***2006 AD Caucus***Attention***


New Member
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Awhile ago, when we first considered having such an event, we had quite a number of interested people wanting to go, thus, we went ahead to set one up (many thanks to DreamDeaf for making this possible!...and others as well-- ;) ).

The purpose of this thread is simply to encourage 'others' and those of you who have earlier indicated an interest to going to the AD Causus but haven't send in a registration form...etc.,....

There is still plenty of time for many of you to commit yourself to this event that surely will bring about some great moments together, having a great time in a city well known for many visitors and tourists.

Whether you plan to come for 3 or 4 days, surely you won't be missing anything and having the opportunity to meet other members here in AD. So far, myself included, VamPyroX and Alex will be there, this will give you another opportunity to meet us and discuss what things that pertains to AD...heck, we can do it over beer or whatever it is that you enjoy drinking. ;)

Now is the time to make such plans and let the Administration of AD, myself and more importantly, let DD (DreamDeaf) know that you're coming. Please respond in this thread only if you are going and we would appreciate seeing more people plan on coming while there's time to make that committment. As for any questions or in need of information in regards to the AD Caucus, there are several 'other' threads in the General Chat forum which are 'sticky', refer to those threads for further information or contact any one of us (DD-DreamDeaf, myself or Alex). Thank you!!

We look forward to making this event a rewarding experience and a memorable one and most importantly, having a super great time!!!

I look forward to meeting many of you as well as many of you meeting other members here in AD. Remember, it's YOU that can help make this a great event!! :)

(Also..please post here in this thread to let us know that you're coming if you haven't sent in your registration or in need of obtaining a registration form.)
I'm going. I've already turned in my registration and paid my fee. This is a great opportunity to meet many people that I haven't had a chance to do so for the last 4 years.

I've been a member of AllDeaf for over 4 years. I've met a few members from time to time, but never a bunch at once. I've gone to a few conventions and met with other people, but I've often wondered what it would be like if I met a bunch of AllDeaf members at a gathering like that.

Well, this is a great opportunity for me.

This is also a good excuse to get out of the house and travel mid-cross-country. ;)
I'm all done.. Cleared my shoulder dust away and will look forward AD Caucas incoming way within 3 wks left to go... *hmmmm* pretty nearly soon!
Let's prepared!
A reminder:

The hotel form: AD Caucus RSVP form can be downloaded/printed and sent to the hotel...this form should be received by the hotel no later than June 30, 2006. Also, you can make the correct changes for the date: July 13-15, 2006 instead of what's already printed.

Here's the address for the hotel:


Crown Plaza St. Louis Airport​
11228 Lone Eagle Drive​
Bridgeton, Missouri​

(also, payment isn't expected with this form, but payment will be expected at the hotel ;) )
I think some of them chicken out? :dunno:

Come on people, Let's get the ball rolling, turn in your registration fee and book the hotel, Don't make me come up and get you. :whistle:
Cheri said:
I think some of them chicken out? :dunno:

Come on people, Let's get the ball rolling, turn in your registration fee and book the hotel, Don't make me come up and get you. :whistle:

I m make you get me :giggle: kidding! can't waittttt :whistle:
indie said:
Im new here, Would any body mind telling me what an AD Caucus is?

There's several threads in relation to what the AD event will be and where's it is at. Just look in the 'General Chat' forum and you'll see them on top of the other threads. ;)

12 more days...12 more days...12 more days...*biting fingernails*...12 more days... :jaw:

Have fun guys..I wont be able to attend but please have a few beers for me eh :)
DreamDeaf said:
12 more days...12 more days...12 more days...*biting fingernails*...12 more days... :jaw:


I will drag you into parties.... not leaving the door shut out.. Heck no way...