On Oprah....last night (Warning: Graphic Content)

I'm not sure if the coroner's report came back on this or not, but in the initial reports they said something along the lines that the chimp might have been suffering from lyme disease, which is known to cause personality changes and psychotic breaks in both humans and animals.
it's exactly why you don't have exotic animals as pets. People with pythons, panthers, chimps etc as pets are in my opinion foolish.
:shock: Oh my gosh, that's horrible!! Was she the one that was mauled by a 200 pound pet chimpanzee?
Dogs and cats have bitten or scratched off of each other eyes. From my experience, they will grab on whatever closest and easily access to. my pekinese have bitten off my other pekinese eye

Anyway, I had a cat who will scratch each other faces.

I don't think this chimp thought about where to attack... he just wanted to attack and her face just happened to be there.

I had cats who scratch near my eye before (a toddler). and our kitty scratch our son's eye when he was toddler . My husband's face got bitten on the face by a dog (he was a toddler as well). I think the reason they went after toddler's face because it is the easiest access to it... you know we all look at cute little animals and our face just happen to be there for them to attack.
Dogs and cats have bitten or scratched off of each other eyes. From my experience, they will grab on whatever closest and easily access to. my pekinese have bitten off my other pekinese eye

Anyway, I had a cat who will scratch each other faces.

I don't think this chimp thought about where to attack... he just wanted to attack and her face just happened to be there.

I had cats who scratch near my eye before (a toddler). and our kitty scratch our son's eye when he was toddler . My husband's face got bitten on the face by a dog (he was a toddler as well). I think the reason they went after toddler's face because it is the easiest access to it... you know we all look at cute little animals and our face just happen to be there for them to attack.

You damn well what I meant.
sorry, but animals are animals... I think every animals have the same capability as humans. They all feel,defend,and protect, but they just happened to have different body for different reasons.

We all know that if a dog does have mental problems, he does go against his nature, like licking his fur til he is bald. But if he had arms like a chimp, he would done the same thing as this chimp if he had mental issues. I don't think it has anything to do with being related to human, but more of what physical traits they are born to survive with that make them different from each animals.
I second that....

I don't know why people keep getting animals that weigh more than themselves.

Because they are stupid! I had doberman twice in my life. They ended up had tumors in their brain and changed their personalities, and got confused with my family. They were ready to sac us. :shock: I still love doberman but will not plan to own a big dog. Sometimes big dogs scare me. :shock: I do like dogs though. They are not wild dogs, just big dogs.
But you know they know exactly how to go for your jugular?

wild cat is not going for jugular. just your windpipe. effective way to kill the prey that way.
I am with RD...I dont understand people who adopt exotic animals as pets without the proper training to handle them. I dont know if this woman had the proper training. However, this just gives me more of a reason to hate any animals from the monkey family. I dont enjoy watching them at the zoo.
I am with RD...I dont understand people who adopt exotic animals as pets without the proper training to handle them. I dont know if this woman had the proper training. However, this just gives me more of a reason to hate any animals from the monkey family. I dont enjoy watching them at the zoo.

Apes and Monkeys aren't the same. Although they are both primates.
Apes and Monkeys aren't the same. Although they are both primates.

Any animals from the primate family.

Nevermind..it wasnt her pet chimp. It was her friend's.

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