First cousins get married in Maryland


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Apr 3, 2004
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ALTOONA, Pa. - First cousins who were denied a marriage license by a Pennsylvania judge earlier this month were wed in a civil ceremony in Maryland, the couple said Monday.

Tonight Show host Jay Leno and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh both commented about the story after Blair County Judge Jolene Kopriva refused to marry Eleanor Amrhein, 46, and Donald W. Andrews Sr., 39, of Logan Township.

The couple petitioned the judge March 14, three days after a court clerk refused to marry them after learning they were first cousins. The couple's mothers are sisters. But they hoped the judge would grant an exception to the Pennsylvania law, which was meant to prevent birth defects and other problems caused by marriage of close relatives, by telling the judge they didn't plan to have children.

"Everybody thought I should be ashamed of it," Amrhein said. "I am not."

Amrhein has no children; Andrews has three to other women.

Andrews grew up in the South, but became close to Amrhein when he visited Pennsylvania for family gatherings when they were children.

"I started coming up here hanging out with mom's side of the family," Andrews told The Mirror of Altoona for Tuesday's editions. "I didn't seek her out. She didn't seek me out. But all along, there was something that clicked."

Seven years ago, the cousins met up again and they've been together for several years now.

"You can't control who you fall in love with," Andrews said.

About half of the states allow first cousins to marry, according to, a research site on state laws.


What do you think of that? Discuss.
Now there are two people that fully believe in -
"Keepin' it in the family"

Their Wedding theme -
'Incest Is Best"

i can't imagine falling in love with my cousin.. and ALSO what will others call us?? "my cousin and her husband/my cousin" --- "my daughter and son in law/nephew???" etc... what about kids?? i mean what if they were younger and wanted/had kids.. that would be so gross and fooked up.. to me.. that is like "incest" IMHO... sheesh... so like steel stated... EWWW!!!!
Think it was common in England for first cousins to get married. In ancient times, it was common for a royal line to intermarry within the family.. to keep... the bloodline very blue and... well. Nowadays, we know the offspring will have an increased chance of having children with genetic defects.

"According to Egyptian law, Cleopatra was forced to have a consort, who was either a brother or a son, no matter what age, throughout her reign. She was married to her younger brother Ptolemy XIII when he was twelve.." VII

I think having any sort of sexual involvement with parents or siblings is worse than first cousins!
FeistyChick said:
i can't imagine falling in love with my cousin.. and ALSO what will others call us?? "my cousin and her husband/my cousin" --- "my daughter and son in law/nephew???" etc... what about kids?? i mean what if they were younger and wanted/had kids.. that would be so gross and fooked up.. to me.. that is like "incest" IMHO... sheesh... so like steel stated... EWWW!!!!

Incest is incest, be it a very distant cousin or daddy. I wouldn't cross that line of my own choice, either. I would never dare show my face at these family reunions. That's just me.... apparently, it is somewhat acceptable in other cultures and has been known to be more acceptable in history... even in the last century (think uk). Maybe Beowulf or others living there can tell us more about it. :lol:
I'm not for this idea either, but it is their business and they said they're not planning to have children so that makes things a bit easier. :dunno: Geez, this is just too weird....
first cousins get married in MD qq :shock: i never knew it was *legal* i think its :crazy: cuz it is technically incest within the family members

i only heard of marriages between cousins being legal if they are both distant cousins -- starting at 3rd cousin and beyond
Well, without Googling for it, I believe there are a number of states that allow cousins to marry....even this day and age! However the further away from the 1st cousin, the better, obviously You'd be surprised how many first cousins in small towns in the past have married without knowing it. So the incest, as some have mentioned, was unintentional or people were naive about the possible results of such unions.
I asked myself how I'd react if one of my girls say "Guess what, Mom?! I found my Mr Right and he is Levi." (Levi is my 10 yr old nephew by my sister). I probably will freak out major time!!!! I cannot fathom having Levi as my son in law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels too "incesty". Also I would be confused in how to handle my new role as MIL/Aunt!

Steel said it best: EEEWW!

BTW, this was very common in royalty and still is in some cultures but they produced too many offsprings with birth defects, etc.
Katzie said:
I'm not for this idea either, but it is their business and they said they're not planning to have children so that makes things a bit easier. :dunno: Geez, this is just too weird....
well don't fall for it...they might change their minds after several years of their marriage! ><

but of course...adoption would actually be a relief...but giving birth from both cousins? ugh...thats gonna get me some upset stomach for awhile.
would it still be considered "incest" where a mother or father marries their son/daugther if a child don't have one parent for various reasons like the parent dies or whatever like that and then the other parent marries their child and then *ahem* LA LA LA LA! I can't hear what I'm saying! LA LA LA!
Liza said:
Think it was common in England for first cousins to get married. In ancient times, it was common for a royal line to intermarry within the family.. to keep... the bloodline very blue and... well. Nowadays, we know the offspring will have an increased chance of having children with genetic defects.

