19 year old guy has sex with 15 year old girl


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Tell me that's against the law. Someone was arguing with me saying it is NOT against the law. :eek3:
Yes it is against the law.. because it is sick and I don't want anyone to be taking advantage of my daughter when she is around that age. I want my kids to be with people closer or the same age as theirs. At 15 years old.. you should be focusing in school.. and have fun.. not think about having a serious boyfriend. The 19 years old guy is not thinking with his heart.. most guys that age.. they are thinking with their dick and want young pussy. Hey.. it happened to alot of my friends and me,too. Hate being taken advantaged of! :pissed: Those guys should be looking for girls that are legal ages not the jailbats.
Whoever argue with you is definetly out of his or her mind!

Your sane with this issue, Alex :)
Tell me that's against the law. Someone was arguing with me saying it is NOT against the law. :eek3:

First of all, it is depend on which country they comes from?

I presume your talking about America's law, yes he is guilty of Statutory Rape.
First of all, it is depend on which country they comes from?

I presume your talking about America's law, yes he is guilty of Statutory Rape.

oh yes, depends on! Here Germany are strict the law too. but i am not sure so i think in Niederland do almost permit. they partner wouldnt like to have the baby, but she just pregnant 5 month. how do it? it can make the Abortion. Niederland have no law. i dont like see *godnees*
If the guy is younger than 18, that's fine. If pass 18 years old, no! That's Statutory Rape.

If I have daughter, I'll keep eye on her. So is my son. I have to teach Tyler do the right way.
Statutory Rape.
Statutory rape is illegal sexual activity between two people when it would otherwise be legal if not for their age. The actual ages for these laws vary greatly from state-to-state, as do the punishments for offenders. Many states do not use the actual term "statutory rape," simply calling it rape or unlawful sexual penetration. These laws rarely apply only to intercourse, but rather to any type of sexual contact. Dating someone without sexual contact cannot be considered a form of statutory rape, and is almost never illegal.

All states have an "age of consent," or an age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity and can then no longer be a victim of statutory rape. Some states also have laws that look at the age difference between the two people as well as their individual ages. All states have laws that have restrictions on the relationship between the two people, changing the age of consent, or the penalty, for sexual relations between a person of authority, such as a teacher, assistant coach, or tutor. These laws change, and can vary depending on other circumstances. For more information on how these laws apply in the various states, try the Answer Board.

Statutory rape charges can be brought up by the victim, parents of the victim, and in most states, they can be raised by the state. California has been a major example of this, filing charges against fathers of pregnant women, at the protest of both the women and the parents of the involved parties.

Recent Articles

Statutory Rape Author: Darren Kavinoky

Statutory Rape laws are based on the premise that until a person reaches a certain age, that individual is legally incapable of consenting to sexual intercourse. Thus, it is a crime for an adult to have sexual intercourse with a person under the legal age of consent, which is 18 years of age. California's statutory rape law is found in Penal Code Section 261.5. California has begun a concerted effort to use its statutory rape laws as a means of reducing pregnancies and births among minors. The attempt was prompted by recent research indicating that two-thirds of babies born to school-aged mothers in the state were fathered by adult men, who, on average, were more than four years older than their adolescent partners.

* The severity of the punishment depends on the relative ages of the two people, either of whom may be male or female.
* It is a misdemeanor for a person who is at least 18 years old to have sexual intercourse with a minor who is three years younger than that person.
* If the victim is more than three years younger than the perpetrator, the crime can be either a misdemeanor or a felony.
* If the victim is under the age of 16 and the perpetrator is 21 years of age or older, and they engage in sexual intercourse, the crime can be either a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in county jail or imprisonment in the state prison for 2, 3, or 4 years.
* In addition to criminal penalties, there may be civil penalties as well. The district attorney may bring actions to recover civil penalties.
* An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor less than two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty up to $2,000.
* An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty up to $5,000.
* An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least three years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty up to $10,000.
* An adult over the age of 21 years who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age is liable for a civil penalty up to $25,000.

Age of Consent :: Sexlaws.org
Age of Consent

The "Age of Consent" is a term not found in many state statutes, but rather reflects an absence of prohibition. As used on this website, this age reflects the age at which a person can legally consent to most types of sexual activity with another person. This age varies from 15-18 in most states. There are still restrictions in some states on what type of sexual activity is permissable, such as oral sex and sodomoy, as well as restrictions of the relationship of the two people, such as a teacher-student relationship. These restrictions typically run until the age of 18, though some states still have laws against oral sex or sodomy at any age.

