Govt of Alaska: Sarah Palin is Vice-President with McCain

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Mar 12, 2007
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*cough* I mean to saying that I'm somewhere excite to have female to be part of leader. It may be good start. I'm learn more about her. *reading*
I read about her a few months back in my subscription to Alaska Magazine; I think picking her was a good decision. Yeah, true, I wanted Hillary, but, since she lost out to Obama, I will NOT vote for him! I'm throwing my vote to McCain.
I read about her a few months back in my subscription to Alaska Magazine; I think picking her was a good decision. Yeah, true, I wanted Hillary, but, since she lost out to Obama, I will NOT vote for him! I'm throwing my vote to McCain.

What does Ms Palin have in common with Hillary that you would vote for the McCain-Palin ticket?
I read about her a few months back in my subscription to Alaska Magazine; I think picking her was a good decision. Yeah, true, I wanted Hillary, but, since she lost out to Obama, I will NOT vote for him! I'm throwing my vote to McCain.

Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton.
Thank God! :P


Yes Palin´s too conversative which is different as Hillary... Hillary is % conversative and % liberal which is good... not just too conversative.

Palin´s views is too extreme which is not match Hillary Clinton or her supporters. Palin believes creationism should be taught in public schools, oil drilling, abortion should be banned even if you are raped or a victim of incest, global warming is not caused by humans, etc.

I beleive in teach BOTH creationism and evolution, respect human being´s rights and care about evironment-friendly...

That´s why I´m glad that Hillary Clinton is not Sarah Palin... :D

You're right. Sarah Palin is Barack Obama :lol:

:lol: No, Palin is not Obama or Biden because Obama and Biden are an experienced who puts people first, whether man or women.

Palin is no match for Biden or Obama not because she is a women, but lack of the good judgment, exposure and common sense, etc. ;)
:lol: No, Palin is not Obama or Biden because Obama and Biden are an experienced who puts people first, whether man or women.

Palin is no match for Biden or Obama not because she is a women, but lack of the good judgment, exposure and common sense, etc. ;)

Palin and Obama are 40s and lacking experience.

Biden and McCain have lot experience and lot of gray hair.
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