North Tower Exploding on 9-11

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yep. it takes years. These pilots are trained the same way as Navy pilots.
Not really.

Navy pilots start off with general basic flight training on small training aircraft. That training includes safety and rescue procedures, bail out and sea survival, and ditching over water, things that hijackers wouldn't need to learn.

After that training, they divide up into training for specific aircraft and tactics. It's all the specialized training that takes more time.

The primary basic flight training takes about six months.
Not really.

Navy pilots start off with general basic flight training on small training aircraft. That training includes safety and rescue procedures, bail out and sea survival, and ditching over water, things that hijackers wouldn't need to learn.

After that training, they divide up into training for specific aircraft and tactics. It's all the specialized training that takes more time.
right... it doesn't take basic flight training to operate commercial jetliner.

The primary basic flight training takes about six months.
so the total length of training is......?
right... it doesn't take basic flight training to operate commercial jetliner.

so the total length of training is......?
Depends on the type of aircraft. There is no one answer. Also, military pilot training is ongoing. A military pilot trains until the day he retires.

Also, military pilots aren't learning just to fly planes. Their training includes much more than that.

Someone who wants to crash a plane into a building doesn't need all that specialized training. The 6-month basic course is more than enough.
Someone who wants to crash a plane into a building doesn't need all that specialized training. The 6-month basic course is more than enough.
with that kind of precision? I doubt it takes 6 months to learn it.

It's a 6-months training to learn how to fly basic plane and understand basic physics..... not commercial jetliner.
Cessna Cockpit

Commercial Jetliner Cockpit

and it takes 6-months to learn 747? including how to plot the course in computer? nice... I wanna do it! But... between gun and motorcycle hobby.... I lack fund to take flight training. :(
with that kind of precision? I doubt it takes 6 months to learn it.

It's a 6-months training to learn how to fly basic plane and understand basic physics..... not commercial jetliner.
It's not like they had to learn pre-flight instrument check and maintenance. They didn't need to know how to take off and land, the two most precarious operations.
with that kind of precision? I doubt it takes 6 months to learn it.

It's a 6-months training to learn how to fly basic plane and understand basic physics..... not commercial jetliner.

Nah, it's fairly easy really. (according to an in-law) The most impressive thing (not to praise terrorists) was the turn the second plane made given it's rate of speed. My in law believs that turn was luck actually and that there was plenty of room for error.....they were going to hit something even if they lost control.
It's not like they had to learn pre-flight instrument check and maintenance. They didn't need to know how to take off and land, the two most precarious operations.

well how else can they learn to fly? They can't just tell the flight instructor - just teach me how to plot in the course and fly low. That would raise red flag.

If they're in flight school, they have to do it by the book.
Nah, it's fairly easy really. (according to an in-law) The most impressive thing (not to praise terrorists) was the turn the second plane made given it's rate of speed. My in law believs that turn was luck actually and that there was plenty of room for error.....they were going to hit something even if they lost control.

no such thing as luck in flying. What happened at Flight 1549 (Hudson River crash) wasn't a luck. It was training.

oh btw - I speak from fact... my friend's father is a commercial jet pilot. not that easy. is your in-law a commercial pilot too?
Jiro, here's some links about Navy pilot training.

(Side note: CNATRA is pronounced "Sinatra", like the singer. :) )

which is why more than half of commercial pilots are from military. In that picture (1st link), you definitely can't fly a commercial jetliner from phase 1. According to my friend, there are thousand of things that can go easily wrong especially for a pilot with basic training designed for operating simple Cessna plane.

Why not learn how to fly commercial jet in their country? or some shady countries? They do fly bigger planes there.
All they had to know how to do was steer a plane already airborne. They could skip the landing lessons, the takeoff lessons, the radio lessons, the courtesy lessons. Not to say it was easy, but these were intelligent people carefully selected for this role. They only had one shot. They wanted to get it right. And what about the crater in PA? Did government give them inside info that there was an infidel horse grazing out in the fields?
no such thing as luck in flying. What happened at Flight 1549 (Hudson River crash) wasn't a luck. It was training.

oh btw - I speak from fact... my friend's father is a commercial jet pilot. not that easy.

Well I guess our friends/family can agree to disagree... :lol:
Why not learn how to fly commercial jet in their country? or some shady countries? They do fly bigger planes there.
Are you suggesting they did not? Perhaps they had one or two experienced former pilots write up a training manual to give them a head start.
Wirelessly posted

So there was a job inside? No planes? No victims in planes? Witnesses of 9/11 are just nothing but lairs? It was all invovment of government? And it is all Bush's fault for 9/11? Victims are not decreased cos they went missing? Cops are not heroes? Firefighters were decreased for nothing? Everything was nothing but all of this is false vision? All of yours and mine are just full of imagination of "fake" 9/11?

Basically, 9/11 is just fake? I mean, really??
which is why more than half of commercial pilots are from military. In that picture (1st link), you definitely can't fly a commercial jetliner from phase 1. According to my friend, there are thousand of things that can go easily wrong especially for a pilot with basic training designed for operating simple Cessna plane.
There's a huge difference in what's required to crash a plane into a large building, and learning to safely take off, fly, and land a plane under all kinds of conditions, which is what a commercial pilot needs to learn.

I don't know how many more times I need to say that.

Why not learn how to fly commercial jet in their country? or some shady countries? They do fly bigger planes there.
Maybe the classes aren't as accessible to the general public in other countries.

Maybe the American classes wouldn't be under as much scrutiny.

Maybe they wanted to stay closer to their ultimate target areas.

I don't know anything about flying classes overseas. Do you?

Check it out:
It doesn't bother me that people still believe that being trained for two weeks in flying a single-engine airplane qualifies one for flying large jetliners. Seems idiotic though. Oh well.
It doesn't bother me that people still believe that being trained for two weeks in flying a single-engine airplane qualifies one for flying large jetliners. Seems idiotic though. Oh well.

Go figure!
It doesn't bother me that people still believe that being trained for two weeks in flying a single-engine airplane qualifies one for flying large jetliners. Seems idiotic though. Oh well.
What is so idiotic about it? I have heard of people with ZERO pilot training fly and land a plane with voice instructions. It is rare, but it happens.
What is so idiotic about it? I have heard of people with ZERO pilot training fly and land a plane with voice instructions. It is rare, but it happens.

In jetliners? Never happened, only in movies. :lol:
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