OK, the aid came in and I must say I do like it. It seems to me I can hear better with this aid. It's going to take a little bit because I've only had it for about four hours, but I do like it.
I'm wearing the CROS, but it is a behind the ear and I want an in there ear. It won't be as small as I would like, but I just feel better with an in the ear piece. Battery life will suffer, no question.
I Pilot is cool. It will take a little bit to figure out if I like it better than the smart link. In the office, it was definitely better. I need to test it in a real world environment.
Finally, I got a FM booth with the aid so I can still use my Smartlink. I don't expect to see any difference on that end because I didn't order a new Smartlink.
Bottom line, the aid does seem clearer.
On a plus note, if it makes any difference, I scored higher on speech this time than before. However, I feel this really depends on who is giving the test than actual hearing. You might hear one audi voice different than another, sadly.
The price tag is $6k, but with insurance and perhaps the company pitching in for the FM system, it's doable.