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Come and share your opinions with agree and disagree what do you think of driving legal age... 
To me, driving legal should be 18. Why? Because I rather to have teenagers to consider their school education and enjoy their experiment to any experiences and laws first then......
Minimum Driving Age USA
Minimum Driving Age Europe
Minimum Driving Age The Rest Of The World
Should we blame alcohol to kill driving teenagers? No, we should not blame alcohol but YOU, ME and everyone who have brains to know how handle the responsible.. Look at 16 years old sensible Alicia killed by car accident... Do she drinking? No, she didn´t. That´s why I agree to increase driving legal age until they are old enough to understand the respect and responsible first... consider their education..... then....

To me, driving legal should be 18. Why? Because I rather to have teenagers to consider their school education and enjoy their experiment to any experiences and laws first then......
Minimum Driving Age USA
Minimum Driving Age Europe
Minimum Driving Age The Rest Of The World
Statistics on teen driving and crashes
— Car crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens — more than drugs, guns, or any disease.
— A teenager’s first 500 miles of driving are the most dangerous. During that time, they’re 10 times more likely to crash than an adult.
— In 2003 alone, teens were involved in an estimated million and a half accidents.
— Two-thirds of the teenagers who died in car accidents last year were not buckled up.
— During the most recent five year period for which records are available, nearly 35,000 people died when a teenager was driving.
— Teen drivers killed in motor vehicle collisions had a youth passenger in the automobile 45 percent of the time.
— For every 10 "close calls" in a car, there’s one crash.
— 16-year-olds crash at a rate that’s nearly one and a half times as high as 17-year-olds.
— 15 to 20-year-olds make up 7 percent of licensed drivers, but suffer 14 percent of fatalities and 20 percent of all reported collisions.
— 53 percent of teen driver deaths occur on weekends.
— On the basis of current population trends, there will be 23 percent more 16 to 20-year-old drivers on the road in 2010 than there are today — 26.1 million.
The perils of teen driving
A painful lesson for one family: 16-year-olds may be too young to drive
SILVERSPRINGS, MD.— Like a lot of parents, Dr. Arturo Betancourt and his wife Lulu struggled to strike a balance between protecting their 16-year-old daughter Alicia and overprotecting her. Alicia was the kind of child parents never worry about: a bright talented artist and popular pom pom girl known for her perpetual smile.
Alicia was about as responsible a 16-year-old as you could find. So when she asked to go out for ice cream with a 16-year-old old boy one Friday night, her parents said yes — but they still laid down some strict ground rules: The boy has to pick her up from her house, get out of the car, ask for her, and meet her dad.
“I want to speak to him,” Dr. Betancourt told Alicia. He even reminded her to avoid distracting him when he’s driving.
“Sometimes she would complain about all the rules,” says Alicia’s mother, Lulu. Rules included a curfew that Alicia always obeyed.
But that night she didn’t come home on time.
The Betancourts began to worry, and finally, filled with foreboding, they called the police.
The dispatcher told them to stay at home, and that two officers were on their way.
“At that point, I knew that my daughter was dead,” says Arturo Betancourt.
Alicia, who was wearing a seatbelt, had been killed instantly in a terrible crash. Police say the boy lost control of the car. He hit a utility pole and was seriously injured.
“The day after my daughter had died and we were at the funeral parlor, the funeral director, who was a very kind man, said, ‘It is time for you to pick out a casket.’ You feel that you’re just sinking into an abyss for which you don’t feel that you’ll be able to escape,” recalls Dr. Betancourt.
In the weeks after Alicia’s death, her father found himself on the Internet searching for anything he could find about teenage driving. Among all the information, he learned that teenagers not only have the highest crash and fatality rates of any age group but 16-year-olds specifically are at the greatest risk.
A 'national health epidemic'
The National Institutes of Health has conducted a study which sheds new light on what parents have long suspected: that teenagers often lack good judgment. The study shows that there may be a biological explanation — the teen brain may simply lack the capacity to make critical driving decisions.
Using brain scans, NIH saw that teenagers' brains are not fully developed — particularly, the portions that regulate risk-taking and impulse control, crucial to driving. The process of the brain maturing are not complete until after the age of 20, four years after most teenagers start to drive.
Dr. Jeffrey Runge, head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, calls this a “national health epidemic.” Runge is also an emergency room doctor who has treated too many teenage crash victims.
“If we had any other disease that was wiping out our teenagers at the rate of thousands per year, there would be no end to what we would do as a society to stop that,” says Dr. Runge.
Reducing the risk
Some attempts have been made to reduce teen driving deaths. About 44 states and the District of Columbia now have something called graduated licensing for young drivers which have restrictions on everything from how late they can drive at night, to how many passengers they can carry.
And although graduated licensing laws have lowered the rate of teen deaths by as much as 25 percent, Dr. Runge and other safety experts say a lot more needs to be done.
A growing number of people think raising the driving age would save lives. They look to Europe, where in most countries you have to be 18 to drive and fatalities are much lower.
However, in the United States, there is less public transportation and more dependence on cars. And each state makes its own laws.
In America, driving at 16 has been considered a right and rite of passage since the early days of the automobile—and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
Should we blame alcohol to kill driving teenagers? No, we should not blame alcohol but YOU, ME and everyone who have brains to know how handle the responsible.. Look at 16 years old sensible Alicia killed by car accident... Do she drinking? No, she didn´t. That´s why I agree to increase driving legal age until they are old enough to understand the respect and responsible first... consider their education..... then....