Deaf child hears for the first time


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Apr 22, 2007
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Three years ago, Grayson Clamp was born deaf; three weeks ago, he became the first child in the U.S. to receive what's called an auditory brain stem implant—and heard his father’s voice for the first time.

Grayson, 3, who was adopted by Len and Nicole Clamp of Charlotte, N.C., is missing the cochlear nerves that allow humans to process and hear sound, the Daily Mail reports. When the Clamps heard about a new research trial for deaf children at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, they jumped at the opportunity to change their son's life.

For the auditory brain stem implant, doctors implanted a microchip in Grayson’s brain to help him process and recognize noises. Grayson’s face lit up when he heard his father speak.

Most of the roughly 1,000 people who have undergone the procedure only have a basic awareness of sound. According to WBTV, the Clamps say their new job is to teach Grayson how to make sense of what he hears.

“We don’t know what it’s like for him,” said Grayson’s mother, Nicole. “We don’t know exactly what he hears. His brain is still trying to organize itself to use sound.”

Deaf child hears for the first time
I would not uses my child as a guinea pig and the fact that the boy was adopted and used as a guinea pig is rather disturbing. I wonder if the parents would had been so willing to do this if it was their our birth child.
I don't think it had anything to do with him being a guinea pig. They were giving this boy a chance to hear. I have a a little troubled that they did this at the age of three though. It wasn't a necessary surgery...
Which is why I don't like those either. I've never liked the idea of having a baby get surgery when it does not need to. 12 is not so bad. If they WANT the CI, then so be it. They can actually TELL their parents they want it.
Which is why I don't like those either. I've never liked the idea of having a baby get surgery when it does not need to. 12 is not so bad. If they WANT the CI, then so be it. They can actually TELL their parents they want it.

A heads up.... certain group of parents of deaf kids may attack you for your beliefs. Many of us, in the old days, have expressed the same beliefs and we got attacked for it.
Which is why I don't like those either. I've never liked the idea of having a baby get surgery when it does not need to. 12 is not so bad. If they WANT the CI, then so be it. They can actually TELL their parents they want it.

I know.

Sad that there are Cons And Pros. Many heairng people believe that being small kids would more likely have a chance of hearing, speaking and able to function very well in the hearing world.. Again, its their opinions. For me, I am Deaf, and ASL user, I think being in the Deaf world is awesome, for me and nothing wrong to be who I am. If they want kids to learn BOTH speak and ASL then thats fine. BUT my major one is I reallllllly hate to see any kids with hearing loss (hoh or deaf or Deaf or one deaf in ear and one hearing in other ear depends on situation whose SHOULD not be separate from each other that would damage their self esteem big time. :(
Did you all know that there was eye implants for visual challenged people?

No? Why not? Did you realize that CI and Visual implant were developed almost same time. Yet, when it comes to CI, they are making HUGE deal out of this, while others getting eye implants aren't getting much attention.

SAD BUT true! This proves that this planet is nearly full of Audism!

Believe this or not many of these doctors and professionals really do not recommend eye implant for those who were born blind BUT highly recommended for born Deaf, eh? Their reason is that when born blind, the brain didn't have the opportunity to develop specific sense and recognizes the sense of sight. Doesn't it apply for sense of sounds? Guess Hearing people can't image somebody without sense of sounds but thinks it is ok to lose sense of visual. SICKO! I am serious with this one.
I know.

Sad that there are Cons And Pros. Many heairng people believe that being small kids would more likely have a chance of hearing, speaking and able to function very well in the hearing world.. Again, its their opinions. For me, I am Deaf, and ASL user, I think being in the Deaf world is awesome, for me and nothing wrong to be who I am. If they want kids to learn BOTH speak and ASL then thats fine. BUT my major one is I reallllllly hate to see any kids with hearing loss (hoh or deaf or Deaf or one deaf in ear and one hearing in other ear depends on situation whose SHOULD not be separate from each other that would damage their self esteem big time. :(

I have this friend who just returned to the hearing world after being in the Deaf world while on an extended vacation. She posted that she is homesick for the Deaf world.
Did you all know that there was eye implants for visual challenged people?

No? Why not? Did you realize that CI and Visual implant were developed almost same time. Yet, when it comes to CI, they are making HUGE deal out of this, while others getting eye implants aren't getting much attention.

SAD BUT true! This proves that this planet is nearly full of Audism!

Believe this or not many of these doctors and professionals really do not recommend eye implant for those who were born blind BUT highly recommended for born Deaf, eh? Their reason is that when born blind, the brain didn't have the opportunity to develop specific sense and recognizes the sense of sight. Doesn't it apply for sense of sounds? Guess Hearing people can't image somebody without sense of sounds but thinks it is ok to lose sense of visual. SICKO! I am serious with this one.

I want to say there is a lot more to seeing then to hearing. The ear and how it processes is a lot less complicated. They are also not located in the same part of the brain, which is a HUGE factor!

