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Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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How many times have you been banned from here AD? :fruit:


p.s. im sleepy in my office. :zzz:
0! and 0 warnings!

In real life I have done the following offenses:
- 2 speeding tickets
- 2 school parking tickets
- 3-4 city parking violation tickets.

That's about it on my rap sheet.
Oh, and I also ate like 3 hershey's kisses when I was around 3 years old in the supermarket. I thought they were supposed to be free, just waiting to be scooped out of the basket.
never got banned from here, but I got 2 warnings so far I know.
1 warning and 2 bans :mad2:
0! and 0 warnings!

In real life I have done the following offenses:
- 2 speeding tickets
- 2 school parking tickets
- 3-4 city parking violation tickets.

That's about it on my rap sheet.
Oh, and I also ate like 3 hershey's kisses when I was around 3 years old in the supermarket. I thought they were supposed to be free, just waiting to be scooped out of the basket.

:giggle: TMI!
I have been banned several times from the other site. Thank god the site is GONE for GOOD! :cool:

Not here, just not yet! :shock:
you are next to get banned! :giggle:

Hey! That's a threat to a happy man, you don't wanna do that..

About the chocolates - there was more to it, I don't recall much of it, and it was mostly my grandma that recited what happened to me. Apparently I was left unsupervised in the supermarket (either Albertsons? or Vons at that time), and I happened to make the choice of chilling in the sweets isle.

I ate like more than 3 hershey's kisses, I forgot the name of the other sweets so I didn't name em. By the time my guardian -- don't remember if it was parents or grandma -- discovered me in that isle, I had like 3 hershey's wrappers opened on the floor, 10 randomly colored chocolate tinfoils, and was happily munching on another. They scolded me I think, I recall crying. I probably didn't understand why I couldn't eat them and threw a fit. I think the supermarket didn't charge them for the chaos I caused out of goodwill, or my parents hid all the evidence and pretended nothing happened, just another hissy fit child that needs to get through the checkout counter.

Anyhow, enough about my offenses! I've derailed this more than necessary and will bow my hat on the way out.
or me get banned. :opps:

aww too bad supermarket's video tapes did not catch you in it. bet you looks adorable when you threw a fit.
Never get banned, never get warned. I doubt I will ever.

Because your smiley just flipped the bird, that alone tells me what kind of person you are and that you will get banned in the future .... probably eventually banned permanently.
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