West Nile Virus


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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How do you feel about this virus? Do you think you're infected? My work just had a meeting about it, and it's scaring me because there's no vaccine available for people yet. :ugh: Check this link for more information.

Tell me your opinion about this WNV.
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WNV has hit the DC metro area back in 1999 (if i recall correctly) and have been dealing with it ever since -- this summer of 2003 is the worst summer to deal with it due to the massive rains we have been having and too much standing water in many locations which are ofc breeding grounds for mosquitoes -- this past summer ive noticed theres not as many crows i would typically see than any other years -- they have been dropping dead everywhere in the area -- ive not kept track on how many so far dead blamed on the mosquitoes

true there are no cure for WNV but at some point there will be -- most ppl who are bit by the mosquitoes who are themselves infected will not get very sick -- just a mild flu, fever and etc -- in cases where death occurs are usually with victims who are elderly or have low immune system and children -- it really takes is having a general common sense
There is really no need to panic. WNV has hit New Jersey for quite a while and the news just report like 10 deaths a year. I don't know the exact numbers of deaths, but the health advisors just tell us not to overreact from this news and to follow a list of things to do to minimise the risk for WNV. Like Flyfree said, dumping all standing waters out, wearing bug repellants with DEET, wearing long sleeved shirts (ugh I know) and pants, etc...

If you feel like you have sickness or flu, its good idea to check with doctor anyway no matter if it is just a normal flu or WNV.
I got nothing to worry about West Nile Virus. If I see a dead crow, then I have to stay away for it because it could carry mosquitos.