Shld Blacks forget abt slavery and move on?

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Lawmaker says blacks should 'get over' slavery
January 17, 2007
RICHMOND -- The day after lawmakers honored the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr., a member of the House of Delegates stirred furious and tearful debate in Richmond with inflammatory comments about African-Americans and Jews. Del. Frank Hargrove, R-Hanover, triggered controversy while talking about an impending House resolution that would formally apologize for the state's role in the slave trade. He said African-Americans should "get over it" because no one alive today was involved in slavery.

"Are we going to force Jews to apologize for killing Christ?" Hargrove asked.

His comments appeared in the Charlottesville Daily Progress on Tuesday, and lawmakers reacted quickly when the House opened session that day. Hargrove, 79, responded by denouncing slavery but was met with groans and awkward silence when he suggested that a Jewish delegate, whose grandparents escaped Nazi-occupied Poland, was being hypersensitive about the comments.

"I think your skin was a little too thin," Hargrove said.

It marks the third time in the last five months that a Virginia Republican has stepped into racial controversy. And it comes as the state is poised to welcome the world to Jamestown for the 2007 celebration, where it will mark the contributions of American Indians, Africans and English settlers and the beginning of the state's complex racial history.

Last year, incumbent U.S. Sen. George Allen lost his seat after using an obscure racial epithet to describe a worker for a rival campaign. Allen's campaign never recovered after he twice called a videographer for his opponent "macaca" - a genus of monkey and a racial slur in some French-speaking African countries.

Last month, Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Rocky Mount, touched off outrage when he criticized a Muslim Congressman for using a Quran at his swearing-in ceremony several weeks ago. Goode has not backed down, instead warning that not speaking out could lead to the election of more Muslims.

On Tuesday, three delegates stood on the House floor to condemn Hargrove's words.

Virginia Black Caucus Chairman Dwight C. Jones, D-Richmond, said Hargrove's statements were narrow-minded and exclusionary. Then Jones recalled the horrors of the slave trade and the struggles for civil rights.

"When somebody tells me I should just get over slavery, I can only express my emotion by projecting that I am appalled, absolutely appalled," Jones said.

Jones said Hargrove desecrated King's memory. Del. Donald McEachin, D-Richmond, talked about the stories of his family's bondage that have been passed down from his grandmother who will soon turn 103 years old.

"Quite frankly ... it's hard to get over it," said McEachin. "When there is a wrong committed, there needs to be an apology."

Del. David Englin, D-Alexandria, explained his family's exodus to the United States to escape fervent anti-Semitism in Poland prior to World Ward II.

"There are members of this body whose families came here in chains," said Englin, who sits next to Hargrove on the House floor. "My family came here in hope. ... I know the gentleman meant no harm to my family. I hope we can all use this as a learning opportunity."

When Englin finished, Hargrove rose to respond. He condemned slavery and said he didn't mean to offend anyone. But after describing the plight of American Indians, Hargrove continued to explain why he was against a formal state apology for slavery.

"I didn't have anything to do with mistreating Indians," Hargrove said.

Hargrove then addressed Englin specifically.

"I didn't know you were Jewish. I don't care what your religion is," Hargrove said. "I think your skin was a little too thin."

Afterward, delegates from Hampton Roads had a variety of reactions.

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Lawmaker says blacks should 'get over' slavery

Your opinion? Discuss.
Geez..why cant lawmakers focus on more important issues like education, poverty, and many more?

