How do you feel about the draft?

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Retired Terp
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Jun 8, 2004
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U.S. Readies for Draft
Dave Eberhart,
Friday, June 25, 2004
Despite denials that the U.S. plans to re-institute the draft, the Pentagon has stepped up preparations for a new Selective Service System that could allow for a full-blown draft by next year.

(for the full story)

How do you feel about the draft? Should it be re-instated?
Reba said:
How do you feel about the draft? Should it be re-instated?

I feel that everyone, including men and women at the age of 18, should be required to serve their country for about 3 years. They should be given the choice to serve in the armed forces, or to serve in community services.

Nowadays, I feel that college-bound students are too young and immature to decide on what to do with their lives, so they should take this service to "grow up" then take college seriously.

I don't think that deaf people should be excluded from the Armed Forces. Granted, they cant go to war, but they can still provide useful services in the office, on the base, or whereever.
kuifje75 said:
I feel that everyone, including men and women at the age of 18, should be required to serve their country for about 3 years. They should be given the choice to serve in the armed forces, or to serve in community services.

Nowadays, I feel that college-bound students are too young and immature to decide on what to do with their lives, so they should take this service to "grow up" then take college seriously.

I don't think that deaf people should be excluded from the Armed Forces. Granted, they cant go to war, but they can still provide useful services in the office, on the base, or whereever.
Looks like you're asking to be put #1 on the list for their next draft? ;)
I knew for a long time about this.
Let me pose another question---
If you are a soldier, and you are ordered to fire upon protesters, would you do it?
That is coming too.
Personally, I don't believe in drafting people, especially the ones that are against the war they are being drafted for.

People should not be forced to die for their country. A government is a government, there's nothing to take pride in it. It is their job to take care of the Americans because they pay them to through taxes. The country is not a human being, it is a landmass, nothing more. Only it's governed by people.

Plus, if this draft is for real, you can expect a lot of young Americans to dodge the draft by escaping to Canada. This happened in the 60s, during the Vietnam war. I wouldn't be surprised if it happen once again. It is up to the people to make the decision to join the army or not, I'm not going to force the others to. I think it would be crazy if this is a way of teaching people how to grow up, because there's a chance that some of them may die.

World War II was a different matter, people were really needed.

America is supposed to be the land of freedom, but if people are being forced to join the army, then it is not freedom. Freedom did have a price tag, and it was paid off in the past, but must they pay more?

But only the problem is, this time... it's for Iraq!

No, not for this war. But for a future war, who knows?

Anyway, I do have my doubts that the draft may happen. I personally think it would kill the Bush admin if they did this.
Banjo said:
Personally, I don't believe in drafting people, especially the ones that are against the war they are being drafted for.

People should not be forced to die for their country. A government is a government, there's nothing to take pride in it. It is their job to take care of the Americans because they pay them to through taxes. The country is not a human being, it is a landmass, nothing more. Only it's governed by people.

Plus, if this draft is for real, you can expect a lot of young Americans to dodge the draft by escaping to Canada. This happened in the 60s, during the Vietnam war. I wouldn't be surprised if it happen once again. It is up to the people to make the decision to join the army or not, I'm not going to force the others to. I think it would be crazy if this is a way of teaching people how to grow up, because there's a chance that some of them may die.

World War II was a different matter, people were really needed.

America is supposed to be the land of freedom, but if people are being forced to join the army, then it is not freedom. Freedom did have a price tag, and it was paid off in the past, but must they pay more?

But only the problem is, this time... it's for Iraq!

No, not for this war. But for a future war, who knows?

Anyway, I do have my doubts that the draft may happen. I personally think it would kill the Bush admin if they did this.

I agreed with you. It is totally disgusted to forcefully young men and women as they are not interesting in the military.
You all misread me:

I said, give the person a choice to serve in the army or serve for the community by doing community services. If I was "drafted," I would take the latter, of course. This is done in Germany, because of the Nazi times, men were forced to be in the Army and do awful things. Now in present-day Germany, men are given choices to serve in the Army, or call themselves conscientious objectors and serve in the community instead. There are some men who would be more than willing to serve their countries, and others who would rather serve more humane causes.
If they drafted me, I'd accept it. I wouldn't mind working in the army. :thumb:

kuifje75 said:
I don't think that deaf people should be excluded from the Armed Forces. Granted, they cant go to war, but they can still provide useful services in the office, on the base, or whereever.
Deaf people can perform many useful services to their country as civilians. Unfortunately, they cannot serve in the military. There are no 100% office jobs in the military. Even "office workers" have to be ready to serve in combat areas. Everyone in the military rotates their assignments, so no one serves permanently in a combat zone or office.
Banjo said:
It is their job to take care of the Americans because they pay them to through taxes.

Freedom did have a price tag, and it was paid off in the past, but must they pay more?
If it is "government's job" to "take care of" America (I presume you mean "protect" America from enemies), how is the "government" supposed to do that without a military force?

