What do you WASTE your time on?

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I waste my time ShotOnline. An online golfing game MMORPG.
Lately FB - I don't think it's wasting time to be on AllDeaf since I learn and lot of useful and not so useful info here. It's very entertaining.:laugh2:
Facebooook, farm town, read my messages in Yoville

and read pointless posts like this one on AD :)

nah im kiddin
Facebook and games there.
PSP, PS3, Bobs Lake of Doom on my husband's Sidekick. (sad for me I took Blackberry this time.)
The only thing I can think of that I consider wasting my time are watching TV or reading AD and FB.

I rarely have enough time to "waste" as I have too much to do and not enough hours in the days to do it all. GRRR!
I wish I knew a different way to waste my time when it's dark :|

You're a young girl. Go to nightclubs.

I just don't go to them because I haven't figured out how to ask girls without a wingman, or getting stupidly drunk and not care about what I do. The latter is no longer an option.
I love nightclubs but I am on low profile for the remaining of the year :/