Heath... Excuse me... Its so rude of you doing that. We wouldnt thank European women.. I love to being fat in my body since what is the point abt skinny women? Why in the past, I will say maybe in 1800's EVERYBODY think fat women are soooo beautiful? Right now, in the present everybody think skinny women are so beautiful? Ew, I will think women are beautiful when they are skinny with wonderful personality, why do you must THINK of body??? It hurts me. Im overweight, I admit... EVERYBODY who are fat, how they got fat by healthy problems, or depression problem, or from got pregnant with their own kids, or whatever like that. Not just because of food... NO you are very wrong. I became fat because of Insulin which my body made TOO MUCH of insulin in my blood, I got fat since. My sister became fat because of thyoid(sp). My another sister became fat because of pregnant. And my another sister became fat becuase of depression, she got bipolar. Im not very happy with you, Heath. Its very rude of you saying that, thank you alot. You digust me and all of men are digust me for looking women's LOOKS.