Sounds like you have a room full of spiteful and egotistic roommates. Look for another place to crash in and live there with good ol' roommates if you can try. Sometimes, roommates can be a pain in the neck for that type of behaviors they display. If they don't care about your valuable items, it's NONE of their business to bust in your room with their noses. Taking what rightfully yours is not right for them to do. Sorry you have a hard time with it now.

I hope everything will be alright. Some people can be so wrong. I have some pet peeves about some weird people of my own:
In the past years ago, I was very contented and gettin' the party going. I get pissed off when I thought I trust some of my kids' dad's friends from Mexico. First a few years, they were polite and funny but after that, it's changed. They ruined up the party,

they demanded to be serviced MORE for foods and drinks, they hollered causing disturbances of other tenants, and they were into malevolent arguments until I told them to LEAVE. I went, "WTF?? I'm NO maid to 'em if they demand more and more foods and drinks!! And I don’t like that! :madfawk: Never again will I invite those people in my home." They also spilled the beverages and they dropped the grubby forks/spoons on the just-shampooed carpet. They later passed out (two of 'em). My kids' dad didn't want to help clean up the salmagundi they made. So I made a tight rule next time. I hollered at my kids' dad

(of course, using a gigantic sign languages right at his face) that under no circumstances would he invite HIS friends here any more. My friends were kinda mortified when they observed that wrecked-up party.

So far, no more invitations...ahhh, so I invited a few of my friends with no plm. HIS is shoddier. In my head, "Have their parents taught them the etiquettes and respect of other people's homes??" I dunno about their past anyway. They freaked me out. Even the former roommate which I got pissed off when he brought in a small amount of marijuana. He unsuspicious left his short in the restroom and rushed out to work. My beloved cat, Lucky, was like a k-9 dog...he would snarl and hiss and pawing the shorts and try to get into it. I was baffled. I walked up to him and tried to pull him figuring it was the scent of the male but he kept going at it. So I had to pick him up and put him in the next room. Not knowing it, I was checkin' in to see what was in the pockets. But when I tried to look in, the odor hit me hard and I said, "Damn that motherf**** what was he doing with those stuffs!?” It’s the marijuana, this reminded me of what my bad cousin’s “cigarette” smelled like. How I hate those smells. ARGH! I argued with him, he declared he's innocent.
Oh, yeah so is that is why he thought he's innocent I kicked him out at the same time, I called the BP to have him deported back to Mexico. I told them what my cat found and they cackled and teasingly called Lucky "K-9 Cat"

:Oops: It was not the first time Lucky did, back in 1992, when my other former roommate brought over his friend (I was not there that time, my kids' dad and I was not married yet). My kids' dad told me what happened, Lucky was attacking the roommate's buddy on his kneecap and hissed and growled. That guy was about to kill my cat, but my kids' dad stopped him and put my cat in the bedroom and told him to leave. My mom told me that guy yelled, "My pants! They're f***in' new!! Darn that I wanna kill that f***in' cat. I paid $35 for that pants. Now my kneecap is hurt becuz of that stupid bastard." Wow...sucker is he? The former roommate was kicked out. My mother called the cops on him. I dunno if he was arrested or not but mom gave the cops a good description. A weird and wonderful cat I had. I never had any cat like that before. I guess I let him watch too many cop shows, I dunno. He loved watching TV. <sigh> I kept on laughing every since my beloved cat did something so strange and smarter as well.
I don't like some people who use drugs or carry drugs around. How can they be soooo dim-witted? Oh, well. So far, I have kept my home steady since 1998. Argh! From 1992 to 1998?? Only three times the worse time of my life. Never again. No thanks. Only my families and only a few friends I trust can come over. Kids' dad now found a couple and best friends who are better than the others. Wheew! But I gave him the list of do and don't
