What are you thinking about? Part VIII


In Hazzard County
Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2005
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Continued from Part VII

wondering why the title says XIII when VIII follows VII


From the other thread-
Reba said:
We want to quit Express Scripts. There's nothing "express" about it. We paid an extra $21+ for expediting a UPS shipment of my pills. We ordered them Monday, they were processes Wednesday, and as of this afternoon (Saturday) UPS had the shipment label but the package hasn't started moving. What a waste of $21.

Oh that is awful. If that's the same one I am remembering, I have not heard great things about Express Scripts.

Super happy you were able to get it filled for the interim. :hugs: (that's for the tears and the stress those numbskulls at ES have caused)
Thinking about the last three days I spent with my youngest daughter. She was so comfy being home that she slept twelve hours each night. We had a great time, shopping, eating and watching movies I never would have watched without her. She helped put up some of the outdoor Christmas lights before she headed home. I did some online Christmas shopping but am having a hard time because we have three December birthdays this week. Hard figuring out what to get everyone. Hopefully tomorrow we will get our tree and finish putting up the outdoor lights.
Was watching pope in Africa going on about peace and love.i though at least I did not leave my bed to talk crap and I got lot in common with Pope he just wasted few days of his life aswel
Thinking I'm very happy for Reba cause you were able to get your prescription at least somewhat resolved:)

I'm thinking that this coconut milk yogurt I put on my oatmeal for breakfast worked out good!
I am forcing myself drink coconut water and VILE coconut oil it surpposed good for you make you healthy,not sure up chucking is the idea.
thinking that I dont want to return to work. The one thing that is making me hate my job is my teacher aide. If I can just get rid of her, I would probably enjoy this job.
I am thinking it was very nice of Restless_heart's husband to send me her USA stuff. It meant a lot to me, bec I know how much she loved red, white and blue. I also, got her NE Patriots card game , love it!
Thinking that it was a nice walk out with the dogs in this chilly foggy day. Very low lying clouds and chilly but there's the smell of burning wood from people's fireplaces that put me in the holiday mood. :)
Just been watching antiqu road show about Duncan Camble and collection of hearing aids one tortoise shell that work well worth £1000
@ Reba I am glad you were able to get the meds you needed and I agree you sure don't need any extra stress in your life. I feel the same way I hate to have to depend on other people , but as we get older this become more common. When I was a health aide , I heard so many of my clients say they hated not being able to things for their self anymore. I am being to understand what they meant. I see nothing 'golden ' about getting old. I wonder where that expression
'the golden years' came from. Maybe it mean the drug companies and doctors made $$$ off of old people .
I agree with you golden age daf name I remain in my 50 I been 56 about 6years now.well I talking twaddle so sleeping pills working.happy chatting

The names you would know have never claimed a public friendship so no can tell... The names you do not know would not mean anything to you... So, you have me there for I cannot answer :p obviously not you though :p
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