Miss Deaf Texas struck by train, killed


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Feb 27, 2003
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The reigning Miss Deaf Texas died Monday afternoon after being struck by a train in Austin. Authorities say 18-year-old Tara Rose McAvoy was walking near railroad tracks when she was struck by a Union Pacific train. A witness told Austin television station K-T-B-C the train sounded its horn right up until the collision occurred.

McAvoy, who had been deaf since birth, won the state title in June. The state pageant director says she represented Texas "with dignity and pride."

McAvoy was to represent Texas at the Miss Deaf America pageant this summer.

By The Associated Press

Ouch, that's gotta hurt. She shouldn't be on the tracks because she knew that she's deaf and can't hear the train coming. Rest in peace, Rose.
Hi Alex, I was gonna post that one, do you mind if I add alittle more depth to the story?

Miss Deaf Texas Struck & Killed By Train

Austinite Tara McAvoy was the reigning Miss Deaf Texas. She graduated last
year from the Texas School For The Deaf.

On Monday, she was struck by a train and killed at the tracks between West
Mary and Oltorf in South Austin.

Just after 2 p.m. Monday, a train heading northbound hit and killed McAvoy.
Police say she was not walking on the tracks but alongside them, close enough
to put her right in harm's way.

Adam Martinez has been a security officer at the Texas School For The Deaf
for four years. He didn't know McAvoy well, but he definitely knew of her.

"My heart just feels for her," Martinez said. "She was a real nice student,
real nice... very bright. She had a bright future ahead of her."

That's easy to see if you take a look at her school profile. She was a
cheerleader and president of her class. She was on the judicial board and the
basketball team and was the reigning Miss Deaf Texas. Hers was a bright life, cut
short in a matter of seconds on railroad tracks just blocks from her school.

"We don't know if she was actually crossing," said Laura Albrecht with the
Austin Police Department. "We do know that she was just off the tracks, west of
the tracks, and then was struck by the train."

The train, heading northbound at the time, was a Union Pacific. A spokeperson
with the company tells us the conductor honked the horn several times, though
McAvoy obviously could not hear it. They also said, "Our thoughts and prayers
go out to the family of this woman. We would like for people to realize that
walking on railroad tracks is very dangerous."

Martinez says he worries about all the time about a driver and a vehicle
hitting one of the students.

"We are at a deaf school," Martinez said. "A lot of people just come out
whenever they want. They won't hear you."

And although the campus is quiet now because of spring break, Martinez says
McAvoy's loss will be felt by all the students.

"A lot of the students are going to feel sad, very sad," Martinez said. "I
believe she had a whole lot of friends, and they're like a family here. They're
like a family."

Now investigators are talking to the conductor to get more information on how
this happened, and you can count on KXAN to bring it to you as soon we get it.

To read full article (videos & pictures), go to:
I saw the story on the news this morning. Very sad. :(
This is really sad. Walking next to train track is very dangerous. God rest her soul, in a better place.
Wow, that sucks. Sorry to hear about that. I guess her runner-up will take her place. :(
My heartfelt condolences to her family and especial for the Texas School for the Deaf. :cry:
My condolences to this girls' family and friends.

The same thing happened at the CA School for the Deaf a few years ago when one of our male students was killed by a train. The tracks are at the edge of our campus. The City of Riverside took on a project to make this area safer for our students. The street that used to go over the tracks now goes under the tracks, making it safer for all.
I was shocked i read news abt Deaf Girl who is killed by train.... and can' believer that she is only 18 year old as young ... and R I P Tara
I'm very sorry to hear about this girl who was killed by train. That's really so sad!

But I don't like the way the media's thoughts because when there is a deaf person like this girl who was killed by train, they took this a big issue to announce to everyone in this nation. That disgusted me!! :mad2: It's because there are many HEARING people who were killed by train and the media didn't take it so seriously to announce to everyone in this nation. For example, there were three HEARING people who were killed by train yesterday and the media didn't take it to announce to everyone in this nation. So, the media heard about this DEAF girl who was killed by train and they decided to take it so seriously and announced to everyone in this nation.

I feel like that the media people think "Oh, no way, being deaf is way more dangerous than hearing person".

Let me tell you....my Great Aunt was killed by train in 1910's (not sure which year it was). Well, she was hearing and she was 10 years old. That day was very foggy and she can't see the train coming but boom she got hit by a train and she died. She was hearing (NOT deaf). It doesn't matter if you are deaf or hearing. Just extra careful to look out and use common sense then you'll be fine.

Media is :crazy:

Who will be the next in line to be Miss Texas?

I am sure the new Miss Deaf Texas girl never wanted it to be like this because it cost that girl her life on the train tracks.

I am sure she would prefer that Tara McAvoy was alive and that she could always try again next year for the try-outs to become the next new Miss Texas.

I know for sure if I was the vice president of a large company or something like that then the president is killed in a car accident. I would not want to take the president's position in that situation. Yes, I will be the president but it won't be the same as if I earned the right to be the president of the company on my own. You know what I mean?

It would be better if he retired from being a president to be with his wife and the family and have the happy grandchildren jumping around with joy to come visit him and his wife then I would not mind being the next president as long as it does not cost nobody their life.

God Bless Tara McAvoy and her family & friends and T.S.D. I am sure the railroad and TSD and her parents are gonna want to have the train tracks moved somewhere away from the TSD campus to keep the TSD students more safe.
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Momoftwo said:
But I don't like the way the media's thoughts because when there is a deaf person like this girl who was killed by train, they took this a big issue to announce to everyone in this nation.
I don't think that is the case. I think it's the fact that she's 'Miss Deaf Texas' is what made her tragic death 'newsworthy' in the eyes of many major news outlets.

Yes, you have a valid point otherwise.
Why does I get the weird feel in my back?

McAvoy graduated last year from the Texas School for the Deaf, attended Austin Community College and then started at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., in January, but had returned to Texas, Loeb-Hill said.

What make McAvoy return home from Gallaudet? There are many reason why she wasn't able to continue for next quarter? All I thought that someone send her to death path.
Aww that's so sad, I wouldn't walk across the train track without looking both ways.. that's scary!

My prayers are with her and her family! :(

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