Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

Guilty! When in Rome...well, you know how the saying goes.

Do you ever prejudge a person's driving skills (or lack of) based on which State is on their license plate?

Not Guilty!

Do you prejudge a person's driving skills based on their sex or nationality?
Not Guilty!

Do you prejudge a person's driving skills based on their sex or nationality?

not guilty. i judge person's driving skill based on his/her attitude.

do you judge people of their computer skill based on their nationality?
not guilty. i judge person's driving skill based on his/her attitude.

do you judge people of their computer skill based on their nationality?

Not guilty... (People can be computer literate/illiterate regarless of where they are from)

Do you have a food phobia in where you can't allow the food to touch?
NO"T GUILTY! Sounds as disgusting as S.C.'s 5 sec rule!

Ever danced naked at the house at the likely risk of being caught?
NO"T GUILTY! Sounds as disgusting as S.C.'s 5 sec rule!

Ever danced naked at the house at the likely risk of being caught?

Not guilty (I do walk around the house naked at times but not dance).

Have u ever made prank phone calls for kicks?
One Guilty Dawg! LOL (As a kid)

Ever took or drank alcohol prior to going to work/school?
Not Guilty! He/she isn't worth it.

Ever been charmed by the devil in the still moonilight?

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