Politician Wants McCain Apology for "Fawning Germans" Remark

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Politician Wants McCain Apology for "Fawning Germans" Remark

A German politician has called on US presidential candidate John McCain to take back disparaging remarks made about Germans by his campaign after Barak Obama visited Berlin last week.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, a member of the European Parliament for Germany's free-market liberal FDP, said McCain should "as soon and as clearly as possible" distance himself from comments made by his spokesman ridiculing Germans, according to a report in German daily Tagesspiegel on Tuesday, July 29.

In an interview with Fox News, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said, "You know, it really speaks to the experience that Barack Obama lacks. He prioritizes throngs of fawning Germans over meeting with wounded combat troops in Germany."

Obama addressed a 200,000-strong cheering crowd in downtown Berlin last week in a speech which received huge coverage in the international media.

Lambsdorff wrote that he, and the German public, was surprised and dismayed by the comments, according to the newspaper.

He added that Germany hoped Europe and the United States were entering a more constructive period for transatlantic ties, which is why McCain should “so quickly and clearly as possible” retract the insulting comment by Bounds.

Politician Wants McCain Apology for "Fawning Germans" Remark | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 29.07.2008

Yes McCain said is very annoy and disrespectful. Yes McCain owe Germans an apology for his disrespectful behavior. .

That´s what McCain said those disrespectful word...

McCain Takes Swipe at Obama, Germans Over Berlin Visit | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 28.07.2008

McCain Takes Swipe at Obama, Germans Over Berlin Visit

A spokesman for Republican presidential candidate John McCain blasted Barack Obama for cancelling plans to visit wounded US soldiers while in Berlin, adding that the Democrat prioritized "throngs of fawning Germans."

Hours before Obama arrived back in the US on Saturday, McCain's spokesman Tucker Bounds questioned why the Democratic senator cancelled Friday's scheduled meeting with American troops at the Landstuhl military hospital in Germany.

"You know, it really speaks to the experience that Barack Obama lacks," Bounds told Fox News.

"He prioritizes throngs of fawning Germans over meeting with wounded combat troops in Germany," he added, referring to the crowd of over 200,000 people who gave Obama an effusive welcome at his outdoor address on Thursday evening in Berlin.

McCain's team also raised the cancelled hospital visit in a new television ad in which a narrator berates Obama for making time to go to the gym, but not finding the time for injured soldiers.

Obama team sought to protect soldiers

The Obama campaign explained at the time of the cancellation that the senator had made a decision to avoid drawing wounded troops into the back-and-forth of campaign politics. The campaign also noted that reservations about the visit had been expressed by the Pentagon.

Some analysts see the McCain team's attack as a case of sour grapes following the overwhelmingly positive public response to Obama in Europe. Republicans are instead trying to brand the trip -- which saw Obama stop in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Jordan, Germany, France and the UK -- a shallow political stunt.
Politician Wants McCain Apology for "Fawning Germans" Remark

A German politician has called on US presidential candidate John McCain to take back disparaging remarks made about Germans by his campaign after Barak Obama visited Berlin last week.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, a member of the European Parliament for Germany's free-market liberal FDP, said McCain should "as soon and as clearly as possible" distance himself from comments made by his spokesman ridiculing Germans, according to a report in German daily Tagesspiegel on Tuesday, July 29.

In an interview with Fox News, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said, "You know, it really speaks to the experience that Barack Obama lacks. He prioritizes throngs of fawning Germans over meeting with wounded combat troops in Germany."
Obama addressed a 200,000-strong cheering crowd in downtown Berlin last week in a speech which received huge coverage in the international media.

Lambsdorff wrote that he, and the German public, was surprised and dismayed by the comments, according to the newspaper.

He added that Germany hoped Europe and the United States were entering a more constructive period for transatlantic ties, which is why McCain should “so quickly and clearly as possible” retract the insulting comment by Bounds.

