Deaf Parents of Deaf kids

Kids get CI??

  • Yes. why not

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters
I didn't give you admissions to make any statements. And why do you think I want to know what you belive in? Ur funny.

i believe many teenagers deaf non-CI users are fucked up.

Just like your statement, my statement about many teenagers deaf non-CI users being fucked up is filled with Ignorance
Based on what the late-deafened people on this board have posted. You know, the ones who had hearing before. It helps to read other people's posts.

Even Rush Limbaugh said the same thing.
How would you know?

Seriously? Even the Cochlear company says the same thing.

Also, the OP opened this thread to get input and feedback from those who are Deaf.

You deaf? There is a subforum for hearing parents to have their discussions, feel free to create as many threads as you want in that subforum and discuss away to your heart's content.

Any reason you are ignoring the OP's request on this particular thread to get feedback from deaf people only? It's rather rude.
i believe many teenagers deaf non-CI users are fucked up.

Just like your statement, my statement about many teenagers deaf non-CI users being fucked up is filled with Ignorance
Don't take this personal. You will be fine! You can speak up for yourself, that's great.
Okay, my son has clarified why he feels no need to think about a CI. First, his reasons for no HA? He was tired of all the ear infections and irritations. My mother has a naturally loud voice. I have been told that I do as well too. He couldn't handle that at all. Now, for the CI, he remembered that since he is like me with allergies to so many medicines, he would not have an easy time with the surgery involved. I asked a local doctor who does the CI surgery and listed son's allergies, he said that no doctor in the world would be able to give him a CI due to the allergies.

Daughter said that if there was something out there that would clear up speech so that it didn't sound muffled, fuzzy or weird, then she might consider it, but she has researched online and there's nothing.
Well, you keep asking me al these questions.....:dunno:

Well, then, she wouldn't be asking the questions if you weren't here. Keep in mind the title of the thread. Deaf parents of Deaf kids. It's not Hearing parents of Deaf kids. You guys already have your own area for that.
I didn't realize we were asking HIM all these questions. Where's the icon for :MY-BIG-EGO: ?
Seriously .. this thread, as created by FF, was for Deaf Parents (including those who may be planning on having kids if they don't yet, or eventually planning on implants [or not, based on info learned here] ), yet some that are hearing, and/or have NO affiliation to the deaf, still keep on trolling here.
I didn't give you admissions to make any statements. And why do you think I want to know what you belive in? Ur funny.

And you are deaf to logical arguments. I am withdrawing from this pointless exchange, it's only a waste of time talking to you.

Seriously .. this thread, as created by FF, was for Deaf Parents (including those who may be planning on having kids if they don't yet, or eventually planning on implants [or not, based on info learned here] ), yet some that are hearing, and/or have NO affiliation to the deaf, still keep on trolling here.

Seriously, this is also a public forum, so one has to be prepared everyone
will pipe in, but EVERYONE.

You don't want anyone else to interfere - PM them. It was pointed to me on many occasions. Use your own advice.

Seriously, this is also a public forum, so one has to be prepared everyone
will pipe in, but EVERYONE.

You don't want anyone else to interfere - PM them. It was pointed to me on many occasions. Use your own advice.


FF already asked this of you several times.
Well, you keep asking me al these questions.....:dunno:

why don't you use your sub forum to make a thread? the moderators made a honor for you guys to have own sub forum YAY. use the new sub forum. yay

i am not interested in seeing your comments. its all the same result.
And you are deaf to logical arguments. I am withdrawing from this pointless exchange, it's only a waste of time talking to you.

No, I'm not. Pure logic is nonsense, and don't prove anything. But the irony here is that you even fail with logic thinking. Let's stop this waste of time yeah.

Back on topic; would never consider CI for my kids because I feel kids are at a risk getting a weak identity, neither hearing nor deaf, living in a world of limited, but strong electric inputs.
No, I'm not. Pure logic is nonsense, and don't prove anything. But the irony here is that you even fail with logic thinking. Let's stop this waste of time yeah.

Back on topic; would never consider CI for my kids because I feel kids are at a risk getting a weak identity, neither hearing nor deaf, living in a world of limited, but strong electric inputs.

That hit me, the part about the weak identity, neither hearing nor deaf. Very much my state of mind growing's hard when you didn't really belong in the hearing world or in the deaf community. It's like a double barrier of sorts.
That hit me, the part about the weak identity, neither hearing nor deaf. Very much my state of mind growing's hard when you didn't really belong in the hearing world or in the deaf community. It's like a double barrier of sorts.
Interesting, I'm not raised oral or hoh so can only listen to your experience. This is perhaps a reason some people choose to stop using their implants, or wish they weren't implanted? It's also a problem the expenses and complications of CI are justified by better integration in the mainstream society, placing a big burden on kids.

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