Which AD'er are you wondering about?

I wonder where the nice SWK went. Seems some jerk hacked his account.

Perhaps lack of sleep with the new addition caused your inner Dr Jekyll (or would that be Mr Hyde) to come out.
Perhaps lack of sleep with the new addition caused your inner Dr Jekyll (or would that be Mr Hyde) to come out.
Or the lack of political debates causes me to swell up with venomous posts.
Just looked for the last post by Beach Girl and in was in March of 2012. I don't remember getting any responses when I asked about her, I think it was in September, 2012. Anyone know anything? She seemed to just quit showing up without explanation.

I liked her too....but no clue as to "why" she stopped posting.....do remember she got a lot of flack from one member tho'...but thought she stood her ground well.

I tried contacting Beach Girl via a couple of means I have, but got no response? I know her first name, but not her last name, so can't really search for her. :(

I vaguely recall this, but I was under the thought she said she used to text someone here.
I vaguely recall this, but I was under the thought she said she used to text someone here.

Just because I sadly remember practically every useless detail, I think the member nickysunflower received a hand knit scarf from Beach Girl, so she at least must be able to contact her...
Just because I sadly remember practically every useless detail, I think the member nickysunflower received a hand knit scarf from Beach Girl, so she at least must be able to contact her...

When I do a search for nickysunflower I get 02-22-2012, 07:05 PM. Not much help for current contact.
I was single and dying from lack of single woman talk back when I was here before. It gave me hope just knowing they were here. I see most have all gone away from here. What is driving them away? I hope they are all safe and have a great life. I will not list them all but they were a real part of this site. Nothing stays the same. I am taken now but that does not take away that they were such likeable people and so pleasant to see here.
Didn't BeachGirl have 2 homes? Trying to think if I'm thinking of the right person. Perhaps she got busy with one of the homes.
TheWriteAlex is fine and doing very well. We hang out from time to time.

tell i said hi, and that i havent been sipping whisky much lately, its summer here so its beer or white wines time
Didn't BeachGirl have 2 homes? Trying to think if I'm thinking of the right person. Perhaps she got busy with one of the homes.

She did, have at the beach and then a winter home also.
Didn't BeachGirl have 2 homes? Trying to think if I'm thinking of the right person. Perhaps she got busy with one of the homes.

Remember one of them got slightly damaged from Hurricane Irene last year if I am correct.
Did some more search. This is under Beach Girl's avatar:
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: northern Virginia in winter; NC in summer
Posts: 3,760

And Hurricane Irene was in August of 2011. I didn't remember but found it in a search.
Either get busy with your life or get busy dying without woman. You got two choices, and based on my experience you will have better chance on finding better woman when you get busy with your life rather than dying for a woman.

I was single and dying from lack of single woman talk back when I was here before. It gave me hope just knowing they were here. I see most have all gone away from here. What is driving them away? I hope they are all safe and have a great life. I will not list them all but they were a real part of this site. Nothing stays the same. I am taken now but that does not take away that they were such likeable people and so pleasant to see here.
mimmsy.where have you gone

Wirelessly posted
I was wondering about her too.

She's probably involved with her studies....no surprise there....


mimsy too,

mim study be a vet i think....she comes over as nice girl

Aw, thank you for thinking of me and mentioning me. Yes Lau, school is back in session and and also training 15 hours a week at a veterinary emergency clinic and learning how to stop feeling so so so sad for the abused animals. And also things on my mind about a bad decision I made in my personal life. So feeling depressed a bit. BUT I will get over it all. I will be optimistic.

Cazie, Rio, Grummer and Lau I will post more to be a better member of AD because >>> Mi piace la gente di qui AD!

(I love u all here at AD!)

Either get busy with your life or get busy dying without woman. You got two choices, and based on my experience you will have better chance on finding better woman when you get busy with your life rather than dying for a woman.
That was a low point in my life then, if you have experienced Fairbanks Alaska as an older single man you would know exactactackly where I was at. I would appreciate it if you did not take a cheap shot at me in an offtopic and uninformed way and twisting my words in "dying for a woman". Thank you.
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Aw, thank you for thinking of me and mentioning me. Yes Lau, school is back in session and and also training 15 hours a week at a veterinary emergency clinic and learning how to stop feeling so so so sad for the abused animals. And also things on my mind about a bad decision I made in my personal life. So feeling depressed a bit. BUT I will get over it all. I will be optimistic.


Oh, cool. Curious, where is that veterinary emergency clinic? My oldest niece is interested in checking out about vet. She is from long island. She wants to go to CITY instead of LI. any tips for her that she needs to know about? Does it require to have a high school diploma? any experiences? any link where you work there. i can check it out and pass it to my niece, thank you. :aw:

I am surprised none of you wondered about me here. :giggle:

Yup, I am backkkkkkk!

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