Politician Wants McCain Apology for "Fawning Germans" Remark | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 29.07.2008

Yes McCain said is very annoy and disrespectful. Yes McCain owe Germans an apology for his disrespectful behavior. .

Why should he take back his comments? It was the truth.
That´s what McCain said those disrespectful word...

McCain Takes Swipe at Obama, Germans Over Berlin Visit | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 28.07.2008

McCain Takes Swipe at Obama, Germans Over Berlin Visit

A spokesman for Republican presidential candidate John McCain blasted Barack Obama for cancelling plans to visit wounded US soldiers while in Berlin, adding that the Democrat prioritized "throngs of fawning Germans."

Hours before Obama arrived back in the US on Saturday, McCain's spokesman Tucker Bounds questioned why the Democratic senator cancelled Friday's scheduled meeting with American troops at the Landstuhl military hospital in Germany.

"You know, it really speaks to the experience that Barack Obama lacks," Bounds told Fox News.

"He prioritizes throngs of fawning Germans over meeting with wounded combat troops in Germany," he added, referring to the crowd of over 200,000 people who gave Obama an effusive welcome at his outdoor address on Thursday evening in Berlin....
He wasn't referring to all Germans; just the ones that were :bowdown: Obama.
"throngs of fawning Germans" is unacceptance!!! That´s insult!!! If he want to disagree with Obama then said something direct to him, not insult Germans.

I asked my German co-workers about this. They don´t like it and said that McCain is very disrespectful person. They told me what they thought about McCain after learn from read about him and said that he is very temper, disrespectful and twist person.

Yes, we do feel that McCain owe Germans an apology for use those word "throngs of fawning Germans". We will accept if McCain apology Germans for those insult words... We have no respect on him if he deny it.

Whew! Thank God Mr. McCain doesn't need the respect of throngs of fawning Germans in our presidential race. Maybe they will make Obama their head of state; they have a history of letting misfits to run their country.
"throngs of fawning Germans" is unacceptance!!! That´s insult!!! If he want to disagree with Obama then said something direct to him, not insult Germans.

I asked my German co-workers about this. They don´t like it and said that McCain is very disrespectful person. They told me what they thought about McCain after learn from read about him and said that he is very temper, disrespectful and twist person.

Yes, we do feel that McCain owe Germans an apology for use those word "throngs of fawning Germans". We will accept if McCain apology Germans for those insult words... We have no respect on him if he deny it.
What does "throngs of fawning Germans" mean to you?
I don't get it. The Pentagon asked Obama not to visit the wounded troops. Why is it that McCain keeps saying different?
I don't get it. The Pentagon asked Obama not to visit the wounded troops. Why is it that McCain keeps saying different?
Because the Pentagon did NOT ask Obama not visit wounded troops. The Pentagon only said that he could visit as a Senator, not as a campaigner. Obama would have to leave all the cameras behind.

Pentagon disputes Obama camp version of cancelled troop visit
07/25/2008 @ 3:50 pm
Filed by Reuters

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama dropped a plan to visit wounded U.S. troops in Germany on Friday amid concerns the stop would be viewed as a political event.

Planning for a stop at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center had been in the works for three weeks. But an Obama adviser said he was told in recent days by the Pentagon that the military would consider it a campaign event.

"Senator Obama had hoped to and had every intention of visiting our troops to express his appreciation and gratitude for their service to our country," said retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, who advises Obama on national security matters.

"Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our troops and decided instead not to go," Gration said.

Obama was to have stopped at Landstuhl after visiting Berlin on Thursday. He flew to Paris on Friday and will wrap up his trip abroad in London before heading back to the United States on Saturday.

Obama's trip abroad, rare for a presidential candidate, is aimed at burnishing his credentials on foreign policy. His rival in the November election, Republican John McCain, has labeled the first-term U.S. senator as too inexperienced to lead on foreign policy.

The 46-year-old Obama has also visited Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories.


