Body World


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
Premium Member
Jan 13, 2004
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I went there in Munich with my family & friends last Summer 2003. It´s very interesting, I tell you. You would feel different when you see them.
The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies . Did you heard about this?
There´re bodies donation... You can donate your body to save the funeral cost etc.
Would you do that?

See website - 14k -

We went there in Munich last summer... Very interesting, I tell you...
You feel different when you see them....

What do you think?
I read about this long ago. It looks interesting and I wouldn't mind seeing it. It would be cool to see some people grossed out too. Heh!
Bodies exposed for shows

Human body exposed in new exhibit
Friday, July 2, 2004 Posted: 10:58 AM EDT (1458 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A pregnant woman lies on her side with a hand behind her head as if posing for a nude photograph. But her dead body isn't the only thing exposed. Her heart, intestines and 8-month-old fetus are visible as well.

The woman was one of more than 200 people who donated their cadavers for use in "Body Worlds: The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies," which makes its U.S. debut Friday at the California Science Center.

Intended to teach people about human skeletal, cardiovascular and other systems, the final exhibit includes 25 bodies that have undergone a process called "plastination" in which body fluids are replaced with clear, pliable plastic.

Most have been skinned or dissected to reveal muscles, bones, nerves and organs. Some show damage done by illnesses such as cancer and lung disease.

Since debuting in Tokyo in 1996, the show has aroused controversy as well as curiosity.

continued at this linkie:

i found this quite interesting when i came across this article altho i also know its very controversial! what are your thoughts to this q
Yes, I've read about BodyWorlds in the news before and seen some pictures of displays....but the picture in the link you gave us....I felt both repulsed but interested seeing only a body with blood vessels! Yuck!!
I think it's interesting. It helps us learn more about the bodies. If people don't want to see it, then do go. That's simple as that.
Very interestin' !! :-o Yeah, it is for learnin' about the bodies. It's amazin' that we have the same what we have in our bodies.... no different from each other. We are truly human beings afterall ! :D
About a group of University students who study anatomy who has formed together a special clique group to use people's bodies and inject promidal into their bodies. The people are still alive through the surgery as the students remove layers of stuff from their body. The bodies are then displayed in the school's display hall. This student discovers and investigates this group. Really brilliant movie. Anatomie 2 is all right though.
And it's a horror movie? hmmm....quite interesting...I love horror movies!

I find this interesting Flyfree, I personally never read ' Bodyworlds ' , I think it great to learn about our body's parts and etc....

Yes, I also saw dead pregnant lady. They open her stomach to show us what baby is inside.

Also different malfornation babies, too. (saimasse twin, etc.) Many kinds of bodies. Also cancer, too...

A to Z... Very Very Very interesting, I tell you.

At first I got goose pimples when I heard about this so my friends influenced us to go there... Fansatic, I tell you when you see it. wow

I bought a book there. Very interesting story.

I remember my sons asked Guide the question about bones. They wondering that bones can grow big which it´s normally never grow. Guide explained them how the bones grow in our body is eat calcium (cheese, milk, etc.) my sons are like :eek2: & examined their body to see if they have bones inside them.
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kuifje75 said:
About a group of University students who study anatomy who has formed together a special clique group to use people's bodies and inject promidal into their bodies. The people are still alive through the surgery as the students remove layers of stuff from their body. The bodies are then displayed in the school's display hall. This student discovers and investigates this group. Really brilliant movie. Anatomie 2 is all right though.
I just looked up the movie. No wonder why I didn't recognize the title. In America, it's called Anatomy. I've already see the cover before. I guess I'll have to check it out. :thumb:
Yes, I see anatomy on TV & also DVD, too kuifje75 but it´s no good for the chlidren to see it. "horror movies"

World Body muesum is the different which it´s good for school children to learn what is this.
kuifje75 said:
About a group of University students who study anatomy who has formed together a special clique group to use people's bodies and inject promidal into their bodies. The people are still alive through the surgery as the students remove layers of stuff from their body. The bodies are then displayed in the school's display hall. This student discovers and investigates this group. Really brilliant movie. Anatomie 2 is all right though.

Interesting -- I studied Anatonmy and Physiology for a year while studying Psychology as well. That class was one fascinating class!