Model of CI?


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I got email message from my friend about asking what is best model of CI? I dunno...

He wants to know what model of CI does your friend have? AB, Cochlear and BEA before he will got new CI.

If you have a friend, does this person born with profound deafness and hear better after CI? Is this person hates deaf with ASL? Is this person both hearing and ASL? Other?

I will reply him so he can get survey samples models of CI who experiencing them.
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Only Advanced Bionics and Cochlear are worth looking at. I have Advanced Bionics and am very pleased. The company is very responsive to inquiry and parts. I needed a part on travel and I received it the next morning. I've heard customer service is not as good with Cochlear, but they do have a good product. I would not consider MedEl.
Like Cheetah I have Advanced Bionics-Harmony. I have mentioned this before-recommended at the time of implantation-July/07 as being the most suitable for me at that point of time. I have no complaints so far. Coming up to 5 years shortly.

My cousin choose Med El over Cochlear about a year ago. ( A B was still had production problem-then). She is quite happy with the choice. Sunnybrook/Toronto does use the 3 companies-at the moment.They have been around since 1984 and implanted 950 out of 3000 referred patients. ( Info recent patients meeting)

Which company's implant is discussed at the point of consideration for the person being implanted based on their experiences to date -which is valuable.
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AB or Cochlear. my hub likes AB but no upgrade so he picked cochlear because of long years and upgrades. *shrugs* AB has more frequent sounds better than cochlear.
I'm picking AB for myself. Your friend needs to do some research and figure out which device will be the best one for himself.
I'm going with cochlear for myself's all personal preference ..tell your friend to contact each company or order a CI kit online and see what they like from each companies product
AB or Cochlear. my hub likes AB but no upgrade so he picked cochlear because of long years and upgrades. *shrugs* AB has more frequent sounds better than cochlear.

I'm gonna have to agree that AB sounds better than cochlear, but I think its all because of the mics on each processor (n5 and harmony)
My appointment with my audiologist is this Friday to pick out what equipment I want. I thought I had made my mind up going with Nucleus5. Now I do not know. I assumed if the doctor likes this model best then that is what I should use. Any thoughts about that? If I decide on what company to use is that all I need to do? I keep reading about different processors, is that a different decision? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!!
Angel just discuss with your audi - the concerns you may have in part from reading Then go from there.
Good luck
Angel just discuss with your audi - the concerns you may have in part from reading Then go from there.
Good luck

Thanks for the support. My one giant hurdle is that I have not read any posts about CI helping or diminishing the horrific loud noise I have 24/7. If I new of others in my same situation and knew their outcome was good. That would definitely help my decision. Anyone out there like me????
Angel: Probably your condition is not what "usually occurs"-sudden massive loss to deafness. Thus one can't advise/offer personal experience to you.
Again hopefully your doctors can help you in your very trying circumstances.
My appointment with my audiologist is this Friday to pick out what equipment I want. I thought I had made my mind up going with Nucleus5. Now I do not know. I assumed if the doctor likes this model best then that is what I should use. Any thoughts about that? If I decide on what company to use is that all I need to do? I keep reading about different processors, is that a different decision? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!!

Its not just the audiologist, but usually, audiologist team up with surgeon and many surgeons dont do AB anymore (they make contracts with the companies).

Good luck! I cant wait to hear about your journey of getting one!
where'd you get that many surgeons don't do AB anymore? As far as I know, plenty and plenty of surgeons are still doing AB.
Well I know that my surgeon that did my last surgery is not doing AB anymore because of their recalls in the past and told me that many other surgeons are now on contracts with Cochlear instead.
This was a year half ago, maybe more surgeons have opened to the AB after they fixed the recall.
My daughter has cochlear, she has been implanted for 14 yrs now,we have had no problems at all plus we have had three upgrades witch she says has helped heralot. Whenever we need new coil cord or anything its there overnight. Great service
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Only Advanced Bionics and Cochlear are worth looking at. I have Advanced Bionics and am very pleased. The company is very responsive to inquiry and parts. I needed a part on travel and I received it the next morning. I've heard customer service is not as good with Cochlear, but they do have a good product. I would not consider MedEl.

What is wrong with Med-El? Curious because I am a potential candidate for one of their clinical trials.
My daughter has cochlear, she has been implanted for 14 yrs now,we have had no problems at all plus we have had three upgrades witch she says has helped heralot. Whenever we need new coil cord or anything its there overnight. Great service

That is good to know. Customer service is an important factor in this huge decision. I appreciate all of your opinions greatly. Keep them comimg. It makes my decision easier knowing you all care and want to follow my journey. I will definitely keep you in the loop.:angel:
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

Only Advanced Bionics and Cochlear are worth looking at. I would not consider MedEl.

Why do you feel that way about Med El? Just curious what led to what seems to be a negative opinion of them.

I am also an AB-user, but if I had to choose otherwise, it would definitely be Med El. Cochlear just doesn't have the internal technology. Med El has yet to unleash the potential of their internal implant as far as I understand, but it's ready to go.
I'm gonna have to agree that AB sounds better than cochlear, but I think its all because of the mics on each processor (n5 and harmony)

It's not so much the mics, though the placement of the T-mic IS a definite factor. It really does come down to the internal technology.

I know you have first-hand experience. For AB-users, if you ever used CIS, you got the gist of what Speak and ACE do. Then if you moved on to Hi Res or Fidelity 120, you experienced a jump in sound quality with each upgrade. Cochlear hasn't moved beyond ACE (because the internal device can't.) That is why their emphasis is on the external processor in adding the features you'll find on a hearing aid.
when I first started researching CIs about 10 years ago, Med-El was immediately crossed off my list as I didn't like the way the processor was designed (made me think of a gun). Nowadays, eh I don't know. I'm just gonna go with AB and that's that. Is it Friday yet?!