , they're all padded with an inch of rubber. Have you tried wearing rubber in 90 degrees all day ? I saw a bra that look like it was cut out of a wetsuit , and the thread was like a nylon fishing line. There was not one inch of fabric on the bra , it was 100 % rubber.
Where in the world are shopping :D I've never seen a bra with rubber in it. Not saying there aren't, I've just never seen one so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Where in the world are shopping :D I've never seen a bra with rubber in it. Not saying there aren't, I've just never seen one so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I saw it a Marshall's . The bra felt like rubber and it was all black I was with my family and do not the brand that put the bra out All the clothing stores
carry padded bras and the pads are a form that is a kind of rubber. It's just about impossible to buy a 100% cotton bra today . I could not find one a store that only sell bras . My city only has two stores that carry bras
K Mart and Marshall's , there a store down town that sell French bras but it cost over $60 for a bra and I don't care how fancy it look , I am not wasting
$60 for a bra b/c it has a fancy label on it.
I guess cuz i buy them on ither side of border. I get cotton bras for like 2 or 3 dollars eAch.
rubber bra is like plastic clear see through bra????

The one I saw was black and looked just like it was cut out of a wet suit for driving. My daughter and I where like WTF!! you could not seen though it and there was no way your skin could breath . If you would sweat wearing a bra like all day. Maybe it was made to swim in and someone put it on the wrong rack. It could part of a two piece swimsuit. :dunno:

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