More interpreting help, please!


New Member
May 14, 2007
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Hi, Awhile back a few people helped me out a lot with putting these English sentences into ASL. I'm trying to learn it myself with the OSV rule.

"You have the right to privacy." Privacy rights you have
Is that right?

This one is harder I think. " You have the right to be treated with respect at all times." I was thinking something like...'I respect you, you respect me'

Anyw help would be appreciated. Thanks!
The respect part, i think is more.. respect you equal (make circle while signing equal, to show that everyone gets equal respect) all time. I'm sure someone else can do better, but I don't think "i respect you, you respect me" is what it means.
"Respect always right you have."

Is how I would sign that, although I'm not sure.
With the first sentence, add a topical facial expression. When you say PRIVACY RIGHTS raise your eyebrows and lean forward slightly. Then for YOU HAVE, go back to a neutral posture and facial expression.

The respect part, i think is more.. respect you equal (make circle while signing equal, to show that everyone gets equal respect) all time. I'm sure someone else can do better, but I don't think "i respect you, you respect me" is what it means.

I agree completely! :gpost: Great idea!