Postwhores and off-topic threads, let's debate! Lately, it seems that postwhores have been doing the "It's the quantities, not the quality, of the posts that count!!" for them whereas it should have been the opposite. The cardinal rule of posting, "It is the quality, not the quantity, of the post, that counts!" Too many threads have been going off-topic lately and it's because of how members here want things going their way. Too much elitism and favouritism. This is what led to a defunct forum, namely DL's demise because the administrator could not handle all the bitterness and petty words between members. The admin and moderators was so overwhelmed with PMs and emails. Don't you realize we are poor examples for our younger generation to look at us as peers? Some of us are parents and we spend more time on-line when we should be with our children?! We are practically bickering like school-aged children. Yes, I said we, meaning you and me. I didn't name any names. I just said we meaning I am not ashamed to admit my falliables. Repetitive manner such as "woe is me" and "please stop all this", this kind of behaviour must stop as well!! We all must get along with each other and take this childish behaviour to PM because personally, I am getting sick of this and would like to see AD where it was originally when I registered over a year ago.