I have heard of eye implants, actually I heard about those before I heard about the chip implants.
I would add this that makes me sick in my tummy, and yes cause knots in my tummy.
When our second son comes out in hospital. The first thing doctors and nurse said what? "Congratulations, his hearing test has passed!" Mind you, our son has other issues that I don't want to discuss this but the other issues were NOT that important to them than the hearing itself! Even worse, that happens right here in Rochester the Deaf friendly city yet, there is audism going on. I wondering why the hearing is so important than the rest of disabilities?
I have this friend who just returned to the hearing world after being in the Deaf world while on an extended vacation. She posted that she is homesick for the Deaf world.

Yeah that is so tough. Hope she is ok.
I would add this that makes me sick in my tummy, and yes cause knots in my tummy.
When our second son comes out in hospital. The first thing doctors and nurse said what? "Congratulations, his hearing test has passed!" Mind you, our son has other issues that I don't want to discuss this but the other issues were NOT that important to them than the hearing itself! Even worse, that happens right here in Rochester the Deaf friendly city yet, there is audism going on. I wondering why the hearing is so important than the rest of disabilities?

Try not to get upset. Just educating them everyday. I have been there. lol. Can you image that they almost made my son to stay at the hospital for following up more tests when my son failed the hearig test" i said, " so what, can i take my son home??" they say, " we need to check with dr" :mad2: If he fails the test and make him to stay there i WILL lose my mind. BUT my son passed the hearing test four days later. Lucky me that i had to stay at the hospital for 5 days anyway.
Im not upset, just that whats the big deal about hearing loss? You know, all disabilities are pretty much the same. Needless to make hearing loss a major deal. I was hoping that these closed minded hearing people start to open mind and realize it is just another disability like the rest of people in this world.

I would be more acceptable when doctors treat every disabilities equally by let us know that our baby is pretty much healthy and that is sufficient. I rather hearing them saying everything is fine than "Your baby passed hearing test" which shows that they only care about hearing not the rest of health issues you know? What about blindness? What about retarded, and so on?

You see, they made you stay just because your kid failed hearing test? What would they make difference after making you stay at hospital at longer period of time? Perhaps to rake up $?

Try not to get upset. Just educating them everyday. I have been there. lol. Can you image that they almost made my son to stay at the hospital for following up more tests when my son failed the hearig test" i said, " so what, can i take my son home??" they say, " we need to check with dr" :mad2: If he fails the test and make him to stay there i WILL lose my mind. BUT my son passed the hearing test four days later. Lucky me that i had to stay at the hospital for 5 days anyway.
I don't think it had anything to do with him being a guinea pig. They were giving this boy a chance to hear. I have a a little troubled that they did this at the age of three though. It wasn't a necessary surgery...

I just saw this on the news and the parents said God told them to do this. Right! We can agree to disagree . I feel the boy was a guinea pig .
All I know is, before I have a kid, I am going to pick a nice hospital and tell them ahead of time about the hearing test. They will say congrats whether or not he is hearing. Which I am pretty sure he will be hearing, but if he is not... then so be it! No i'm sorry your child failed. Who wants to hear that $#*!?
I know.

Sad that there are Cons And Pros. Many heairng people believe that being small kids would more likely have a chance of hearing, speaking and able to function very well in the hearing world.. Again, its their opinions. For me, I am Deaf, and ASL user, I think being in the Deaf world is awesome, for me and nothing wrong to be who I am. If they want kids to learn BOTH speak and ASL then thats fine. BUT my major one is I reallllllly hate to see any kids with hearing loss (hoh or deaf or Deaf or one deaf in ear and one hearing in other ear depends on situation whose SHOULD not be separate from each other that would damage their self esteem big time. :(

That is nice you feel this way about being Deaf, coming from a very abused childhood and being hoh made it a lot worst for me I never thought of being hoh as being great. And I still don't
That is nice you feel this way about being Deaf, coming from a very abused childhood and being hoh made it a lot worst for me I never thought of being hoh as being great. And I still don't

I understand, where you are coming from. You know you are not alone. some of my friends who are HOH/oral deaf were verbel abused (not physcial) by parents or/and siblings. They are NOT proud of being Deaf even though they know ASL. I still hang out with them and they are great people to be with. sometimes they don't want to socialize with other Deaf people, only me. I can understand. :( if they did come to my party and they did enjoy it very much. But they still dont want to socialize with other Deaf people. I know some Deaf people can be harsh to those HOH or deaf oral people. i wish they dont do that.
Did you all know that there was eye implants for visual challenged people?

No? Why not? Did you realize that CI and Visual implant were developed almost same time. Yet, when it comes to CI, they are making HUGE deal out of this, while others getting eye implants aren't getting much attention.

SAD BUT true! This proves that this planet is nearly full of Audism!

Believe this or not many of these doctors and professionals really do not recommend eye implant for those who were born blind BUT highly recommended for born Deaf, eh? Their reason is that when born blind, the brain didn't have the opportunity to develop specific sense and recognizes the sense of sight. Doesn't it apply for sense of sounds? Guess Hearing people can't image somebody without sense of sounds but thinks it is ok to lose sense of visual. SICKO! I am serious with this one.

Helen Keller said she would rather had been blind than deaf, hearing was more importance to her. I never heard anyone say that is OK for a for person to go blind. I had clients and I had to help them put eye drop in their
eyes to help them keep their eyes sight.