1. People who smack their lips while eating or eating with their mouth open
2. stupid drivers (I don't drive but I still can't stand them lol)
3. Screaming children running around that isn't being supervised by parents.
4. When my cat (ironically) decides to eat my hair at 6 am to let me know shes hungry.
5.Women that will walk around in a music concert outdoor event (all day/night) wearing heels (are they freaking nuts???)
6.Large crowds (like going to walmart during the day... no way, will avoid it at all cost)
7. Stoners who makes weed their life. (I mean hey, if you do it more power to you but its not all I want to talk about!)
8. When people say one thing, but do another
9.When I go into a food place and my order is completely wrong.
10.Clutter, pack rats. (I mean I'm not the cleanest person here, but come on! do you really need to save cardboard boxes if your not moving anytime soon???)
11. When someone completely ignores you and blabs away on a cell phone.
12. Smoking (although I used to smoke, I quit)
13. People that mumbles instead of actually talking
LOL only if it comes to my kids,
*my kids always hid the unwrapped candy somewhere in the house, ie. it was in the cat house, behind the laundry, on the floor of the corner in the living room and go on.
*Dirty clothes are on the floor next to the laundry basket .. I don't get it why they can't put clothes in the laundry basket, not on the floor and right outside of the laundry basket.
*interrupting me when its my time to eat at any meals
*taking over televisions
continue to be...
What are your biggest pet peeves?
Mine are:
- socks with sandals
- obnoxious drivers
- scratches on glasses lenses
I'm sure there's more lol
Oh oh! Having voice-off being called "dumb". #%^**+} I hate that.
I. Am. Not. Dumb!