The important thing is, which does your dog do when you give the command?My daughter said when I tell my dog "to sit" it sometime sound like I am saying "shit!" It is hard to tell some words apart , and it can be really funny at time! You have to be able to laugh at yourself sometime!
The important thing is, which does your dog do when you give the command?![]()
"I am death!"
*People screaming and running away!*
"Was it something I said??"
I have seen the following sign used:I have been battling blues all week because of the "death" issue. I was preparing a vocabulary list for the ASL class I teach at an extended care facility where I live. On the list that day was the word "death" and it led to the discovery that I could find no sign for the words "widow, widower and widowed" in any of my research. In a masterpiece of bad timing, one of my best pupils (a hard of hearing 92 year old enthusiastic novice signer) was in low spirits because it was the anniversary of the death of his wife. He fell apart. I'm not sure how to handle the next class and I still want to know how to sign "widow". My class is made up of elderly people many of whom also have arthritis. They are all still 'with it' mentally and are eager to learn. Any help here?
I don't understand those hearing people who said 'death' when they meant 'deaf'. With their hearing, they should be able to said the right word!
I have been battling blues all week because of the "death" issue. I was preparing a vocabulary list for the ASL class I teach at an extended care facility where I live. On the list that day was the word "death" and it led to the discovery that I could find no sign for the words "widow, widower and widowed" in any of my research. In a masterpiece of bad timing, one of my best pupils (a hard of hearing 92 year old enthusiastic novice signer) was in low spirits because it was the anniversary of the death of his wife. He fell apart. I'm not sure how to handle the next class and I still want to know how to sign "widow". My class is made up of elderly people many of whom also have arthritis. They are all still 'with it' mentally and are eager to learn. Any help here?
That's certainly the easiest and most accurate way to go.Why not just "wife dead?"
The important thing is, which does your dog do when you give the command?![]()
Maybe she was a deaf zombie!One local newspaper wrote something special article about deaf student's accomplishment, and the sentence they wrote "She graduated from Wisconsin School for the Dead".
Let's look at your keybaord, the letter "d" is next to "f".