Our Puppy loves hearing aids!


Old Deaf Ranter
Premium Member
Mar 17, 2008
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In fact, she thinks they are delicious! Lucky it was just a bad old spare of my husband's. Plus he had left a battery in it, and we even found that, so no harm done.

Got me to look. I thought the obvious here, that you had installed HAs in your doggie.
My dog ate mine once :( It wasn't even a week old.
:lol:....thought Botti had "installed" a hearing aid in her doggie's ears too....I've lost a lot of nice shoes to the dog chewing on them...and wondering too...would a HA help a dog if the dog was HOH?...Has it ever been done?....
:lol:....thought Botti had "installed" a hearing aid in her doggie's ears too....I've lost a lot of nice shoes to the dog chewing on them...and wondering too...would a HA help a dog if the dog was HOH?...Has it ever been done?....

I wouldn't bother. Deaf pets are great with sign. :P
My dog ate mine once :( It wasn't even a week old.

I know that is sad.. Never had this happen before and I was so glad it was just an old one.

Myself, I did ruin a good hearing aid once, but dropping it in the only cup of water within ten feet. Still can't believe I did it.
i keep mine in bottom draw hate them and dog would be welcolm but n.h.s mean tax payer paid for them so no tit bits for pooch
i keep mine in bottom draw hate them and dog would be welcolm but n.h.s mean tax payer paid for them so no tit bits for pooch

Our go in a dryer upstairs in the bedroom when not in use, and this was only out on a shelf at all because it wasn't in use.

It was in a case. That puppy of mine is clever in her own way.
I have had that problem, too. Dogs just love the taste of earwax. Gag. No serious harm, the Siemens ITE's were just recased.
When I had Finlay , I took a nap one day and left my HA on the coffee table.
When I woke up I could not find my HA and thought NO Oh ! Finlay ate it!
Finlay had picked it up and put it on his blanket to watch it for me and there was not one tooth mark on my HA. He was laying down keeping an eye on. Man I miss him like HELL!

When I got my new HA I was told to be careful where I leave them as dogs loves to chew on HA. Your puppy killed it! I knew a woman who dog bite her HA and her insurance would not cover it. She had to buy a new old.
When I had Finlay , I took a nap one day and left my HA on the coffee table.
When I woke up I could not find my HA and thought NO Oh ! Finlay ate it!
Finlay had picked it up and put it on his blanket to watch it for me and there was not one tooth mark on my HA. He was laying down keeping an eye on. Man I miss him like HELL!

I know you do. Finlay was a good dog.

Our puppy is the only stupid dog with Poodle ancestry I have ever seen. I blame her Maltese side!
She's testing you Botti:) Glad your puppy is OK.
I was just watching a show where a small child swallowed a battery from the TV controller. Yikes!!!

When my son was two, he shoved orange tic-tacs up his nose. He started to cry when he knew he had done something wrong, problem solved, orange boogers!!!hahahahaha
Wirelessly posted

Dogs do have quite a taste for HA. My chihuahua grabbed both of mine from the bedside table and chewed one of them up down to the wire. The second one he just got the mold.
She's testing you Botti:) Glad your puppy is OK.
I was just watching a show where a small child swallowed a battery from the TV controller. Yikes!!!

When my son was two, he shoved orange tic-tacs up his nose. He started to cry when he knew he had done something wrong, problem solved, orange boogers!!!hahahahaha

I am glad she is ok too. She is a constant challenge, and it's pretty easy to see how she became a rescue dog, but we love her a lot.

She is very loving and the old dogs adore her too.
Wirelessly posted

Dogs do have quite a taste for HA. My chihuahua grabbed both of mine from the bedside table and chewed one of them up down to the wire. The second one he just got the mold.

I have heard of it happening to other people, but until today I was lucky.

I still am amazed she managed to climb onto a kitchen table and take it off a shelf.

Thing is there is plenty of food in that area also, and I can't imagine what led her to select the hearing aid instead of a pack of potato chips .+