hello, I'm back.
it's not who you were thinking of. thanks though.
bottesini, talking about me?
thinking we have five days until photo contest ends! wow, 300 - 400(?) pictures to look through.:Ohno:
WOW!....I've never had any family member pay my bills or expenses, loans, etc......Must be "nice" ?? I dunno...it would make me feel "obligated"...and again, do you plan to pay her back? Or, is this just an exchange for not moving out?
is thinking I'd never say this but is thinking that it might be nice to take a winter break from motorcycling. Both of my hands are showing a sign of arthritis or carpel tunnel syndrome or similar. :Ohno:
I'm actually not sure what's causing it... is it from computer keyboard? or motorcycling? or what?
I know what it is.
Yup, 405 posts left till permanent carpal tunnel syndrome. better refrain now.
not my problem
my reply = see post #6182 again
WOW!....I've never had any family member pay my bills or expenses, loans, etc......Must be "nice" ?? I dunno...it would make me feel "obligated"...and again, do you plan to pay her back? Or, is this just an exchange for not moving out?
This is so we don't move out on her. She has paid off the Expedition, is getting new windows on the house (these old ones are 50 years old and leak like crazy), installing ceiling fans throughout the house (can't do central A/C due to the way home was built), having new insulation blown through the attic and walls, putting new doors on with new locks and deadbolts and then in another 3 years will replace all the carpet. She will also be making arrangements for a new roof and new paint job on the house as well. Roof is 30 years old and they don't sell her tiles any longer. Carpet in 13 years old. Paint job gets done every 8-10 years like clockwork. She wants to get it all done, so that when she dies, the money she leaves behind will not have to go to the house. Her words were, I miss "Jimmy" (FIL) too much, so let me get all this done as a gift to you and so that you will stay. When I have gotten it all done, then I will feel comfortable with dying and join Jimmy. She is 74 and in lots of pain from various things.
Too bad you don't know an ADer that does this type of work.....
She has this guy who has done work on a lot of houses in this neighborhood. He's done a lot of work on her house here and there. I figure, if she's paying, she gets to choose the workers, right?
Prolly so. BTW insulation is very cheap and easy to do yourself. Lowes and HD rent the machines for free with a purchase of 25 bags of insulation. Plus the insulation is Tax deductible. Info is on the bag
Should've said that!did you tell her - "pix or it didn't happen"?