I cant say much on this issue cuz I am not black and I will never know what it is like to be black but I think the lawmakers are taking it a bit too far.
I'd be compelled to agree. It happened, it's history. Saying get over it is a good idea. It shouldn't ever be forgotten what happened, although it should not become an issue in today either but people like making it an issue. I think 2 of the biggest problems in the world today are racial and religious.
Yes agree.. its old story and history!!!!
well mean you tell us that we should forget abt holtcaust too??? If must forget abt the slavery history then we should forget abt holcaust too? It isnt fair for black.
In the badly paraphrased words of Bill Hicks: sure, let it go. now let that jesus thing go, too.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
-George Santyana

I do not think it would be proper to "forget" slavery, but it is certainly time to move on and quit expecting privileges and favors based on what one's ancestors endured.
Don't look back then...

lawmakers <~~seek for attention and all want run business bloomers! I never like it!
My father is native American, my family also owned slaves and had many plantations. The thing that people who beat the drum of I am so hurt by what your family did to my family 2 hundred years ago is….. they act as though this is the only place in the world, and in the history of the world that this took place. Slavery was an important part of the economic structure of almost every civilization around the world from the beginning of recorded history. Should the Jews demand an apology from Egypt for 4 hundred years of slavery? Should the Germans, French, Greeks and Brits demand an apology from Italy for Rome enslaving them? Should those countries demand Arabs apologize for controlling many of the slave markets and transporting the slaves? The answer here is no. Yes it was awful, but that is how the world worked for thousands of years on every continent except Antarctica and every race was at one point enslaved, and were slaves. And if they are really that upset about slavery why are they not trying to stop it going on right now in Africa? Some want repartitions for slavery, if that were to come to pass they should do it like they do native Americans. The people should have to prove that they are descended from slaves. Not every black person in this country is descended from slaves in this country. Some are here from other countries. Some people are families of new immigrants who were never slaves. An amount should be allotted to each person who was the last slave and then the descendants should have an allotted time to prove they are descended from that slave and then the amount broken up amongst the claimants. That is the only right way to do it, IF reparations are given. Then blacks can never use the slavery card again. But before that is dealt out they must give reparations to native Americans. This continent had over 40 million natives at the time of Columbus. When the year 1900 rolled there were an estimated 250,000 give or take. And contrary to popular belief all Indians do not get a check every month from the government. But this will solve nothing. What will solve problems is if people will realize what year it is and say I will not allow what was done in the past to control me, I will not allow it to dictate my life.
Perhaps you will not allow it to dictate your life, but the fact is that the cultural experiences of your ancestors are handed down generation to generation. The experience of slavery has much to do with African American cultural traditonsand values. The experience of Native Americans has much to do with the cultural values and traditions of that culture. The holocaust experience has much to do with American Jewish culture, tradition and values. Unfortunately, we cannot walk away from past experience as tragic as this, and simply say forget it! It affects us for generations.
It was hundreds of years ago...this is the 21st century.

slavery is completely forbidden. blacks have the freedom to go anywhere they want today. sit in the front row in theatres, buses, etc...go into the same restrooms as white ppl, etc... george washington carver invented peanut butter, martin luther king, jr. fought for the human rights, rosie parks changed the nation when she refused to give up her seat cause she was beat, etc... the blacks already got what they wanted like other people...freedom. So everything's all in the past and this is NOW. Forget the pain, the stress, and the blame game on white people, etc...

but its know today more black people are racist than white people are.

Yep its true.
My husband is black and he says he cant stand black people who whine and blame the past for their misfortunes. He said it is a matter of attitude and desire. He said he wont "forget" slavery but doesnt believe in letting it dictate his life or the decisions he makes.
It was hundreds of years ago...this is the 21st century.

slavery is completely forbidden. blacks have the freedom to go anywhere they want today. sit in the front row in theatres, buses, etc...go into the same restrooms as white ppl, etc... george washington carver invented peanut butter, martin luther king, jr. fought for the human rights, rosie parks changed the nation when she refused to give up her seat cause she was beat, etc... the blacks already got what they wanted like other people...freedom. So everything's all in the past and this is NOW. Forget the pain, the stress, and the blame game on white people, etc...

but its know today more black people are racist than white people are.

Yep its true.

Unfortunately, racism is still alive and well in the United States.
Before American Civil War, Slavery is common in the south which many of them were abused and treated in harsh conditions. It took Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War to abolish slavery and set them free everywhere in the USA. We should not forget history and not let history repeat itself. Just like Holocaust as well. A lot of those victim suffered greatly during that time and we should not forget those important histories.

