Yeah, it is. All the dorms on RIT campus are the same design.Originally posted by Oddball
Yes, now halls were renovated. I heard that Tower A is like Ritz Carlton hotel like theme now. Finally it is about time. LOL I will visit RIT someday and curious the halls are looking like now.
Turds? farout. It was hilarious!!
That is one thing I don't like about the RIT campus. Archatechually, it is boring. Everything basically looks the same.Originally posted by VamPyroX
Yeah, it is. All the dorms on RIT campus are the same design.
It's because they're retards.Why would students falsely pull the fire alarm? Am I missing something?
Not really.Is NTID and Galludet near each other then?
It's because they're retards.
They think it's "cool" to pull the switch or to burn something to set it off.
I've heard rumors that deaf students at NTID were trying to compete with deaf students at Gallaudet to see who could set off the most fire alarms in a few months.
A couple students on my floor a few years ago thought that it would be cool to spray another student's room full with a fire extinguisher. It set off the fire alarm and both students were suspended from the dorms for the rest of the quarter (5 more weeks) and then suspended from RIT for a year.ha ha thats right. i totally forget about this one why they kept scoring against ntid/rit. lol the worst weekend was when the homecoming came, my god too much of fire alarms that kept us up all night and few all day. :rme: Some of them knew they were about to kick out of gally due to their flunked up grades and did it for FUN and their last memories. jeez!
It's because they're retards.
They think it's "cool" to pull the switch or to burn something to set it off.
A couple students on my floor a few years ago thought that it would be cool to spray another student's room full with a fire extinguisher. It set off the fire alarm and both students were suspended from the dorms for the rest of the quarter (5 more weeks) and then suspended from RIT for a year.
The problem with burning things in the microwave is that students never read the instructions when cooking food. Almost ALL popcorn packets require a maximum of 3 minutes to pop fully. Students are stupid enough to just push the button for 5 minutes and then walk away thinking that 5 minutes will ensure that every kernel is popped without realizing that popcorn do burn! :roll:
The same goes for other food. They overcook their food. They almost always press the button then leave the kitchen. That's why a lot of RAs keep reminding their students to stay with their food.
There are some RAs who are stubborn enough to stop the microwave if they walk in the kitchen and see it running with no one in it. If the student comes back and complains, those RAs will simply say... "Then don't leave the kitchen!" :Owned:
How are they getting out of classes? It's the dorm buildings that the fire alarms are being set off in.Hmmm...There are just some things I won't understand! Maybe they were trying to get out of classes?
At RIT, signs are made and meetings are done to inform students of these things... but there are still stupid students who are ignorant and tear down those signs or refuse to show up for those meetings. Sometimes, those meetings/signs are done twice or 3 times. :roll:Kids are crazy to do something so dangerous in college. oh god. i was a R.A. for 4 years. They could have made the signs and the meeting too. I dont know what ntid/rit R.A. duties look like. =?
How is fire alarm at Gally today, I means recent year like 2007-2008.