Gun Law

Gun Law - Do you want to:


    Votes: 8 11.6%
  • allow guns (legally) but make it HIGHLY restrictive

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • allow guns (legally) and less restrictive

    Votes: 31 44.9%

  • Total voters
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If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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Thought I'll make a new topic to talk about - GUN LAW :rifle:

Do you agree that guns should be banned and/or highly restrictive? and why?

I believe this issue is very important and absolutely necessary to discuss about because for the past couple years, we've been having horrible gun-related violences such as Virginia Tech shooting, Northern Illinois shooting, Omaha Mall shooting (Nebraska), and strings of Chicago shootings.

For example - NJ, NY, and MD are one of 5 states (I don't know who else) that are extremely anti-guns. Whereas... most of other states such as Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, etc. are gun-friendly states and will give you CCW permit (concealed carry weapon) when requested.

I live in NJ and I own a gun for competition purpose (and of course for personal defense at home) but it was damn difficult to get one and expensive, too. Having a CCW in NJ is 99.9% impossible. If I'm correct, only about 200 CCW have been issued so far. If you're rich and powerful, you can get one but what about rest of us who live in dangerous neighborhood such as Camden and Newark? or commuters passing thru it?

It was even an insult and a joke that you can even get sued (for personal injury) by intruder who broke into your house and you shot him in self-defense. Florida was the first state to sign a bill called "STAND YOUR GROUND" that immunizes citizens who use deadly force in self-defense against criminal prosecution and civil liability. 31 states joined this bill (NY/NJ are not part of it).

My opinion is - I am pro-gun and I believe the laws should be less restrictive on guns. Nobody robs armed citizens! Armed neighborhood reduces crimes! Do not misunderstand that lax gun law do increases gun crimes. It's the state with restrictive gun laws that has the most crimes because the criminals who obtain the guns ILLEGALLY will take advantage of this.

Do NOT misunderstand that armed citizens walking around the town/city are trigger-happy Rambo who will start shooting like Wild West when crime occurs. Having CCW permit requires extensive training and it has many certain qualification requirements. Most CCW citizens are quite well-educated with the laws and VERY careful at who they shoot at. The statistic shows that police officers are 11x more likely than armed citizens to shoot at INNOCENT person mistaken for criminals - remember Sean Bell and Amarillo Dillas and many other victims, especially black people who are accidentally killed by cops. In fact, when is the last time you heard in news about accidental shooting by armed citizen? You may have heard of handful of accidental shootings at home by children for some times but it is actually quite rare.

SORRY for long story but I thought it's a good way to start this discussion for everybody to have some understanding about this issue! BTW - the next USA President will undoubtedly be a Democrat... which means he/she will most likely sign to renew the most restrictive gun law (enacted by Bill Clinton) back on the table. George Bush did not sign to renew this law. What will most likely to happen if the new President signs the laws are: all assault weapons will be banned (enacted by Bill Clinton), only 1 firearm can be purchased per month, increase the price of guns and bullets, less gun shows/exhibitions, law-abiding armed citizens will be unable to defend themselves, etc.

let's hear your opinion!!! :rifle:
Here vote....allow guns (legally) but make it HIGHLY restrictive
hey! you gota explain your stance! :evil: haha
moderator - oops! can you move this thread to "On-topic Debates"? Thanks!
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This is an interesting debate, I must say.

I grew up being around guns and have been taught how to shoot it. Does that mean I'd turn out to be a cold-blooded murderer? No. However, I feel that it should be restrictive to a norm. For one to obtain a gun license, in some states, they are required to take classes to learn about the guns, so and on.

Sure, There has been a lot of focus on the guns due to the school shootings, mall shootings or wherever the shootings has been at. The problem is, gun are easily passed around and it's not hard to find one. They say gun kills people but really, that isn't the answer. People kill people. Gun is just a tool that helps people kill people. They chose to either pull the trigger or they chose not to do so.

I'm not saying that guns should be banned but I believe it should be cared with awareness because a lot of the time, people would just grab the gun and start shooting with revenge or whatever emotions they may come across with. A lot of the time, they are not aware of the safety of the guns. The only reason gun laws has became stricter is because of how people have been abusing the privilege to own a gun.
Thanks for your input! Your last sentence - "The only reason gun laws has became stricter is because of how people have been abusing the privilege to own a gun" is the most common reason for stricter gun law. In my opinion, I believe it's just those overly-sensitive liberals who think there are too many bad people and are just easily afraid of everything - ban violent movies/tv, ban all drugs, ban guns, ban ban ban. I believe that if criminals TEND not to commit gun-related crimes in armed neighborhood. It's already proven that city/town with most restrictive gun laws have much more crimes than less restricted. Maybe I should clarify what I meant about "highly restrictive" means.

They allow you to own a gun due to Amendment 2 but they make it so restrictive by making you liable to any shooting occurred by you even in case of self-defense, CCW is usually not allowable, and making it extremely expensive - high fees, high cost of bullets, etc.

What I want is - allow guns and less restriction but stricter requirements - extensive training and clean mental history. I do not want people behind me in the line at CVS to have one. I'm comfortable with selected, competent, well-trained citizens carrying it around.