The Pentagon, in a statement, cited longstanding Defense Department policy that prohibits military personnel or facilities from association with partisan political campaigns and elections.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman took issue with Gration's statement, saying that the Defense Department did not object to Obama visiting in his role as an Illinois senator but it did not want campaign staff or the media present.

"The Pentagon certainly did not tell the senator that he could not visit Landstuhl," Whitman said. "The issue here is that if you are both a sitting senator and a political candidate, when you are doing things like a visit to Landstuhl, you need to do it in your capacity as a sitting senator."

The visit to Landstuhl had not been announced on public schedules but the Obama campaign said it was planned for Friday morning and that Gration would have been the only adviser to accompany Obama and no media coverage would have been allowed.

The Landstuhl medical center near the city of Kaiserslautern is the largest American hospital outside the United States. It provides treatment to casualties injured in Afghanistan.

Senior Obama aide Robert Gibbs noted the senator had visited troops during the earlier part of his foreign tour in Iraq and Afghanistan, including a stop at a combat support hospital in the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Obama also visited wounded soldiers at the Walter Reed military hospital in Washington last month.

"The senator decided out of respect for these servicemen and women that it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign," Gibbs said.

Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for the McCain campaign said: "It is never inappropriate to visit and comfort our brave men and women who have served in combat."

In an open air speech to more than 200,000 people in the center of Berlin, Obama urged Germany Thursday to stand by the United States in stabilizing Afghanistan.

The Raw Story | Pentagon disputes Obama camp version of cancelled troop visit
Because the Pentagon did NOT ask Obama not visit wounded troops. The Pentagon only said that he could visit as a Senator, not as a campaigner. Obama would have to leave all the cameras behind.

Same applies to McCain?

The Pentagon, in a statement, cited longstanding Defense Department policy that prohibits military personnel or facilities from association with partisan political campaigns and elections.

Then what's the difference when Obama was visiting troops overseas? Now the Pentagon tells him he couldn't visit the troops in the hospital? Or is the Pentagon picking and choosing?
Then what's the difference when Obama was visiting troops overseas? Now the Pentagon tells him he couldn't visit the troops in the hospital? Or is the Pentagon picking and choosing?
The Pentagon did NOT say he couldn't visit them.
Wait a second.... Why Obama cancelled visit to wound troops???
Because his trip was paid for by campaign money - the Pentagon said, "No."
He wasn't referring to all Germans; just the ones that were :bowdown: Obama.

Just because the German crowds respectfully listen and agreed with some of Obama's policies doesn't make them 'fawning'.

Germans feel deeply insulted by those word. No matter either it's all or not but he has no right to insult a whole nation.

Chase, I have nothing to say about your ignorant post.

What does "throngs of fawning Germans" mean to you?

Yes I know... It look like that those word is not insult to you or what? To me and Germans, yes.

Obama is not only reason why McCain use those word to insult Germans but its about other reasons in the past.

My German hubby and friends were total appalled after read those comment in the newspapers, radio and TV. They cannot beleive it... Accord my hubby's view: McCain should think twice about visit to Germany if he wins at election... We (Europeans) warmly greet Presidents from different countries which is show their respectful manner but McCain?...McCain doesn't seem to know how to respect people or don't have anything to say positive about himself. *shake my head quietly*.

Some US soliders were consider to vote McCain and now change their mind about him.

"fawning Germans" = "kriecherische Deutsche" / "throngs of fawning Germans" as "Haufen unterwürfige Deutsche" is a nasty insult.

Those word is more like that the Germans were lavishing praise on Obama in an exaggerated manner, trying to treat him like a king, etc. or the Germans were crawling up Obama's ass. *shake my head quietly*

I don't get it. The Pentagon asked Obama not to visit the wounded troops. Why is it that McCain keeps saying different?

Simple answer:

McCain use wounded troops to keep alive to boost his vote.
Would Germans react the same way to a visit by President Bush? After all, he really is the President of the USA..
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