Click state to find out legal age of consent -

Sexlaws.org :: Answers to statutory rape and sexual assault law questions.
or here -
An Old Post Of Mine
Defining Adult Attraction to Minors

Some academic writers who use "paedophilia" to refer to pre-pubescent children use the word

*hebephilia*, or sometimes * ephebophilia *, to refer to the sexual attraction of an adult to

an adolescent (ie. to someone between the stages of puberty and adulthood).

As Australia's Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime

Authority comments:

The Macquarie Dictionary defines "paedophilia" as: "sexual

attraction in an adult towards children". . . .

In the medical and sociological literature phrases such as "true paedophilia"

and "genuine paedophilia" are used to refer to biologically pre-pubescent children. . . .

Some academic writers who use "paedophilia" to refer to pre-pubescent children use the word

"hebephilia", or sometimes "ephebophilia", to refer to the sexual attraction

of an adult to an adolescent (ie. to someone between the stages of

puberty and adulthood). However, these terms appear to be rarely used

outside academic writings.

The above statement only begins to plumb the complexity of the problem

of finding adequate terminology for adult attraction to minors. Here, to

show the full intricacy, is a listing of the etymological, clinical/scholarly,

and lay definitions of words that are commonly used to refer to

minor-attracted adults. (The clinical/scholarly and lay meanings are given

according to how the words are commonly used, not how the words are

defined in the dictionary. Multiple meanings are due to different authors

using the same word in different ways.)


Etymological meanings: Pedo- or paedo- is derived from the Greek word

paidos, meaning "boy" or "child." Paidophiles seems to have

been used in ancient times primarily to refer to a man who fell in love with male


Clinical meanings: An adult who is attracted to prepubescent children.

More narrowly, certain criteria are usually set forth to define the form that

attraction takes.

Lay meanings: An adult who is attracted to prepubescent children; an

adult who is attracted to minors; an adult who molests minors; an

adolescent who is attracted to or molests younger children.


Etymological meanings: According to the Liddell-Scott Greek-English

Lexicon, the legal term hebe meant "the time before manhood, at Athens

sixteen years of age"; according to another ancient source cited by

Liddell-Scott, the time before fourteen, and according to an ancient source

on Sparta, the time before eighteen. More generally, the word meant


Clinical meanings: An adult who is attracted to adolescents; an adult who

is attracted to adolescents younger than eighteen.

Lay meanings: The word is not commonly used in lay speech.


Etymological meanings: According the Liddell-Scott Greek-English

Lexicon, the word ephebos meant "one arrived at adolescence" ≠ a youth

of eighteen years or older, according to most ancient sources. The word

was also used to mean "boy" or "young girl."

Clinical meanings: An adult who is attracted to adolescents; an adult who

is attracted to adolescents younger than eighteen; an adult who is

attracted to adolescents eighteen and older.

Lay meanings: The word is not commonly used in lay speech.


Etymological meanings: As in the case of pedophile, pederast is derived

from the Greek word paidos, meaning "boy" or "child."

Paiderastes was a synonym of paidophiles, referring primarily to a man who fell in love with

male adolescents. SOURCE
Interesting thread...

As far as I concern that it's an illegal to have sex under 18 years old in America.

It's legal to have sex between 14 and 16 years old in Europe countries. For America is an illegal to have sex until 18 years old.

It's important to teach children that the sex is not fun for anyone...
Interesting thread...

As far as I concern that it's an illegal to have sex under 21 years old in America.

It's legal to have sex between 14 and 16 years old in Europe countries. For America is an illegal to have sex until 21 years old.

It's important to teach children that the sex is not fun for anyone...

Sex is FUN.
it's responsiblity that needs to be taught, as well as some ethics. Like - say 45 be trying to score with a 14 - 16 year old... :crazy:

It's legal to have sex between 14 and 16 years old in Europe countries. For America is an illegal to have sex until 18 years old.

That is why some people travel to other countries. Take Gary Glitter for example.
Gary Glitter deported from Cambodia, entered Thailand

Former pop star Gary Glitter has now entered Thailand after beeing deported from Cambodia for paedophilia.

Disgraced former pop star Gary Glitter has been deported from Cambodia, it was confirmed today.

Glitter, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was detained there on 26 and 27 December and was deported on December 28, the Foreign Office said.

He is understood to have been deported to Thailand.

Glitter's lawyers are understood to be challenging the deportation. After he was detained, the decision to deport him was taken by the Cambodian authorities.

British officials had no involvement in the decision, the Foreign Office said.

Foreign Office officials were unable to say exactly why Glitter had been detained and then deported. He was convicted in Britain in 1999 of downloading child pornography from the Internet and served half of a four-month sentence before being released.

