TC Rainbow Six Vegas

Vegas Can Wait

Rainbow Six delayed until 2007.

November 20, 2006 - In announcing Rainbow Six: Vegas had shipped for Xbox 360, Ubisoft also revealed that the PS3 and PSP versions of the first-person shoot had been delayed into 2007. Rainbow Six: Vegas won't be available on either system until January 30. Part of the delay may be attributed to the online component of Vegas.

When IGN recently visited Ubisoft's office to get hands-on time with Rainbow Six on 360, we asked if the PS3 version would have the same online functions. We were told that "it should work." Not exactly the most confident of responses for a game original expected to ship on PS3 in November.

With developers receiving information on the PlayStation Network close to launch, third-party games have taken a bit of an online hit. For instance, online multiplayer in Tony Hawk's Project 8 had to be cut. Since the success of Rainbow Six relies on its online support, a delay to ensure the best possible multiplayer experience may not be the worst news.







From: IGN: Vegas Can Wait

I can tell those pictures are soooo SWEET, CRISP, AND BEAUTIFUL GRAPHIC on PSP!

I can't wait to get this for PSP..... :)
That pretty cool. It sound alike kind of same S.W.A.T. :D That cool! Or agent police like that. :D Sound cool. But I believe it should be Mature only. Not for kids and teens.
It looks awesome. Mr. Terp is in the other room playing it right now. If I liked FPS games I would have kicked him out already.

But I believe it should be Mature only. Not for kids and teens.

It is rated Mature, and rightly so. But bad news though: it does not appear to have any captions, or at least we couldn't find any mention of captions in the manual or in the game options. And there is a lot of important dialogue. Booooo.

(This is the Xbox 360 version I'm talking about, by the way.)
Yeah Terp, that has to be obvious. When I tried the GRAW demo on my 360, there was no subtitles for it. When my ex wife gave me a copy of the original TC Ghost Recon for the original xbox, it had no subtitles. I decided against buying anymore Tom Clancy games due to the lack of subtitles in the game.

I loved reading the Tom Clancy books, but play the games? Hell no if it aint got subtitles. I will play a story-driven game only if it got subtitles.
Yeah Terp, that has to be obvious. When I tried the GRAW demo on my 360, there was no subtitles for it. When my ex wife gave me a copy of the original TC Ghost Recon for the original xbox, it had no subtitles. I decided against buying anymore Tom Clancy games due to the lack of subtitles in the game.

I loved reading the Tom Clancy books, but play the games? Hell no if it aint got subtitles. I will play a story-driven game only if it got subtitles.

Yeah, I played all the way without subtitles. But playing on live is really good.
You can rent it. Don't buy. That is simple way to do it.

Gears Of War had subtitles. That is good!
Yeah Terp, that has to be obvious.

Well, I didn't know if it was obvious to everyone so I thought I'd mention it.

I have problems myself playing games that aren't captioned because I tend to miss dialogue from concentrating so hard or because of other loud game sounds. I was thinking about it and realize that all the games I play either don't use real voices at all (like Animal Crossing) or have captions.
Yeah Terp, that has to be obvious. When I tried the GRAW demo on my 360, there was no subtitles for it. When my ex wife gave me a copy of the original TC Ghost Recon for the original xbox, it had no subtitles. I decided against buying anymore Tom Clancy games due to the lack of subtitles in the game.

I loved reading the Tom Clancy books, but play the games? Hell no if it aint got subtitles. I will play a story-driven game only if it got subtitles.
I really aware of TC games series don't have subtitle.. I do not have any collection TC book series, but I am still love to collect TC series for XBOX.. :)

BTW, how come that I defeated all missions of GRAW from XBOX AND 360 without subtitles??? .. ummmmmmm...

but SC series are fucking tough games, because I am totally not understand games series, there is no subtitle... other TC series games are fine with me, no problem..
If anybody is playing this, I have a question.

If you're at Dante's and trying to rescue Gabriel from the arcade, how much of the game is left to play?

I know you guys said you weren't playing because of the subtitles but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Rainbow Six Las vegas has no subtitle? Are you sure? R6LV demo has subtitle. I had to check again.
I am gonna to check that too. I am thinking to buy one. If it had a good review, then i gonna to buy one!
This game ROCKS HARD. Great graphics, great AI(so far), great controls, better cover controls than Gears of War. One thing I really like about this game is that checkpoints are sparse and force me to be really careful, or face a lot of trial and error. I was told on that the story isn't much, and I wouldn't be missing much. And the real reason for a game like this is not the story, it's the gameplay. If I wanted a rich story, I'd get a book or play a RPG.
R6V 360 is $40 this week at Circuit City. So far, I think DefMATRIXense has it too. I want more ADers to get this, so we can team up as 4 players and play "Terrorist Hunt" missions. 4 of us aganist 12, 25, 36 terrorists, it is a BLAST.
I'm not a big fan of tom clancy games...especially splinter cell series.

but I most definetly enjoyed Gears of War and is a proud owner of that game.
If the demo had subtitles then the final version SHOULD have subtitles.

We looked through the menus and were unable to find an option for subtitles. I'll look again and see if I missed something.
I bought it on last saturday and haven't played it yet. Lol because of my cousin played it on the entire weekend. Damn him, he is a guest at my house. So, I will might to play it today.