Freedom did have a price tag, and it still does. It was not "paid off in the past." It is an ongoing price. Yes, we must pay more, as long as an enemy threatens us.
I'm wondering how many people will draft?
If if over 20,000, Its good news for all deafs people, they can get a job when hearing people join soliders. Am I right or wrong?

Same as during WWII. Many deaf people got an advantage to get job in 1940's. I read it somewhere books.
Also in Canada, many deaf people worked in Goodyear when Canada soliders away to Europe in 1940's
Reba said:
If it is "government's job" to "take care of" America (I presume you mean "protect" America from enemies), how is the "government" supposed to do that without a military force?

Freedom did have a price tag, and it still does. It was not "paid off in the past." It is an ongoing price. Yes, we must pay more, as long as an enemy threatens us.

I'm referring to the draft, not the people who enlisted themselves into the military.

The USA has prevented several terrorist plots that could had happened in the USA, but must they go over and invade countries with weak evidences?

I can not see why Saddam is a threat to the USA, but I can see that he is a threat to his own people. But not the Americans, and after all these years, he still haven't attacked the USA.

If people want to protect the USA from nutcases, go ahead. But don't expect everybody to get involved. Some people would rather live their dreams. But they can also help America if they want to, for example, Walt Disney helped the army with making animated shorts about wars, and stuff like that in WWII.

Walt Disney contributed so much to the USA in the past, believe it or not. Unlikely the Disney corporation today.

No, it is not an ongoing price, you have the freedom right now. But less than you had prior to 9/11. The USA took some of your rights away in order to fight the terrorists.

People are working to protect the USA and they are getting paid for it. For example, the FBI and CIA, they're responsible for foiling many terrorist plots, and more. That's what we pay the government to do.

The military should only go and protect the USA when they are needed. But now, they are needed to protect the other countries instead of the USA.

But now, the Iraq war, the Americans are PAYING the price tag to give them freedom, and the Americans are getting nothing out of it. With the exceptions of some Americans getting jobs to fix up Iraq, but some are getting killed too as well.

Iraq is going to take a long time to fix up, and turn it into a great country, that is if they succeed. It will also cost a lot more American and Iraqi lives too as well.

Americans shouldn't be drafted and forced into the military, it's up to them if they want to fight for the country.

Now, people don't need to be drafted, and shouldn't be anytime soon unless a real threat is brewing up.
Reba said:
Deaf people can perform many useful services to their country as civilians. Unfortunately, they cannot serve in the military.

Why because they can't hear?
Yes, deafness is one prohibition to enlisting in military service.

Some other examples are:
lack of mobility
failure to pass the physical fitness test
failure to pass the written exam
too old
too fat
lack of education (no high school diploma)
criminal background
lack of English language skills
terminal disease
too many dependents
security risk
Wow, I thought that was unfair......

I believe that anyone has the right to serve in the military no matter what kind of disablity they have.....
Reba, I am curious: are you in the military right now, or working for the military? You seem to be taking an interest in the draft discussions. What's your background, if you don't mind my asking you? :)
^Angel^ said:
Wow, I thought that was unfair......
I believe that anyone has the right to serve in the military no matter what kind of disablity they have.....
It is not a matter of fairness but of mission. The mission (goal) of the military is to protect our country and to defeat the enemy by force or the threat of force. That only succeeds if the military is strong. That means, strong in manpower and strong in equipment. The manpower has to be physically, mentally, and morally strong. Weakness doesn't win wars. I know it sounds "unfair" but that's the way it must be.

For example, if you are in combat and your buddy gets shot in the legs, you must have the physical strength to carry your buddy to safety. You must have good vision to aim a weapon, read a map or computer screen, or see the enemy in low light. People's lives depend on you. You need to have reading skills adequate to understand technical manuals. If your ship is sinking, you need to know how to swim. If the enemy is chasing you, you need to be able to run fast. In combat, on ships, or in planes, there are no TTYs or interpreters. When someone behind you yells, "get down!", you need to hear the warning. During general quarters on shipboard, every sailor is combat ready; that includes the clerical workers, the cooks, and the chaplain.

That doesn't mean d/Deaf people can't serve their country. There are many opportunities thru civil service, medical services, USO, defense industry, etc.
kuifje75 said:
Reba, I am curious: are you in the military right now, or working for the military? You seem to be taking an interest in the draft discussions. What's your background, if you don't mind my asking you? :)
No, I don't mind at all. I am retired military.
Reba said:
No, I don't mind at all. I am retired military.

And are you deaf or hard of hearing? What was your experience in the military? Or is that confidential?
kuifje75 said:
And are you deaf or hard of hearing? What was your experience in the military? Or is that confidential?
Hearing, interpreter.
Navy Journalist, 1970-1995.
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