"According to Egyptian law, Cleopatra was forced to have a consort, who was either a brother or a son, no matter what age, throughout her reign. She was married to her younger brother Ptolemy XIII when he was twelve.." VII

I think having any sort of sexual involvement with parents or siblings is worse than first cousins!
In Japan, it is common practice too. So far I know, they are still doing that. I am not sure how many birth defects they have from this cultural practice but I do know that statistics of birth defects are barely noticeable in Japan.

In fact, America is the only western country with cousin marriage restrictions. Heck, if anyone actually believes in Adam and Eve or the Bible... we practically are sisters and brothers, all of us shouldn't have the marriages at all but it is different topic and different discussion. I want to post the facts about cousin marriages, here it is:

Fact: 26 states allow first cousin marriages; Most people can marry their cousin in the US.

Fact: US prohibitions against cousin marriages predate modern genetics. Hmmm.

Fact: In the first quarter of 2000, two delegates in Maryland introduced a bill that would prohibit first cousin marriage. This bill passed in the House of Delegates (82 to 46), however did not make it past the Senate Committee. Please remember Delegates Heller and Barve in the next election. The sponsors of the bill claim that a large ratio of out-of-state couples come to Maryland to get married – perhaps cousin couples. Their bill would have stifled revenues from marriage licenses while imposing ridiculous marriage restrictions.

Fact: No European country prohibits marriage between first cousins. It is also legal throughout Canada and Mexico to marry your cousin. The USA is the only western country with cousin marriage restrictions.

Fact: Children of non-related couples have a 2-3% risk of birth defects, as opposed to first cousins having a 4-6% risk. Genetic counseling is available for those couples that may be at a special risk for birth defects (e.g. You have a defect that runs in your family) In plain terms first cousins have at a 94 percent + chance of having healthy children. Check the links section for more information on genetic counselors. The National Society of Genetic Counselors estimated the increased risk for first cousins is between 1.7 to 2.8 percent, or about the same a any woman over 40 years of age.

Fact: Second cousins have little, if any increased chance of having children with birth defects, per the book "Clinical Genetics Handbook”– courtesy of the March of Dimes.

Fact: The frequency of cousin marriages in the USA is about 1 in 1,000

Fact: The frequency of cousin marriages in Japan is about 4 in 1,000

Fact: It is estimated that 20 percent of all couples worldwide are first cousins. It is also estimated that 80 percent of all marriages historically have been between first cousins!

Fact: In some cultures, the term cousin and mate are synonymous.

Fact: The range of consanguinity in Saudi Arabia is between 34 to 80+ percent. A study has been done on birth defects resulting from consanguineous marriages in this country. Read about it.

Fact: Albert Einstein married his first cousin. And so did Charles Darwin, who had exceptional children.

Fact: Franklin D. Roosevelt, the longest serving US president in history married his cousin (not a first cousin, however they shared the same last name).

Fact: The first Prime Minister of Canada, Sir John A. MacDonald married his first cousin.

Fact: Leviticus 18 lists all forbidden sexual relationships. Cousin relationships are not included.

Fact: God commanded many cousins to marry, including Zelophehad's 5 daughters, Eleazar's daughters, Jacob (who married both Rachel and Leah, first cousins), and Isaac and Rebekkah (first cousins once removed). All were ancestors of Jesus Christ.

Fact: Current studies indicate that cousin couples have a lower ratio of miscarriages -- perhaps because body chemistry of cousins is more similar. The verdict is still out.


Interesting. However, I feel bit disturbing about this cousin marriage but again, I unfortunately live in puritanism country, America... I guess I was somehow brainwashed by their closedness of minds (their = puritans). Of course I rather to marry a non-relative lover.
What about step-siblings? They are completely unrelated to each other by blood. Can they still marry each other?
Liza said:
What about step-siblings? They are completely unrelated to each other by blood. Can they still marry each other?

Even if they are step-siblings it's still too close to incest, seeing how they have grown up together in the same family. Step-sibling marriages are not normally encouraged.
Like Woody Allen and his former adoptive daughter Soon-Yi Previn...
Liza said:
What about step-siblings? They are completely unrelated to each other by blood. Can they still marry each other?
To my understanding that it is completely legal. I may be wrong...
well, I know hearing two teachers at deaf school where i former goes that school, which are also third or fouth cousins.. end up both married , have 3 adopted childrens( black boy, korea girl, and white boy) they don't mind have races children long as they are happy family. they are soo happy married .
Toonces said:
Even if they are step-siblings it's still too close to incest, seeing how they have grown up together in the same family. Step-sibling marriages are not normally encouraged.
and what about adopted brother or sister? I proably wouldn't really consider this "incest" as long as they don't carry the same blood together...