Send condolences to Liebling

Since i don't know what going on with ur sister but now i know what happen with her that i read other thread i was shocked that ur sister has passed away...but Glad that she is not stuffer anymore.. i do understand how ur feel abt her and ects.. hang in there ok my pray for you :hug: Liebling
Thank you for your loving support. :hug: especially Kaisla for create a thread. :hug:

My famliy & I will go to London tomorrow morning and stay with my Dad until 4th June.

The cremation will be held on 1st June at 10.45 am.

I am still not feel good.

Sue & I are closed since childhood before she become addict on drugs. I have good memory what/how we grow up together and talk everything... *giggle* about boyfriends we fancy, etc... etc.... before she went wrong path.
My dearest friend Usi will drive us to Airport tomorrow. We have to get up by 4 am tomorrow
I will pray that you have a safe trip.

Liebling, just focus on the good memories. :hug:

Remember, your family did all they could to help your sister. She chose her own path, and there was nothing more you could do.
Have a safe journey and hope your visit will bring a comfort to your family to help and support each other at this difficult time.

Take care :sadwave:

Have a safe trip.... and will be always good or bad times memories treasures stored for you and help your heal pain away... Don't forget your sister held God's hand now.
I'll pray for you and family....
I'm sorry to hear about Liebling's loss :(
May you have some better feelings soon
I am so sorry Liebling my heart is with you. I hope you'll be able to come back soon.

have a safe trip and take care, Fuzzy
Thanks for let us know. I hope she'll be ok!

Tamara said:
Liebling and her husband will go to London, Great Britain next Tuesday/Wednesday by aeroplane to pay their respect for their sad loss of their sister. :sadwave:

It is wonderful to see most of ADers support you at this difficult time.
Have a safe journey to London liebling... My prayers and thoughts to you and your family. Hugz
:( :( :( OH my dearest friend Liebling!!! Words cannot express my deepest sympathy on the passing of your sweet sister!!! I know this has to be the hardest time in your life for you right now. Cherish all the memories you had with her, the love you gave to each other, all the good times and the bad, and the fun and laughter you both shared!!! Each day will become a little easier for you, and your sister will always and forever be watching over you and taking good care of you!!!
My prayers are with you and your family now dearest Liebling!!! Big hugs to you, and may God bless you with strength and comfort in the days ahead!!! :hug: :hug: :ily: :ily: :ily:
Hi I´m back!

I came home with my family from 9 days in London last night. I´m still tiring and hope to make more posts when I´m fit.

Thank you again for your loving support here. :hug:

It´s not easy for me to accept the fact that my sister is really gone. :(

My brother and half-sister and I shared a big flower "S I S T E R" for our sister. My hubby, boys & I donated a big heart flower for her... I took the picture of them and will post the picture here.

I can´t beleive it´s really her when we look at her face and talked to her (sign language to her - she can sign). It´s really hurt to say goodbye to her. My hubby & I went to see her straight way after arrived London from Germany. They want to lock her coffin after apolosy done but my Dad got them to stay her open for me. They warned me about her before I see her. I told them that it´s my problem for want to see her and sign to her. They agree to let me to see her.

My Dad, brother, niece, hubby & I are only person who allows to see her face. It´s impossible to open coffin for everyone to view on cremation because her body would be crackled/disappear... I was like huh because it´s too fast... huh? I can see that part of her nose is disappeared already. Her face is black, so they painted and powder her face to white and make up on her. We were like WHAT when they explained that it´s impossible to dress her favorite clothes on her because it could cause to crack her body... bones are very weak... We are not allow to touch her because her body are too toxic and could be diease... I was like wow because it´s rarely to know about this after have been see dead bodies often and touch or kiss them in the past. The owner said my sister is one of rare people who can´t being dress or touch.

All what we saw is her face and hair - not even hand or chest... they covered with white sheet to hide her naked body. The owner gave us piece of her hair, he cut for us to remember.

The cremation goes well and receive many loving supports from friends and relatives and have many wonderful flowers. My brother made a beautiful speech for her. It´s really hurt... We went to club after cremation, to have a little party and drink - talk good memory about her.

I will create a memorial picture with my artwork soon because my family/relatives wants to have one.

I lit the candle with the picture of my sister here.

Of course I will post pictures of her here.

I will make more post on my other thread about my sister, how she died etc. later.
Liebling, you still have my deepest condolences :hug:
My eyes got teary while I was reading your post. It is so sad but at least she is with the Lord right now.

It is so good to see you back in here again :hug:
My deepest colondolences to your family and relatives...

She knows you still love her.. everyday... and watching over you everyday..
:hug: Liebling it is very difficult to go through this, but I'm glad that you are sharing your feelings with us. You shall put your mind at ease now and not have to worry about what will happen to her next. I look forward seeing your tribute to your sister here. :hug: