Star Trek fans? Anyone?


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Mar 7, 2009
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I grew up watching syndicated re-runs of Classic Trek and STTNG came on when I was 13. I loved DS9. Voyager... not as much, ok. I loved Enterprise. (I'm excited for the new movie this summer!!)
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i am too! I loved the most is the next generation and Voyager. I missed a lot of ds9. oh well. looking forward to watching the movie!
eehh... I am not a big fan of "Star Trek"

Perhaps, because my Dad always watched it! Constantly! EVERYDAY! When I was a kid!
I grew up watching syndicated re-runs of Classic Trek and STTNG came on when I was 13. I loved DS9. Voyager... not as much, ok. I loved Enterprise. (II'm excited for the new movie this summer!!)

mememememememe. :mad2:
eehh... I am not a big fan of "Star Trek"

Perhaps, because my Dad always watched it! Constantly! EVERYDAY! When I was a kid!

me too. CONSTANTLY. EVERYDAY. I've seen every episodes... a few times. I NEED MORE FIX! :mad2:
Hubby and I both like all Star Treks, but I do prefer more recent ones; I would like to see upcoming movie but he wishes they would not do story that is part of movie, but instead use previous Star Trek tv series plots <from certain episodes> for the movie.
Favorite characters?

OK, those who like it, which shows did you like best, why, and which characters are your favorite?

I pretty much liked all the shows, Voyager being the least favorite of mine.

I thought Tripp was the best developed character in Enterprise, other than T'Pol and Capt. Archer (I just loved that they got Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap).

Also Hoshi was interesting. I liked how she was a nervous flyer at first. :) I would have liked to see the writers develop Malcolm's character some more, though. He was underused as a character. :( Also they could have made Ensign Mayweather a little more interesting; he was also underused.

Of all the Star Trek doctors, Dr. Phlox was my favorite. He's hysterical. :)

I absolutely loved the Captain's dog, Porthos! (Anyone thinking about getting a Beagle should know they are NOT quiet dogs like the one on the show!! They HOWL!!! I camped by a woman once who had one!)
Count me in!

My favorite Star Trek show is the Original Series.

Yeah I am real excited about the new Star Trek movie! It already has received some great reviews! :bowdown:
me too. CONSTANTLY. EVERYDAY. I've seen every episodes... a few times. I NEED MORE FIX! :mad2:

Not me!! I would always say "beem me up Scotty" during the shows that my dad watched!! Just ANYONE beem me up!! :giggle:
Those characters were stuck in my mind were Picard, Data, Janeway, Trip, archer, and dr phlox!

I like most of those shows in order, The enterprise, the next generation and Voyager. the least favorite is DS9. i remember i was so disappointed that the next generation was gone while i tried to watch DS9 but the next generation was stuck in my mind. Until the enterprise is the one i really enjoy because i love scott since quantum leap, Trip is kinda of cutie. :P Dr. phlox was the most fasinating character.

I like the next generation because of picard's character got my attention somehow. I like Data. Data was a dry funny and he has a furkid aka cat. Then the voyager, i like the idea of seeing a captain who happens to be a women. Janeway the red headed is kinda of fun but bold lady. lol.
I remember now that I only like the DS9 of the annoying character that can transform itself into metal or figures or shapes and more. that was it.
I remember now that I only like the DS9 of the annoying character that can transform itself into metal or figures or shapes and more. that was it.

Odo was a shape shifter. I missed a lot of Ds9 and Voyager. I kind of got a little lost after they KILLED off Kess! :( I was not so fond of Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine... :(

I loved Jadzia Dax (the girl with the worm in her belly) and Ezri Dax, who was her replacement for one season. I wish they would have her in one of the movies, but probably not. The end of DS9 felt like it should have been better resolved. :(

I was so mad when I found out they CANCELED ENTERPRISE!!! I loved that show!

STTNG and CLASSIC TREK of course are top favorites, too!
loved it

Those characters were stuck in my mind were Picard, Data, Janeway, Trip, archer, and dr phlox!

I like most of those shows in order, The enterprise, the next generation and Voyager. the least favorite is DS9. i remember i was so disappointed that the next generation was gone while i tried to watch DS9 but the next generation was stuck in my mind. Until the enterprise is the one i really enjoy because i love scott since quantum leap, Trip is kinda of cutie. :P Dr. phlox was the most fasinating character.

I like the next generation because of picard's character got my attention somehow. I like Data. Data was a dry funny and he has a furkid aka cat. Then the voyager, i like the idea of seeing a captain who happens to be a women. Janeway the red headed is kinda of fun but bold lady. lol.

Tripp was funny! I liked how he just said straight out what was on his mind. :) Yeah, he was kinda cute, too. I liked the episode where he got "pregnant"-and T'Pol never let him forget it, either. ;)

Yes, Phlox was a really well-developed, interesting character. I liked his happy-go-lucky personality. He was always cheerful and amused by the simple things. :)

Captain Archer was my favorite Captain of them all, then Picard... Picard reminded me of my dad because my dad is baldy on top, too! ;) Then I'd say Capt. Kirk, Capt. Sisko, and so on... :) OK, Captain Pike from the original pilot was an interesting guy, too (He came back in the Classic Trek 2 part episode The Menagerie in the wheelchair).

I couldn't figure out WHY Janeway kept letting the aliens always pound the ship to death. It's not like they could just stop anywhere and have a repair guy come fix it--they were lost! That didn't make sense to me. I thought the writers needed to do a better job with that, because they had nowhere to go. The ship yards to fix the damage were in the Alpha Quadrant, and they were lost in the Delta Quadrant. Hello??

Kirk would have given them Phasers on full and let 'em have it! Do whatever you want, rip his shirt, beat him bloody, but don't touch the Enterprise!

Yes, Data was priceless... funny as heck! :) I really liked Brent Spiner's performance against the Borg Queen in the movie. First Contact is my favorite of the STTNG movies.

Star Trek the Wrath of Khan is my favorite of the CST movies, though. :)
I agree

Not me!! I would always say "beem me up Scotty" during the shows that my dad watched!! Just ANYONE beem me up!! :giggle:

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid because of Star Trek. :) I have to settle for a Science Fiction writer instead. :) :lol:
Loving it

Count me in!

My favorite Star Trek show is the Original Series.

Yeah I am real excited about the new Star Trek movie! It already has received some great reviews! :bowdown:

Let me take that back... Phlox and Bones tie first place for my favorite doctors. :) Bones arguing with Spock is still a classic memory... :) :giggle:

Thank you. Odo is a simple name that i simply forget.

Odo was a shape shifter. I missed a lot of Ds9 and Voyager. I kind of got a little lost after they KILLED off Kess! :( I was not so fond of Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine... :(

Jeri is just a OK but her nicely body helped for this show. LOL! :giggle:

I loved Jadzia Dax (the girl with the worm in her belly) and Ezri Dax, who was her replacement for one season. I wish they would have her in one of the movies, but probably not. The end of DS9 felt like it should have been better resolved. :(

Im so sorry i didn't see that one and the end too. ;(

I was so mad when I found out they CANCELED ENTERPRISE!!! I loved that show!

ME TOO. I was so mad that i thought the show was so AWESOME! I even missed watching archer and trip! :mad2:

STTNG and CLASSIC TREK of course are top favorites, too!

I prefer to watch original crews of star trek. This May, I will excite to see new movie as younger crews (Kirk, Spock, Bone, etc)
see other thread I posted!

I prefer to watch original crews of star trek. This May, I will excite to see new movie as younger crews (Kirk, Spock, Bone, etc)

There's a new article I found online for movie launch Down Under! :)

Yes, I am very excited about the new movie, too! :) JJ Abrams has been a very successful director; I'm glad they brought him on board.

The actor in the new movie is the son of the actor fromt he '70's cops show CHIPS. Anyone remember Robert Pine? His son is playing James T. Kirk in the movie, and Eric Bana is playing a (sexy) Romulan! ;)

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