I know racism is a problem everywhere but we should be reminded that history exists as it was written in the book and it stays there forever.
While slavery was common in the south, it wasn’t as common as it is portrayed that all slaves were beaten and abused. While some were horribly disfigured by what they endured by the whip this was not the case at every plantation. The reason is economics. What a slave cost is equivalent in today’s money of between 100,000.00 and 200,000.00 that is a lot of money I don’t care how you look at it. You wouldn’t beat a slave so bad they could not work to now have to go buy another, you are loosing money that way. The whole reason for slavery is free labor. If you are constantly having to buy new ones you are defeating the purpose.
Also the Civil War was not to free the slaves. Slavery was not even the main issue of the war until mid way through it. The south seceded from the north over the north’s taxation of the south and over states rights. The war became very unpopular midway in and northerners started say, just let them be their own country. They started a draft in the north which was very unpopular and caused riots in NYC, (watch the movie “Gangs of New York” you’ll see the riots dramatized there). So Abraham Lincoln decided if he is going to win the war and save the union he had to make it a noble, moral cause, the abolition of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation that was done during the war had no legal worth and actually freed no one. Lincoln knew this. He did it as a PR campaign to win support for the war in the north. The south had begun using their propaganda tactics in the north saying they were the aristocracy of the country and Lincoln was destroying them. The south was winning the battle of words till Lincoln did that. That is when things changed in the north and it became all about slavery. And that is what is taught that the war was about, but it wasn’t. And actually the south had already started looking a legislation to abolish slavery on their own. Slavery was a horrible practice but the mentality of people in that time period and for thousands of years is that slavery was perfectly okay. Southerners are portrayed as evil people because of it but it was the way of the whole world to that point. We are not evil people. Up to that point the south was the 5 wealthiest society in the world and one of the most educated. Funny how the south is always portrayed as evil, dirty, and ignorant. Seems we still pay for those things in the past. One side note please don’t construe my comments as the south never had it’s problems and their aren’t evil disgusting people who have done horrible things because of the color of people’s skin, there are. We just aren’t all like that, but we are all to often portrayed in that light.
My aunt has been working on our family tree and about 4 years ago, we discovered that our ancestors owned a plantation in Alabama with slaves in the 1800s. We were all shocked but we cant be blamed for our ancestor's action and as my husband says, he gets tired of black people today blaming other people for slavery and why they dont have good jobs and stuff. I asked my husband last night if he still deals with racism and he said yea but it is more subtle. He said that he has to get over it and just keep on working towards his goals.

I showed him this thread and he agreed with me that lawmakers are making this a bigger deal out of it and they should focus on more important issues on the agenda.
There is also a type of racism that is the “helping” kind. Where you are kept on welfare. It is called racism to try to get people off the government rolls. But I think it is more racist to keep them there, never improving. They stay in government housing away from “us” yes we are helping them. NA had this kind of help on reservations. The government said let us help you. The reason for the help is the government felt they could do no better. And it kept Indians in their place. Same with this, keeps minorities in the ghetto right where some want them. Why not make it so they can come up and out of that situation? That is real help.
And Shel90..... Alabama? Just my most favorite place in the world. I have people there. It is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
You got some good stuff in you girl if you got family in AL!!
I have dated black men. I am mixed race myself so how can I say no I can’t get with that race or that race? Most of the guys I have dated have said the same thing that your husband does. And you know what? Most of them are successful and live happy lives with nice homes and cars. Not rich but comfortable. I think it has to do with your attitude. They blame no one for anything and take their lives in their own hands
And Shel90..... Alabama? Just my most favorite place in the world. I have people there. It is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
You got some good stuff in you girl if you got family in AL!!
I have dated black men. I am mixed race myself so how can I say no I can’t get with that race or that race? Most of the guys I have dated have said the same thing that your husband does. And you know what? Most of them are successful and live happy lives with nice homes and cars. Not rich but comfortable. I think it has to do with your attitude. They blame no one for anything and take their lives in their own hands

Never been to Alabama. Should pay it a visit.
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