The cases of people who own guns abusing the privileges are quite rare and we all know media likes to over-exaggerate anything like shark attacks which are also VERY rare. It's the criminals who own the guns ILLEGALLY that made public think banning guns will fix it. We can't even own stun gun or pepper spray especially in NY. How are we supposed to defend ourself? call 911? by the time they come, you're already dead. in fact - cops are not obliged by laws to rescue you.
Voted allow guns legal and less restrictive except for the government's building, public area, schools, etc. I support it for protect rights.
Legal gun for protect. They must have a license of gun. The crime of gangs group got murder and robbery. They do not have a handgun license. They can get arrested. They got charged of carrying a handgun without license. I don't like for gangs and other people get into crime like kill to anyone and do robbery to get money. It's right for gun legal with license only. It's protect to family and people to prevent of crimes. Make sure if any crimes to have a handgun license. It make sure check the criminal history. They can't get a handgun license due to Criminal record. If no criminal record and can get a license for gun protect.
Those who want guns for criminal purposes will get ahold of them no matter what the restrictions are. The majority of guns in criminal activity were obtained without legal purchase, and are unregistered. People who use weapons in the commission of crimes certainly aren't concerned about about obeying gun laws.

For those that have purchased guns and later suffer a psychotic break and use the weapon in the commission of a crime, such as at Virginia Tech, if they don't have a diagnosis of a mental illness, and no criminal record, gun laws would not serve to prevent things such as this happening.
mostly police officers can allowed carry gun in public because must have license and also include police school too.

my uncle also police for correction officers he can carry gun at work
they are cops... they're automatically given guns and badges after they graduate from police school. My point is - the cops are not there for you 24/7. This debate is about being able to carry gun with you as civilian to protect yourself.
In the U.S., it violates the constitution to restrict an adult citizen who has no felony conviction from carrying a firearm.

Every large urban areas that ignores the constitutional law of the land to ban firearms anyway now has the worst gun crimes in our country, because honest citizens are disarmed, and criminals don't give a rodent's behind what is banned.

Terrorists, thugs, and cowards who inflict violence on women and children love gun banners.
I voted: allow guns (legally) but make it HIGHLY restrictive.

The reason I am for it because many people suffers mental illness and can create more problems to hurt themselves and hurt innoncent children and adults.

If you want to own guns then need reason in writing to get a court order and make sure your weapons are legal (licensed).
If you want to own guns then need reason in writing to get a court order and make sure your weapons are legal (licensed).

That may be true where you live, but laws vary state by state here in the U.S. In the states where I live and visit, a gun in one's home or carried openly does not need to be registered or licenced. It is already permitted by the U.S. and state constitutions.

In the states where I live, if you want to carry concealed, the sheriff must issue a concealed weapon permit if you pass a background check and show safe competency. An adequate reason is "personal protection." As for those buildings where concealed carry is (legally) not allowed, that violates my personal rights, and I do not enter. Freedom is often inconvenient.
I dont have anything against people who own guns, especially those who use them for hunting or target practicing at a shooting gallery. But, I don't understand why people need to keep high-powered, semi/automatic guns, especially if they think such guns are good for defending themselves.
who said they need to keep high-powered, semi/automatic guns for defending themselves? didn't you say you're fine with them using it for hunting or target practicing? :bump:

Most people who carry concealed weapons DO NOT usually own high-powered, automatic guns because that is impractical to carry. It's heavy and bulky. They mostly carry fairly small pistols. And do you have any idea how expensive high-powered guns are??? and the bullets for that too! Mind you - automatic weapons are illegal and have always been illegal.

If you can - can you please tell me if you have heard in news where people shot intruders in self-defense with high-powered, semi/automatic weapon?
who said they need to keep high-powered, semi/automatic guns for defending themselves? didn't you say you're fine with them using it for hunting or target practicing? :bump:

Most people who carry concealed weapons DO NOT usually own high-powered, automatic guns because that is impractical to carry. It's heavy and bulky. They mostly carry fairly small pistols. And do you have any idea how expensive high-powered guns are??? and the bullets for that too! Mind you - automatic weapons are illegal and have always been illegal.

If you can - can you please tell me if you have heard in news where people shot intruders in self-defense with high-powered, semi/automatic weapon?

And the fact that they are illegal does not prevent those who want to obtain them from purchasing them and using them, now does it?
I voted: allow guns (legally) but make it HIGHLY restrictive.

The reason I am for it because many people suffers mental illness and can create more problems to hurt themselves and hurt innoncent children and adults.

If you want to own guns then need reason in writing to get a court order and make sure your weapons are legal (licensed).

But that doesn't make much difference. What if I lied about having legitimated reason to own one? And mind you - I've repeatedly said that the people with mental history CANNOT own guns by law and all gun purchases are LEGAL & LICENSED.

I think we should increase age limit for smoking or get court order to have a reason to smoke since it kills more people (estimated 5 million deaths a year) than AIDS/tuberculosis/accidents/gun crimes combined. Smoking kills more innocent children and adults than guns do! Ever heard of second-hand smoking?! <cough cough> :o
And the fact that they are illegal does not prevent those who want to obtain them from purchasing them and using them, now does it?

oh you mean the criminals? I think you confuse gun crimes with legal guns. You know most of gun crimes are occurred by illegal guns where criminals bought it from black markets. so you tell me how are we supposed to defend ourselves from criminals with illegal guns. my cell phone?
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