More than a year ago he moved to Phnom Penh, which has gained a reputation as a centre for paedophilia, and Cambodian police have had him under surveillance.

The country's Minister for Women's Affairs, Mu Sochua, last year called for him to be expelled because of his conviction in England but the government said that would not happen unless he broke Cambodian law.

Jan 7, 2003
Gary Glitter deported from Cambodia, entered Thailand

Sex is FUN.
it's responsiblity that needs to be taught, as well as some ethics. Like - say 45 be trying to score with a 14 - 16 year old... :crazy:

Yes sex is fun but NOT sex with anyone for the fun...

Do you teach your children to have sex with anyone for the fun? Is it okay to teach your children to open their legs for anyone?

For me, NO! I teach my children what sex is, sex safe, responsible, etc... the sex is for couple who love each other. It's no fun to have sex with anyone but with a man whom I love...
Yes sex is fun but NOT sex with anyone for the fun...

Do you teach your children to have sex with anyone for the fun? Is it okay to teach your children to open their legs for anyone?

For me, NO! I teach my children what sex is, sex safe, responsible, etc... the sex is for couple who love each other. It's no fun to have sex with anyone but with a man whom I love...

You misunderstod my post.... resposiblity being taught was part of who to have sex with...

ok :thumb:

You misunderstod my post.... resposiblity being taught was part of who to have sex with...

ok :thumb:

You misunderstand my post, too...

I said that teach children that sex is not fun for anyone which mean is sex is responsible, not fun for anyone... okay... :thumb:

Can you explain me why there're high teens preggies in the world in America? Its about teach responsible instead of forbid children something... that's how it expose the children into "illegal crime"...

Everyone knows that once you reach the legal age (which is 18 and over) here in USA, It is of course against the law to have sex (for those who are over 18) with someone who is a minor - hence the Statutory Rape.

Sex is always need to be taken seriously. It can be fun but at the same time, that is when common sense comes in. It is not meant to be taken lightly because of so many reasons that are included. Do I need to go on and on about this? I'm sure you guys have got the picture of what scenarios that can be encountered when un-safe sex comes into this.

Remember, It takes TWO to tango. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take up on that to make sure it is taken seriously and safely. Responsibility is another thing that comes into the light as well.
Alex. you are in the right, he is wrong. If somebody was looking at my 14 -15 years old daughter the wrong way, I will kill him period. There will be no mercy for him period. He is 19 years old which means he is of military age and in the eyes of the law, he is officially a man. He should be focused on college women and going to college himself. Not drooling after young teen girls who clearly are still in high school.

My father told me a very good law when I was younger and just had turned 18, but I was still very new to being a 18 yr old guy and fresh out of high school. I will keep it clean , of course my dad said it differently because he swore and used profanities but I got what my dad meant. My dad laid down the law very loud and clear and he made sure I did not forget that by beating the shit out of me to make sure I never forgot because I was 18 and I liked a girl who was 16 years old, she was 15 and just turned 16. I met her in the summertime after I graduated from high school. I thought I was doing the right thing but my dad laid the law down for me very loud and so clear that I can still hear him today and when I have a son, I will make sure he understands very loud and clear and that he will never forget what I said. ( My dad passed away in 1996 ) Here is the point ......

" If the girl is in high school in the 10th, 11th, 12th grade then she is not for you period. Any girl that is still in high school is off - limits and not worth your time or the trouble at all. Now that you are 18, you are officially a man in the eyes of the law. You can be arrested, thrown in jail and be killed for doing these things. Your best bet is to meet women of college age, get married and start a family like I did. "
For sure, I will go out and buy a shotgun and :rl: this b*stard for doing it to my girl when she is 15 and him 19. Emotions are too deep here to put it in mere words of how I feel about this.

By the way, my daughter just turned 10 today and I intend to protect her in every way I can. Nineteen year olds have nothing in common with fifteen year olds anyway. Nineteen year old men should take responsibility and avoid young girls but I know that their dicks tend to go the other way.
For sure, I will go out and buy a shotgun and :rl: this b*stard for doing it to my girl when she is 15 and him 19. Emotions are too deep here to put it in mere words of how I feel about this.

By the way, my daughter just turned 10 today and I intend to protect her in every way I can. Nineteen year olds have nothing in common with fifteen year olds anyway. Nineteen year old men should take responsibility and avoid young girls but I know that their dicks tend to go the other way.

:topic: Happy Birthday to your daughter! :thumb:

Anyhoo, Back on the topic - I can relate to that. In this case, if a older girl that happens to be 19 and my son's 15 - You bet, There'd be some claws coming out and resulting into a catfight ;)