The worst part is now I'm sick, and really don't want to go to a dr. Especailly that one; I'll wind up at urgent care probably.
im thinking i want to make this next summer...
It does a 12.3-second quarter mile and 100mph. EVs just got amazing…
You thinking about periods? Me too...:
And a huge mood swing complex. Sux doesn't it? :P
Lol not so much with the moods today, I just really want a piece of Cheesecake!But I can't have it until Friday when I can take a 1 day break from my low carb diet. :P
Go for it, but compensate for it.
Lol not so much with the moods today, I just really want a piece of Cheesecake!But I can't have it until Friday when I can take a 1 day break from my low carb diet. :P
My doctor sucks at calling in prescriptions. 2 went to the wrong city, and now the latest one went to the wrong pharmacy all together which is also in the wrong town.
As I suspected, the gov't shutdown is slowing down background checks. My start date is now on a day-by-day delay.