So good to read you are enjoying your CI. Must be overwhelming to hear so many sounds, but wonderful to hear your brain is recognizing Los sounds again.I have read other posts from people saying their ears hurt around loud noises. This is true for me also, especially when a large truck or loud motorcycle goes by.
My big concern now is how my ears will be around all that loud noise during
the flight. Any fellow CI users with this issue, if so how do I prevent it from happening?
Also I believe that my processors and CI gear should not go in with check in luggage. Just cary on, right?
Thanks for your help. Life is sooooo good right now!!!
I have read other posts from people saying their ears hurt around loud noises. This is true for me also, especially when a large truck or loud motorcycle goes by. ...
Thanks for all this great information. Even if I am not wearing my CI and something loud goes by my ears hurt really bad. I can't hear the noise, but can feel it, does that make sense?
Those cancelling out noise headphones sound great, have you known anyone who used them? the pain in both ears, the CI ear, or the other ear?
I can't comment on the fact that loud sounds bother you when you are not wearing the CI.....I will ask my audi on my next visit if she has any clients experiencing the same thing.
Also, the loudest setting you will ever hear is the maximum setting you have in your programming. If you are used to quiet for a long time, the loud sounds are always startling at first. When I start up the garden tractor, it is one loud mother, and I am always startled, but 30 seconds later I don't think about it.
If I don't wear my CI for more than 2 days, and put it on, it is a shock to my system during the first 15 minutes, then everything goes back to normal. You might want to listen to metal/hard rock music daily to get used to loud....![]()
Sorry I am so complicated:-( OK today I was out ALL day. I have my CI set on "everyday" program with my volume and sensitivity levels at 3. While at home this works great and I can hear pretty well.
Then I went to the mall and as soon as I walked in, my level of hearing dropped about 50%. I played around with the settings but never got to the same level of hearing as when I am home. A lot of background noise.
I do know that my implanted ear is the one that feels PAIN when a motorcycle or truck go by. I wear my CI ALL day and this fluctuating hearing is what my audi is so confused about.
Next week I am meeting with the Surgeon, Neurologist, Audiologist and Cochlear Rep all in the same 3 hour appointment.
My audi says that I should not have to be changing my remote all the time but I do.
Like I have said, they tell me all the time that I am so not the "normal" CI user and I tend to cause confusion.
I am so grateful I do have a CI and I wil continue to work with it. I'm just hoping I can get to a comfortable solution.
Tomorrow when I am out I will try to figure out if the loud noises cause pain in my ear without the CI.
Thanks everyone, the support here is amazing.
I just noticed that I have been a member for a full year now. WOW that year went by so fast!!!
Hi Angel, are you still on this site? Wanted to know how your surgery went? I'm in the middle of approval and very scared of the surgery. Looking for a friend to talk abou the aftermath. Are you glad you did it? Did it help you hear better? did it take the sound away? My hearing loss is at about 90 to 95% in both ears and I also have a very loud humming in my left side and pressurePlease respond
Yes.. Digital sound straight to your brain.Thanks, things are starting to work out great. Even before my CI, but after I lost my hearing, loud noises cause pain. Trucks, motorcycles and even a loud car in a parking garage. This is why I am concerned about the jet noises.
@BleedingPurist. Do you mean to use music and direct connect into my CI? Sorry but I don't quite understand all of this yet. I really do appreciate everyones help.
I had my very long appointment today, 3 hours. Saw the surgeon first. He checked my CI to make sure every thing was OK and also checked my ears. All that was great.
Met with my audi and the CI rep. The CI rep was amazing and really knew her stuff. They reprogrammed my CI starting from the very beginning. Redid a lot of my hearing tests and finally agreed where my CI default setting should be. Everyone agrees my discomfort is due from my injury and my nerves are just extra sensitive.
CI rep wants me to work hard at increasing the sensitivity level. She explained that the lower the sensitivity level, the less I am giving my brain to hear. Made sense, and I am giving it every thing I have. All in all a good day, long but good!!!
That is great to know. Let's hope that the remapping will help you.
Quick question, though....every time I go in for remapping, we always start from scratch. My new audi uses the "count the beeps" method instead of the "let me know when you start hearing" method. That is pretty much starting from scratch. What method does yours use?