Mass casualties at theater showing Batman movie

Emergency exit doors are generally not guarded because they all will set off an alarm anyway.
They don't all set off automatic alarms. The door at the Aurora theater didn't set of an alarm.
May change rule for all movie theaters. We will find out about federal law.
They can't change that law because it's a fire safety issue. When buildings are occupied, the exit doors must be unlocked from the inside, they can't be blocked with anything, they have to be lit, and they have to open outward.
I realize what you where trying to say , but I have watching the news and it so heartbreaking hearing about all the innocent people that lost their lives and the victims that got hurt in this senseless insane act of violence. That baby may end having health issues with their lungs from the toxic gas . :(
Many of the wounded victims will have life-long problems resulting from their injuries. :(
Holmes opened the exit door when he was inside the theater , you would think an alarm would had gone off then. How was Holmes able to sneak out the theater then go back in through the exit door unseen. There need to be surveillance cameras around the outside of movie theaters so this can't happen again.
I can understand why businesses, including theaters, don't want audible alarms going off every time a door opens. However, they could have a light panel with the doors numbered that would flash whenever a door was opened, and it could be monitored by an employee.
Many of the wounded victims will have life-long problems resulting from their injuries. :(

Yup, that's extremely sad.

That how I deal with pain and uncomfortable from IBS everyday. :(

Having injuries will result in more complication for rest of their life and they will share with frustration, including psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, PTSD).

Exposed as victim in massacre in real life will make me very sad for rest of my life.

Movie theaters owned by major companies do have surveillance cameras such as the one that James Holmes unleashed a stream of senseless shootings at. However, with mom-and-pops movie theaters, there might not be any surveillance cameras.
The movie theater where I worked (eons ago) was a older, single, large theater that didn't have surveillance cameras or door alarms.

Unless the cameras are constantly monitored, they aren't of much use for crime prevention. Most parking lot and convenience store security cameras are used for trying to figure out what happened after the fact. Of course, then it's too late.
They can't change that law because it's a fire safety issue. When buildings are occupied, the exit doors must be unlocked from the inside, they can't be blocked with anything, they have to be lit, and they have to open outward.

I think the main thing that will change is movie theaters may beef up security. They might even install metal detectors (like they already do at public schools).

One thing that keeps going through my mind is Jeanne Assam:
(posted wrong link from other thread here before - oops)
It wasn't but just a few years ago that a crazed gunman went on a shooting spree at her church

Why is it always Colorado?
Do you know about Kennesaw, Georgia? This city require homeowners to have guns with ammo.

I know about Kennesaw, and I met the man who wrote that law. Dent Meyers. The locals all call him a crazy racist nazi.

I will admit, he isn't normal. But, he is very smart, not a racist, not a nazi, but definitely .... not normal. He is also very friendly. He used to be an engineer for the USAF and worked on aircraft.

Anyways, that law is tongue and cheek humor and not meant to be taken seriously. For example, the neighboring town (where my mom lives) it is the law to own a fishing pole.

My mother does not own a fishing pole and no one has hauled her to jail .... yet. :giggle:

Maybe I should get her one for her birthday just in case?
Well, Stupid is as stupid does. I know, sometime senseless violence happens and that stuns everyone because we just don't comprehend the reason of why that had to happen. Naturally, we are quick to assume that there has to be a reason for everything but sometime there are stuff that can and does render us speechless.

Yes, it's tragic and could have been avoided. It stems anger from a lot of people demanding the answer to have the "WHY?" answered. That's it, we all don't have the answer to everything.

Yes, stupid is as stupid does.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former" ~ Albert Einstein.

Here you see, James Homes was a PhD student as the articles covering the massacre has mentioned over and over again that this young man was the top of the top in his class. Gaining more intelligence is not a substitute for the absence of common sense!

Remember what I have told you in the past, old friend? I have told you that there is a reason for everything! We might not ever know that reason, but it'll be revealed in the life to come.

They don't all set off automatic alarms. The door at the Aurora theater didn't set of an alarm.

The emergency exit doors should set off an alarm. But this is irrelevant because the gunman did not enter inside through the emergency exit doors.

Many of the wounded victims will have life-long problems resulting from their injuries. :(

I concur. Physical injuries can be cured or alleviated, but emotional scars might never be healed. Emotional scars are the most horrible things in the aftermath of a tragedy.
I know about Kennesaw, and I met the man who wrote that law. Dent Meyers. The locals all call him a crazy racist nazi.

I will admit, he isn't normal. But, he is very smart, not a racist, not a nazi, but definitely .... not normal. He is also very friendly. He used to be an engineer for the USAF and worked on aircraft.

Anyways, that law is tongue and cheek humor and not meant to be taken seriously. For example, the neighboring town (where my mom lives) it is the law to own a fishing pole.

My mother does not own a fishing pole and no one has hauled her to jail .... yet. :giggle:

Maybe I should get her one for her birthday just in case?

Oh I see, that's interesting.

Kennesaw is more upscale suburb and very safer place to visit but do you know about some portion of Cobb County is declining like some part of Marietta and Austell (that's where Six Flags is in)?
MODS: One more request. Can you please change the title of this thread. I don't want the killer's name included. The focus should be on the victims, not the killer.


Reba, you can change the title yourself. Click edit on your first post and then click advanced. :)
To add more stricter gun control laws won't solve the problem.

Of course not! As long as this world continues to exist, there will always be law breakers because there are so many people out there that do not give any regard to life per se!
Oh I see, that's interesting.

Kennesaw is more upscale suburb and very safer place to visit but do you know about some portion of Cobb County is declining like some part of Marietta and Austell (that's where Six Flags is in)?

Wow - you know about Cobb? You should come visit me some time.

My entire family moved away from Cobb except my mother. We do not like how that county is governed. They are not very deaf friendly.

I live in Cherokee now and it is much better here.

MODS: One more request. Can you please change the title of this thread. I don't want the killer's name included. The focus should be on the victims, not the killer.

Wow - you know about Cobb? You should come visit me some time.

My entire family moved away from Cobb except my mother. We do not like how that county is governed. They are not very deaf friendly.

I live in Cherokee now and it is much better here.

Yup, some of them and I do know about Atlanta metro, especially Fulton, Clayton, Gwinnett and Cherokee counties. My cousin used lived in Cherokee County in few years ago before moved to Virginia.

Sorry about off topic but you can reach me via PM.
My apologies too ... was just taken back at how much smaller this planet got :)
My apologies too ... was just taken back at how much smaller this planet got :)

The planet gets smaller when we discover we have mutual friends, yet gets bigger when we feel we are far away from someone! Perspective is quite an interesting thing, ain't it? :)

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