Find-the-hidden X-Mas Picture Contest - Feedback Wanted


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Hey Friends,

It's been a while since AD had a contest going on. I say it's about time we have a new contest -- a Find-the-hidden X-mas Picture contest! What do y'all say?!

In the past, we've had a logo contest, picture contest, writing contest, MS Paint contest, et al. This time we're going to have a contest that everyone has an equal chance in, and I think it's going to be fun.

First of all, there will be 3 WINNERS in this contest. The prizes for the 3 winners are:

1.) The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Platinum Series Special Extended Edition Collector's Gift Set) - $79.95 Value

2.) Spider-Man 2 Gift Set (Widescreen Special Edition W/Comic Book/Postcards/Sketch Book/Photo Booklet) - $49.95 Value

3.) Elf (Infinifilm Edition) - $29.95 Value

Secondly, only active members who last logged on AllDeaf not long ago, and have made at least 100 quality posts, are qualified to enter this contest. The rest of you who are not qualified, y'all have a chance to participate in these AD contests in the near future if you start contributing quality posts now.

Ok, now here's the dealio. There will be 3 pictures (Santa, Rudolph, and Elf) hidden somewhere in the 210,000+ posts at AllDeaf, and all you have to do is find one! Whoever finds Santa gets Prize #1, Rudolph Prize #2 and Elf Prize #3. Only one prize per member even if you found all three of them.

This is where I need your feedback. I'm not sure what the schedule is for y'all. I was thinking of starting the contest when everyone starts searching for the pictures before Christmas. But the question is what's a reasonable day and time? I would like for most of you to be able to be online to participate in this contest.

Let's make this work, ADers! This is going to be so much fun. Holla, holla!
I'll say during the evenings mid-way this month. That way, these prizes can get to them before Christmas. :)
I think I've went thru 90% of the 200,000 posts out there, and I have not seen a Santa!!!!!

Now, tell me before I waste any time doing the last 10%............ :D :D

Really, Any time doesn't matter to me.
Fly Free said:
its cuz Alex hasnt posted pixs yet
dammit! quit messing with us alex! >< never mess with a die hard spidey fan wanting to get that special spider-man 2 edition dvd set. *patting his bat*
Wow..I can do it although it's gonna take a while.. I am willling to get the dvds for my brother.. He love those dvds.. so hey why not for my brother.. it would make me feel good and happy to give him instead of having it myself! :)
:-o Sounds very nice offer, but I am pretty slow in uploading AllDeaf page cuz I have dial-up (shut up Vampy :slap: ) :giggle:
I hope it is during the day, not on a weekend, so I can use the computer at the library or college!
anytime is good for me.. so.. just keep us all update so we can start to look for it :-D
not mind, uhhhhh one qq alex what abt the affilates cohabiting with ur servers? and the moderators and adminstrators such et al as me and the mods here at AD and my forum????? will we be elgible for this??? and if so GREAT after the 5th is fine with me and im on most of the time :)........
posts from hell said:
I think I've went thru 90% of the 200,000 posts out there, and I have not seen a Santa!!!!!

Now, tell me before I waste any time doing the last 10%............ :D :D

Really, Any time doesn't matter to me.

You are HILARIOUS! I posted like 2390483904839248329408930843489482 times. naw.. I didnt :(

Should I do some exercise tho ?
Wow, nice prizes...but I already have number 3 LOL, I guess I will try if I have enough time ;)
*bribes Alex to tell me where these are*

Ok, I am ready. Edit: Oh about time & schedule, that would be anytime for me.. I soon will have a month off from university (x-mas vacation), hooray!

Second Edit: Alex, a question about this comment:

Alex said:
Whoever finds Santa gets Prize #1, Rudolph Prize #2 and Elf Prize #3. Only one prize per member even if you found all three of them.
If one member found all of it, how will you resolve that one?
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I will use my super crawler program to search all images at alldeaf forum =). It will save my time alot. Kiddin..I will not use it and respect alldeaf. hehe
If one member found all of it, how will you resolve that one?

Supposedly if you found all three of them, Will u give me one? :thumb:

Heh, Good question Alex might have the answers for us. ;)
wow good offer :-o

I have number one (part I and II only). My sons are exciting to have part III. I hope it is also included.

I have spiderman part I but we WANT to have part II... THAT's ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to have it when I win............ :angel:
maybe, Alex, to save us alot of time, would you tell us if when you will post all 3 of those characters and then we will start hunting for them?