You Nazi!

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If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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This picture of Wall Street protests caught my eye and I find it idiotic when this person just spurt out "NAZI" especially in this case because what he didn't realize that he is, in fact, in agreement with Hitler's belief with this Wall Street fiasco.

Hitler blamed Jews for Germany's poor economy and poverty. Wall Street and our financial industry are basically dominated by powerful Jewish people. NYC Mayor Bloomberg is Jewish as well.

Let's put this Holocaust aside for a moment. The question is.... was Hitler right about what he was preaching about Jews?

1927 - Hitler

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

This picture of Wall Street protests caught my eye and I find it idiotic when this person just spurt out "NAZI" especially in this case because what he didn't realize that he is, in fact, in agreement with Hitler's belief with this Wall Street fiasco.

Hitler blamed Jews for Germany's poor economy and poverty. Wall Street and our financial industry are basically dominated by powerful Jewish people. NYC Mayor Bloomberg is Jewish as well.

Let's put this Holocaust aside for a moment. The question is.... was Hitler right about what he was preaching about Jews?

No, he wasn't. And that quote you posted - there is no mention of Jews unless you're suggesting that they too controlled the financial sector of Germany before WW2.

Do you think he was right?
No, he wasn't.

Do you think he was right?

no but it is very convincing.

makes me wonder why do protestors always use "Nazi" reference especially in this case because it's other way around.
Nazi is associated with cruel ruthlessness and stripping everyday people of rights and freedoms. it's not a word employed well at times.

I am a history major who had a particular interest in WW2 - here's the deal, before WW2 - Germany went through hyper-inflation, prices were rising so fast that wages had to be adjusted frequently to keep up.
Businessmen, including Jews, profited from this.

Now, keep in mind that up until about the turn of the century, and even later than that, Jews could not go to university, could not vote, could not own land, could not live anywhere they wanted except in Jewish ghettos, could not teach, and they were often forcibly evicted. So, this create a near impossible situation for them and they had to find ways to prosper despite all those restricitons. One of them was moneylending (in the middle ages, moneylending was considered a sin and it was not done by christians so they tolerated jews moneylending as a "necessary evil" - this is what led to Christians viewing Jews as greedy). Anther would be peddling. Yet another would be jewels (they are small, easy to hide and easy to transport should the family be suddenly uprooted and forced to leave on short notice).

Jews were also forced to pay much higher taxes to the government, when I was in Poland and reading about Polish Jews, it was rather shocking. jews had to pay a very high toll to any town to order to gain entry, even if they lived in that town. If one looks at Medieval paintings, the jews are usually portrayed as demons, half man/half animal, or doing very profane acts.

Europe did their damnedest since the Middle Ages to make life nigh impossible for Jews and imposed every sanction and tax they could think of to drive them out, is it any surprise Jews would naturally turn to moneymaking/finance to support themselves given most other professions, let alone university and land-owning were forbidden to them?
Nazi is associated with cruel ruthlessness and stripping everyday people of rights and freedoms. it's not a word employed well at times.

but in this case... corporations are not stripping people of their rights and freedoms. These people have every rights and choice to not do business with them.

but... it's ironic that protestors are labeling them as Nazi when these corporations are Jewish-controlled.
but in this case... corporations are not stripping people of their rights and freedoms. These people have every rights and choice to not do business with them.

but... it's ironic that protestors are labeling them as Nazi when these corporations are Jewish-controlled.

You're saying all corporations are Jewish-controlled?
You're saying all corporations are Jewish-controlled?

most corporations are Jewish-controlled in Wall Street.

Lehman Brothers = Jewish
Goldman Sachs = Jewish
Bloomberg (Corporation and NYC Mayor) = Jewish
Bernard Madoff = Jewish
Major law firms in here = Jewish
Major hedge fund firms in here = Jewish
The reference to Nazi is intended to represent fascism. Mussolini would be a more apt reference but Americans have never been very interested in him.

And the last time I checked, the Morgans and the Rockefellers weren't Jewish.
That's some of the corporations.

You should watch "Inside Job" - it explains the problems of Wall Street which incidentally never had a single financial crisis in the 45 years before Ronald Reagan deregulated Wall Street.

This picture of Wall Street protests caught my eye and I find it idiotic when this person just spurt out "NAZI" especially in this case because what he didn't realize that he is, in fact, in agreement with Hitler's belief with this Wall Street fiasco.

Hitler blamed Jews for Germany's poor economy and poverty. Wall Street and our financial industry are basically dominated by powerful Jewish people. NYC Mayor Bloomberg is Jewish as well.

Let's put this Holocaust aside for a moment. The question is.... was Hitler right about what he was preaching about Jews?
Hitler was taking over a democracy.. For that you need a common enemy (Here's an interesting article that will scare you..), and the Jews were easy target..
So.. it's not about the Jews, it's about getting power.
Just as the hole left by Jewish bankers that were removed was eagerly filled by other people seeking power....
Banking is not a national business.
Do anyone realize what these people are in fact, protesting? It's the greed and corruption, not the money.
but in this case... corporations are not stripping people of their rights and freedoms. These people have every rights and choice to not do business with them.

.. I'm not so sure about that....
Dude, you're tripping if you think Jews control the money in this country.

It's all old rich white boys of Anglo-Saxon descent. End of story.
Can someone please explain to me what is the Protest is about...
I got the greed part and money part.

I am trying to understand.. Guess I am behind on this one.
Dude, you're tripping if you think Jews control the money in this country.

It's all old rich white boys of Anglo-Saxon descent. End of story.

yea Jewish :)
Can someone please explain to me what is the Protest is about...
I got the greed part and money part.

I am trying to understand.. Guess I am behind on this one.

yea that. and more accountability. more regulations. no more tax cuts for them. no bailout. etc.
In other words, government for the people and not for the rich.
Can someone please explain to me what is the Protest is about...
I got the greed part and money part.

I am trying to understand.. Guess I am behind on this one.

Most of them there don't even know what they want. I saw a blonde "Indian" That wants "Communism"....seriously. There is a funny list I saw yesterday that pools all of their demands...It's pretty funny. I will see if I can find it.

There does seem to be alot bitching about having to pay back school loans.....well duh!
Jews are a Semitic people originating in the Middle-East. Anglo Saxons are descended from Norse and Germanic tribes.

There are Jews in just about many races
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