Homeless kitty


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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Today is my free day. I ride with bicycle to town (4 km ) through forest. I found homeless kitty in the forest this morning. It seem that "he" (suspect it´s boy) had been in forest for few days.. something wrong about his eyes & nose... infection? We will bring him to Vet this evening for check.

I was very :mad2: that someone must be cruel to leave him starve to death like this. :mad2: :pissed:

I can´t leave him alone like this to ride my bicylce back to home. No Way. He look scare when I picked him up & put him in the basket & walk 4 km back to home with few rainy.

I bath him to clean. I was shock that he ate the cat food like crazy & also drink milk. It look like he haven´t eat for few days. Poor tiny kitty.

Sussi, my nearly 18 years old Sussi, cat is not pleased to see him. :wacko: My boys are too exciting to have him & call him "Rümmel". :aw: Rümmel?.. Okay what they want to name him as Rümmel.

Pray that Rümmel is healthy. I´ll inform you soon as I get the result from Vet about him tonight. (Cross the finger)

I don´t have ditail camera to take picture of him. I´ll get Red Rum to take the picture of him when she come to visit to see us for holiday on 31st July. (hope Rümmel is healthy).
who said that life is fair.

at my mother in law's house there is three stray kittens and she ran over a stray kitten few days ago, leaving two kittens living outside in the wood. Everyone is going to die anyway.
Liebling:-))) said:
Today is my free day. I ride with bicycle to town (4 km ) through forest. I found homeless kitty in the forest this morning. It seem that "he" (suspect it´s boy) had been in forest for few days.. something wrong about his eyes & nose... infection? We will bring him to Vet this evening for check.

I was very :mad2: that someone must be cruel to leave him starve to death like this. :mad2: :pissed:

I can´t leave him alone like this to ride my bicylce back to home. No Way. He look scare when I picked him up & put him in the basket & walk 4 km back to home with few rainy.

I bath him to clean. I was shock that he ate the cat food like crazy & also drink milk. It look like he haven´t eat for few days. Poor tiny kitty.

Sussi, my nearly 18 years old Sussi, cat is not pleased to see him. :wacko: My boys are too exciting to have him & call him "Rümmel". :aw: Rümmel?.. Okay what they want to name him as Rümmel.

Pray that Rümmel is healthy. I´ll inform you soon as I get the result from Vet about him tonight. (Cross the finger)

I don´t have ditail camera to take picture of him. I´ll get Red Rum to take the picture of him when she come to visit to see us for holiday on 31st July. (hope Rümmel is healthy).
awww.. you're so warming hearted and welcomed homeless kitty..
I'd love to have a kitty but can't... due bullies are here around my home.. ((chuckles))
My sons & I were at Vet. That kitty is not male, but female :eek2:

We discussed what we want to name her. I would like to name her "Debra" but 2 sons want "Kim". Okay, we named her "Kim". She´s welcome to new home at us. :mrgreen:

The vet give her injection to protect worms, etc. & eye drops. She´s flu. My boys spoilt her rotten...

The Vet said that we don´t worry about our 17 years old Sussi. It´ll take Sussi around 6 weeks to accept Kim. 6 weeks? :eek2:

I´m glad that Kim is okay.

P.s. The Vet said that Kim is 8 weeks old.
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You are one of the people that has a great heart for animals Liebling! :kiss:

It happened to me once, when Cheri came over one evening with a tiny kitten that looked so skinning ( which you could see the bones sticking out ) and asked me if I could take this kitten in....

She found this kitten in her parking lot at an apartment and notice that this kitten needed help, so I took that kitten to the vet, found out the kitten is a male, had fleas all over his fur, had some kind of infection, and hasn't eaten for serveral weeks and if Cheri didn't find this kitten , he could have died....I took this kitten in my own home and raise him myself, he is doing great and is 7 years old now....

I sure hope this kitten gets better and in a loving home with families like you Liebling!....Keep us post ;)
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wow, impressive.. Liebling!
Lucky you got right kitten which age of 8 wks.. very pretty youngest baby!
I'm glad you willing taking care of kitten.. Aw so cute.. name "kim" Sound great name!
i applaud you for bringing about a good cause
cats/kitties are my weakness lol
Oh, you named the kitty after me? LOL By the way, my name is Kim. :mrgreen:
I have a major weakness for kittens and cats, myself. If I found a homeless cat/kitten, I'd take it home straight away, no matter what! I'd not heed to my husband's complaints about too many cats!!! :giggle:
OH thank god you do have a big heart for little poor kitty but she's lucky to have you guys. THANK YOU FOR THE WARM WELCOME TO KIM. I bet Kim is too comforty to be home again!

8 weeks old is pretty young on her own. I wonder what happened to her mom. :(

Dh and I will take homeless kittens home when we see them but so far, we haven't seen around here yet. We have already gotten two cats and they both are 4 years old. :(
That is so sweet, also you should look into cat insurance since its a kitten and the insurance dont work for older cats......so you get more benefits now since the kitten is really young....

I am so glad that you willing adopt Kitten at your home. God Bless you!

We just adopted a new male kitten.
We named him Garfield after the new movie. :D

It is perfect character because he is very mischievous kitten! My other cat, Pumpkin has been hissing and growling at him. We keep pushing her to getting along with Garfield.

This morning Pumpkin and Garfield stared each other. My son heard Pumpkin's loud hissing. Garfield's hissing is little and softly. So cute of sound!

I can't wait to see both of Pumpkin and Garfield to get along. Pumpkin is 4 years old. Garfield will be three months old on July 14th.

I will take a pictures of them.
Awwww, thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, and we come into contact with people or animals and experience situations because we're supposed to. So, your baby kitty was supposed to meet you on that rainy day, and now, I'm sure he feels blessed to have been adopted into your warm and loving home. :)

You're an :angel:

Sabrina said:

I am so glad that you willing adopt Kitten at your home. God Bless you!

We just adopted a new male kitten.
We named him Garfield after the new movie. :D

It is perfect character because he is very mischievous kitten! My other cat, Pumpkin has been hissing and growling at him. We keep pushing her to getting along with Garfield.

This morning Pumpkin and Garfield stared each other. My son heard Pumpkin's loud hissing. Garfield's hissing is little and softly. So cute of sound!

I can't wait to see both of Pumpkin and Garfield to get along. Pumpkin is 4 years old. Garfield will be three months old on July 14th.

I will take a pictures of them.

Yeah, it´s exactly same as Sussi, too. She still hissing & growing at Kim. I tried to keep them together. We keep our eyes on them.

I´m wondering how long take Pumpkin to accept Garfield at last? The Vet said it would take around 6 weeks to accept new pet in the family, that´s what I´m wondering about your cats.

Kim is soooo cuteee... Of course I will add the picture of her with Sussi :thumb:
awwwwww Liebling!!! u definately have a good heart to adopt the kitty! im glad u adopted her and gave her a good home! i feel bad when i see them neglected/abandoned! :(

i also have a big soft heart for kittens/cats! MizzDeaf and i have 3 cats here -- the babies are going to be 5 mos old on the 25th of this month! :D

*cat chorus* meow meow meowrrrrrr >^..^<
Update over Kim, my second cat. She´s such darling. I´m happy to have her.

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I have always wanted a cat.. I had a yellow cat that my grandparents gave it to when I was little but he ran away. :tears: I want to have a black cat and call it Midnight Blue.. but damnit my landlord wouldn't allow any animals in the duplex apartment. :mad: Oh well..when we get a house.. we will definely get a black cat. I told my DH that he should get me a cat on my b day or christmas. I love suprises.. hehe. :mrgreen:
Aww! I'm crazy abt kittens/cats. Bascially all of my cats were free... when I first moved to Wisconsin from Texas in '90 or was it '91? Anyways... there was a mother cat with her liter. They stayed with us and the people who took care of the house before we moved in just left... we thought that the cats were theirs, but no... it was camp's. So, over the years, some of the liter were either dead, ranaway, but the mother, Kali, stayed with us and her granddaughter, Allspice is with us today. One summer like seven years ago, after Kali's son, Smokey, died... later that year during Thankgiving, we got Smokey's Shadow but we nicknamed him Shadow. Shadow was such a puny little kitten... he was in a really bad shape. My parents and aunt & uncle was out singing on the street and this little grey kitten followed them whever they went so my dad (even tho with his allergies), picked up the kitten and put it in his jacket to keep the kitten warm. Dad bought the kitten over to grandparents' (that was where we were at the time) and showed me the kitten... I bascially fall in love with him. He was straving, but he knew how to use the litter box propperly heh. He is now a big, happy, and healthy. Two cats which I already had (Kali and Allspice) accepted Shadow in just few weeks. Kali became a mother to Shadow. How cute heh. Then just like two years ago, I adpoted a kitten that had a leg that wasn't working properly. I learned that the sherief found him, Stormy, on a country road and took him to the animal shelter. Stormy got his leg to be used, but a bit off. That doesn't even stop him from jumping around all over the place ha ha. There, thats my story. :) I'd not mind having a house full of cats one day! I've got two dogs and 5 cats... one of the cat is my cousin's who is living with us. I'm lucky that my dad allows us to have those pets because in texas we couldn't have them because of his allergics. Now, he still have the allergics, but he've gotten used to them, as long as they don't demand attention from him ha ha. Sorry if I rambled on heh.
Liebling:-))) said:
Update over Kim, my second cat. She´s such darling. I´m happy to have her.

Cute little cat! but it looks so scared! poor thing.....thats good you adopted