Yeah, right (sarcasm). You would not let babies make the choice if the parents want to put the CI on adorable healthy babies and not wait when they get old enough to decide for themselves and have a talk with their parents.
It is never to late to learn things even with CI. For me, I did not learn how to speak until I was 9 years old and I turned out fine but still have difficult trying to make out in school. I was able to read and write well enough but not much better than I am now. That was years ago long before CI came into the picture.
You don't understand how the brain works.
Anyway, you know perfectly well there is complication in the surgery and it can make the deaf go deaf if the surgery is not successful. Anything could happen in the operating rooms. Beside it is not an emergency just to rush to put CI on the small babies.

If the babies are consider deaf, then the parents, the doctors and the hearing authorities like AGBell Organization have to accept them because you can not make them hearing and many other disability kids just like deaf and hard of hearing don't like having parents put them down just to make them suffer more in order to make them normal. Remember that "perfect" parents do have some flaws too. No on is perfect.
Make the deaf go deaf? Now that would be tragic. Why in the world would you think parents would be "putting them down" and why would they suffer
more with a CI, than if they didn't have one? I mean really, explain that. Do you even know any children that have CI's? You seem to be making a lot of assumptions, and most of them are based on prejudices against hearing people. Parents generally hyave their children's best interest at heart, try not thinking about "making" them hear, but they're "allowing" them to hear.
I would love to see the children grow up happy and function like any other children and let them enjoy their childhood without making them go through being force to do what the hearing parents want them to be. The children are not like their parents and their siblings. They have a right to be the person in their own body. No one should touch them like this. It is like making the children look like robot or Frankenstein if you put it behind cochlear. Just let them be natural. The hearing parents worry too much and it need to stop as we have struggle for eons. Just leave the children alone until their time to make a decision on their own without forcing.
You should stop worrying about what other people are doing
fortheir children. Because yes, a parent does this for the
child, not for them. I have absolutely no idea how you have come to the conclusion that a child with a CI cannot enjoy their childhood. They
are like they're parents, they're human, and now with a CI they can hear. Even if they didn't have a CI, they'd still be like their parents, we're all human and we all live love and laugh the same.
Next time I see a child in a wheel chair I'm going to have to ask them why they make their kid look like a vehicle. Why don't they let them be batural and drag themselves around on the ground.
The part you don't get, if you wait until they're "old enough" it's too late for it to be anywhere near as effective. If you love the little happy healthy babies so much.....why would you want to make it so much harder for them? and suffer great disappointment? If they
did decide they want to hear, only now it's too late, they'll never be able to hear as well as if they had been implanted at a young age.
That makes absolutely no sense to me, and seems cruel.